İnterdonato limon çeşidinde yapraktan gübre uygulamasının verim ve bazı kalite özelliklerine etkileri üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET INTERDONATO LİMON ÇEŞİDİNDE YAPRAKTAN GÜBRE UYGULAMASININ VERİM VE BAZI KALİTE ÖZELLİKLERİNE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA TAŞ, Mehmet Can Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Kadir MENDİLCİOĞLU Mart 1999, 61 sayfa Tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre kurulan bahçede üre, potasyum nitrat (KNO3), monopotasyum fosfat (MKP), Fe-EDTA ve Zn-EDTA gübrelerinin tek dozları uygulanmıştır. 3 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülen çalışmada her 4 ağaç bir parseli temsil etmektedir ve deneme 15 parselden oluşmaktadır. Deneme alanının toprağı kireççe zengin, hafif alkali karakterde, tuzdan ari, organik maddece yetersiz, tınlı toprak grubuna girmektedir. Bu özellikleri ile araştırma toprağı, turunçgil tarımına uygundur. Bitkilerden alınan yaprak örneklerinin analiz sonuçlarına göre; uygulamalardan sonra yaprakların %N konsantrasyonlarında bir değişme olmamıştır. %K içeriğini B ve C uygulamaları kontrol (A) 'a göre sırasıyla %20, %25 arttırmışlardır. Artıştaki bu fark %5 düzeyinde önemli bulunmuştur. Yaprakların %P içeriği E ve D uygulamalarında kontrol (A) 'a göre %16 ve %27 oranında artmıştır. Bergman, 1986'nın kriterlerine göre yaprakların %N, P, K içerikleri yetersiz bulunmuştur. B, C, D, E uygulamalarının hepsi kontrol (A)'agöre yaprak Zn (ppm) içeriklerini artırmışlardır. Bu farklar %5 seviyesinde önemli bulunmuştur. En çok artış %53 ile C uygulamasında elde edilmiştir (46,3 ppm). Ayrıca uygulamaların hepsi yaprakların Fe (ppm) içliklerini arttırmışlardır, ancak bu fark önemli bulunmamıştır. Ancak C uygulaması yaprakların Fe (ppm) içeriğini kontrol (A)'a göre %58 oranında arttırmıştır (143 ppm). Ağaçların meyve verimine baktığımızda B,C,D ve E uygulamaları kontrole göre önemli bir artış sağlamışlardır. Bu artış %1 seviyesinde önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek verimi %15,8'lik artışla D uygulaması (79,3 kg/ağaç), sonra %13,7'lik artışla C uygulaması vermiştir (77,9 kg/ağaç). Meyve ağırlığı ve diğer kalite özelliklerine uygulamaların etkileri ele alındığında; meyve ağırlığını B(140.3g.), meyve boyunu B(8.9cm), kabuk kalınlığını E(3.79mm) ve B(3.73mm), usare miktarını E(%45.7) ve B(%44.29) uygulamalarının arttırdığı, titre edilebilir asitliği D(%8.23) ve E(%8.06) uygulamallannın azalttığı görülmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler; Limon, Yapraktan Gübreleme, Verim, Kalite
vn ABSTRACT A STUDY ON EFFECTS OF APPLICATION OF FERTILIZIE TO THE LEAVES OF INTERDONATO LEMON, ON SOME QUALITY FEATURES AND ON YIELD TAŞ, Mehmet Can MSc in, Horticulture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kadir MENDİLCİO?LU March 1999, 61 pages In the garden which was planted on random portioning tri design, single dose of urea, potassium, nitrate (KN02 monopotassium phosphate (MKP), Fe - EDTA and Zn - EDT fertilizers have been applied. Each 4 trees represented one parcel this 3 repetition study and 15 parcels have been involved to the trial. The soil of the trial field contains richly lime, some few alka free of salt and an insufficient amount of organic materials. With i these features the investigation soil is convenient for planting citn fruits. According to the analysis results of the leave samples of tl plants, after the applications N% of the leaves' concentration has r changed. K% context B and C applications' contrrol has be( increased according to (A) with rates of 20% and 25%. An increa: difference of 5% has been esteemed significant. P% context of tl leaves E and D applications' contrrol has been increased according i(A) with rates of 16% and 27%. The N,P,K% contexts of the leaves have been esteemed insufficient according to Bergman 1986 criterions. All of the B,C,D,E applications have increased their leave Zn (ppm) context according to control (A). These 5% of differences have been found important. The highest increase was determined in C application which equals to 53% (46,3 ppm). Furthermore all of the applications increased their Fe context of their leaves but this difference has not esteemed important. However C application has increased the Fe context of the leaves at a rate of 58% according to control A (143 ppm). When checking the fruit yield of the trees an important increase has been realized in B,C,D and E applications according to the control. This 1% of increase has been esteemed important. The highest yield was observed in D application with a rate of 15,8% (79,3 kg / tree) and consequently in C with a rate of 13,7% (77,9 kg / tree). When taking the effects of the applications on fruit weight and other quality features it was observed that B application has increased the fruit weight (140,3), B application has increased the fruit length (8,9 cm), E and B applications have increased the thickness of the fruit peel (3,79 mm) (3,73 mm), E and B applications have increased the fruit juice amount (45,7%) (44,29%), D and E applications have decreased the acidity (8,23%) (8,06%). Key words : lemon, fertilizing from leaf, yield, quality.
vn ABSTRACT A STUDY ON EFFECTS OF APPLICATION OF FERTILIZIE TO THE LEAVES OF INTERDONATO LEMON, ON SOME QUALITY FEATURES AND ON YIELD TAŞ, Mehmet Can MSc in, Horticulture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kadir MENDİLCİO?LU March 1999, 61 pages In the garden which was planted on random portioning tri design, single dose of urea, potassium, nitrate (KN02 monopotassium phosphate (MKP), Fe - EDTA and Zn - EDT fertilizers have been applied. Each 4 trees represented one parcel this 3 repetition study and 15 parcels have been involved to the trial. The soil of the trial field contains richly lime, some few alka free of salt and an insufficient amount of organic materials. With i these features the investigation soil is convenient for planting citn fruits. According to the analysis results of the leave samples of tl plants, after the applications N% of the leaves' concentration has r changed. K% context B and C applications' contrrol has be( increased according to (A) with rates of 20% and 25%. An increa: difference of 5% has been esteemed significant. P% context of tl leaves E and D applications' contrrol has been increased according i(A) with rates of 16% and 27%. The N,P,K% contexts of the leaves have been esteemed insufficient according to Bergman 1986 criterions. All of the B,C,D,E applications have increased their leave Zn (ppm) context according to control (A). These 5% of differences have been found important. The highest increase was determined in C application which equals to 53% (46,3 ppm). Furthermore all of the applications increased their Fe context of their leaves but this difference has not esteemed important. However C application has increased the Fe context of the leaves at a rate of 58% according to control A (143 ppm). When checking the fruit yield of the trees an important increase has been realized in B,C,D and E applications according to the control. This 1% of increase has been esteemed important. The highest yield was observed in D application with a rate of 15,8% (79,3 kg / tree) and consequently in C with a rate of 13,7% (77,9 kg / tree). When taking the effects of the applications on fruit weight and other quality features it was observed that B application has increased the fruit weight (140,3), B application has increased the fruit length (8,9 cm), E and B applications have increased the thickness of the fruit peel (3,79 mm) (3,73 mm), E and B applications have increased the fruit juice amount (45,7%) (44,29%), D and E applications have decreased the acidity (8,23%) (8,06%). Key words : lemon, fertilizing from leaf, yield, quality.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Gübreleme, Fertilization, Kalite, Quality, Limon, Lemon, Verim, Yield