Çalışma ortamında kullanılan bazı malzemelerin zemin kayma seviyelerinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışma ortamlarında çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı farklı kirleticilere (su, yağlar, toz formunda maddeler, yüzey temizlik malzemeleri, vb.) maruz kalan zemin yüzey kaplamaları güvensiz koşullar oluşturmaktadır. Bu koşullar nedeniyle çalışanların aynı düzeyde kayma, tökezleme ve düşme olayına maruz kalması sonucu, kaza günü çalışmaya devam edebileceği gibi kısa-orta-uzun dönem işten uzak kalması, sakat kalması, hayatını kaybetmesi şeklinde sonuçlardan başka; tedavi masrafları, ödenen tazminatlar, işten uzak kalınması sebepleriyle ülke ekonomilerinde olumsuz etkiler yaratmaktadır. Bu sebeple, çalışma ortamlarında doğru zemin malzemesi seçilmesi, güvenliği arttırıcı önlemler alınması, hukuki cezai yaptırımlara maruz kalınmaması açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu tezde çalışma ortamlarında yaygın olarak kullanılan ve çeşitli sebeplerle farklı kirletici maddelere maruz kalan bazı zemin kaplamalarıyla, bazı ayakkabı taban malzemeleri arasındaki statik ve dinamik sürtünme katsayıları ile güvenli eğim açıları belirlenmiştir. DIN 51097 ve DIN 51130 standartlarına göre düşük kayma riski değeri 0,43? µ ve üstü kabul edilirken, ASTM ve UL ye göre güvenli kayma riski seviyesi 0,50? µ <0,60 arasında, oldukça güvenli kayma riski seviyesi 0,60?µ, güvenli kabul edilen eğim açısı 24?? olarak kabul gören referans değerlerle karşılaştırılarak zemin-taban ilişkilerinin güvenlik sınıflandırılması belirlenmiştir. Beş farklı tip taban malzemesi ile kirletilmiş 7 farklı tip yüzey malzemesi arasındaki kaymazlık özellikleri incelenmiş ve zemin yüzeyinin su, kimyasal yüzey temizleyicisi gibi kirletici maddelere maruz kalması durumlarında kayma riskinin yükseldiği anlaşılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Zemin özellikleri, düşme, çalışan sağlığı, iş güvenliği, ofis ergonomisi, yüzey pürüzlüğü,
The surface coatings exposed to different pollutants (water, oil, dust, surface cleaning materials, beverage liquids, etc.) from various sources in the working environment create unsafe conditions. As a result of these conditions, employees may experience shifts and stumbling which may result with negative consequences like treatment expenses, remunerations and compensations has negative effects on the country's economies. Five different types of base materials and pollution-corrected non-slip properties of seven different types of surface material were investigated and the risk of slippage was increased in the case of exposure to contaminants such as water and chemical surface cleaning. In this thesis, surface conditions of ground surface coatings, which are widely used in working environments exposed to various pollutants, are evaluated from safety point of view. Static and dynamic friction coefficients between shoe sole samples are measured these values are compared with reference values in the literature and related standards, has been determined. According to DIN 51097 and DIN 51130, low slip risk value is accepted as 0,42? µ and above. Safe slip risk level according to ASTM and UL is between 0,50? µ <0,60 and highly safe slip risk level is 0,60?µ, the safety classification of the ground-based relations was determined by comparing the accepted angle of inclination with the accepted reference values of 24??. The interaction between soil, floor and surface contamination was evaluated statistically. In particular, the ground surface contaminated with contaminants such as water and surface cleaners, which significantly reduces the security of the floor are studied. Key words: Floor properties, base properties, falling, employee health, occupational safety, office ergonomics, surface roughness.
The surface coatings exposed to different pollutants (water, oil, dust, surface cleaning materials, beverage liquids, etc.) from various sources in the working environment create unsafe conditions. As a result of these conditions, employees may experience shifts and stumbling which may result with negative consequences like treatment expenses, remunerations and compensations has negative effects on the country's economies. Five different types of base materials and pollution-corrected non-slip properties of seven different types of surface material were investigated and the risk of slippage was increased in the case of exposure to contaminants such as water and chemical surface cleaning. In this thesis, surface conditions of ground surface coatings, which are widely used in working environments exposed to various pollutants, are evaluated from safety point of view. Static and dynamic friction coefficients between shoe sole samples are measured these values are compared with reference values in the literature and related standards, has been determined. According to DIN 51097 and DIN 51130, low slip risk value is accepted as 0,42? µ and above. Safe slip risk level according to ASTM and UL is between 0,50? µ <0,60 and highly safe slip risk level is 0,60?µ, the safety classification of the ground-based relations was determined by comparing the accepted angle of inclination with the accepted reference values of 24??. The interaction between soil, floor and surface contamination was evaluated statistically. In particular, the ground surface contaminated with contaminants such as water and surface cleaners, which significantly reduces the security of the floor are studied. Key words: Floor properties, base properties, falling, employee health, occupational safety, office ergonomics, surface roughness.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences