Kültür endüstrisi perspektifinden değişen yemek kültürü ve medya
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Yemek, malzemelerin toparlanıp hazırlanışına, sunumundan tüketilmesine dek her sürecinde tarihi, ekonomiyi, coğrafyayı ve kültürü anlatan semboller
barındırmaktadır. Kültür taşıyıcısı ve bir iletişim biçimi olarak yemek ve beraberindeki
görünür ya da görünmez mutfak işleri, barındırdıkları sembollere; iktidar ilişkisini, çevre
politikalarını, yeme içme endüstrisi ve ekonomisini saklamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu
çalışmada Türkiye’de yeme içmenin zaman içinde dönüşümünün medyaya yansıması
incelenmiştir. Hürriyet Gazetesinin ekleri ile birlikte yeme içme kültürünü sayfalarında
nasıl gördüğü sorusunun cevabı nicel bir araştırma yapılarak aranmıştır. İçerek analizi
yöntemi kullanılarak 1980-2010 yılları arası hem metinler hem de fotoğraflar incelenmiş
ve değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma ile yeme içme eyleminin zaman içinde karın doyurma
eyleminden uzaklaştığı ve farklı anlamlar içeren eylemlere döndüğü sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Sağlıklı olabilmek ya da sağlıklı kalabilmek bu farklılaşan amaçlardan
birisidir. Yeme içmenin gusto göstergesi sayılması, üst sınıfların daha rafine zevkleri göz
önünde tutarak yeme içme seçimi yapmaları ulaşılan diğer sonuçlardan olmuştur. Yemek
hayatta kalmak için ihtiyaç duyulan en temel gereksinimken, artık barındırdığı
sembollerle farklı anlamları barındırır olmuştur.
Food contains symbols that describe history, economy, geography, and culture in every process from the collection and preparation of the ingredients to the presentation and consumption. Food as a culture carrier and a form of communication and the visible or invisible kitchen works accompanying the symbols they contain; hides the relationship of power, environmental policies, food and beverage industry, and economy. In this context, in this study, the reflection of the transformation of eating and drinking in Turkey overtime in the media has been examined. The answer to the question of how Hürriyet Newspaper and its supplements see the eating and drinking culture on its pages has been sought by conducting a quantitative research study. Using the content analysis method, both texts and photographs were examined and evaluated. With the study, it was concluded that the act of eating and drinking moved away from the act of feeding and turned into acts with different meanings over time. Being healthy or staying healthy is one of these differentiating goals. Considering eating and drinking as an indicator of gusto, and the upper classes' choosing to eat and drink by considering more refined tastes are among the other results achieved. While food is the most basic need for survival, it now has different meanings with the symbols it contains.
Food contains symbols that describe history, economy, geography, and culture in every process from the collection and preparation of the ingredients to the presentation and consumption. Food as a culture carrier and a form of communication and the visible or invisible kitchen works accompanying the symbols they contain; hides the relationship of power, environmental policies, food and beverage industry, and economy. In this context, in this study, the reflection of the transformation of eating and drinking in Turkey overtime in the media has been examined. The answer to the question of how Hürriyet Newspaper and its supplements see the eating and drinking culture on its pages has been sought by conducting a quantitative research study. Using the content analysis method, both texts and photographs were examined and evaluated. With the study, it was concluded that the act of eating and drinking moved away from the act of feeding and turned into acts with different meanings over time. Being healthy or staying healthy is one of these differentiating goals. Considering eating and drinking as an indicator of gusto, and the upper classes' choosing to eat and drink by considering more refined tastes are among the other results achieved. While food is the most basic need for survival, it now has different meanings with the symbols it contains.
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