İpekböceği bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: bombycidae)anterior ipek bezinde programlanmış hücre ölümüne juvenil hormon analoğu fenoxycarb'ın etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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VÖZETİPEKBÖCEĞİ BOMBYX MORI'DE (LEPIDOPTERA:BOMBYCIDAE)ANTERİOR İPEK BEZİNDE, PROGRAMLANMIŞ HÜCRE ÖLÜMÜNEJUVENİL HORMON ANALOĞU FENOXYCARB'IN ETKİSİGÖNCÜ, Nesrin EbruDoktora Tezi, Biyoloji BölümüTez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. OSMAN PARLAKŞubat,2006 200 sayfaBöceklerde deri değişimi ve metamorfoz ekdisteroidler ve metamorfoz içingerekli ekdisteroid etkilerini engelleyen juvenil hormonla yönetilir. İpek beziLepidoptera grubu böceklerin larvalarına özgü bir dokudur ve pupalaşmadan hemenönce dejenere olmaya başlar. Ekdisteroidlerden 20-hidroksiekdizonun, Bombyxmori'nin son larval evresinde anterior ipek bezinde programlanmış hücre ölümünütetikleyen steroid hormon olduğu gösterilmiştir. Ekdizonun reseptörlerinde B1izoformu (EcR B1)'nun özellikle larval dokularda baskın olarak üretildiği tespitedilmiştir. Bir diğer önemli böcek hormonu juvenil hormondur. Bu hormonunBombyx mori anterior ipek bezinde meydana gelen programlanmış hücreölümündeki rolü henüz açıklığa kavuşturulamamıştır. Fenoxycarb, O-ethyl N- (2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy)-ethyl) carbamate, farklı böcek türlerinde en etkili juvenil hormonanaloglarından birisidir. Bu çalışmada, ipekböceği Bombyx mori 5.larval evresinde,anterior ipek bezinde meydana gelen programlanmış hücre ölümüne juvenil hormonanaloğu fenoxycarb'ın etkisi araştırılmıştır.Anahtar Sözcükler: Bombyx ekdizon reseptör B1, fenoxycarb,mori,programlanmış hücre ölümü
VIIABSTRACTINVESTIGATION OF JUVENILE HORMONE ANALOGUE,FENOXYCARB EFFECT ON PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH OFANTERIOR SILK GLAND IN BOMBYX MORI(LEPIDOPTERA:BOMBYCIDAE)GÖNCÜ, Nesrin EbruPh., D Biology SectionSupervisor: Prof.Dr. OSMAN PARLAKFebruary 2006, 202 pagesInsect molting and metamorphosis are orchestrated by ecdysteroids withjuvenile hormone preventing the actions of ecdysteroids necessary for metamorphosis.Silk gland is a larval specific tissue of Lepidopteran insects and begins to degenerateshortly before pupation. It has been shown that ecdysteroids, especially 20-hydroxyecdysone, are the key steroid hormone for the programmed cell death ofanterior silk gland in final instar of Bombyx mori It has been determined that ecdysonereceptor isoform B1 (EcR B1) especially expressed predominantly in larval tissues.Another important insect hormone is juvenile hormone. The role of juvenile hormoneis not yet clear in programmed cell death of Bombyx mori anterior silk gland.Fenoxycarb, O-ethyl N-(2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy) -ethyl) carbamate is one of the mostpotent juvenile hormone analogues against a variety of insect species. In this study, wehave been carried out the effect of fenoxycarb on programmed cell death of anteriorsilk gland in fifth instar larvae of Bombyx mori. This effect has been considered withchanges in ecdysone receptor B1, one of the receptor isoform of 20-hydoxyecdysone,which is known to trigger programmed cell death and changes in this physiologicevent timing have been determined.Keywords: Bombyx mori, Ecdysone receptor B1, fenoxycarb, programmed celldeath
VIIABSTRACTINVESTIGATION OF JUVENILE HORMONE ANALOGUE,FENOXYCARB EFFECT ON PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH OFANTERIOR SILK GLAND IN BOMBYX MORI(LEPIDOPTERA:BOMBYCIDAE)GÖNCÜ, Nesrin EbruPh., D Biology SectionSupervisor: Prof.Dr. OSMAN PARLAKFebruary 2006, 202 pagesInsect molting and metamorphosis are orchestrated by ecdysteroids withjuvenile hormone preventing the actions of ecdysteroids necessary for metamorphosis.Silk gland is a larval specific tissue of Lepidopteran insects and begins to degenerateshortly before pupation. It has been shown that ecdysteroids, especially 20-hydroxyecdysone, are the key steroid hormone for the programmed cell death ofanterior silk gland in final instar of Bombyx mori It has been determined that ecdysonereceptor isoform B1 (EcR B1) especially expressed predominantly in larval tissues.Another important insect hormone is juvenile hormone. The role of juvenile hormoneis not yet clear in programmed cell death of Bombyx mori anterior silk gland.Fenoxycarb, O-ethyl N-(2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy) -ethyl) carbamate is one of the mostpotent juvenile hormone analogues against a variety of insect species. In this study, wehave been carried out the effect of fenoxycarb on programmed cell death of anteriorsilk gland in fifth instar larvae of Bombyx mori. This effect has been considered withchanges in ecdysone receptor B1, one of the receptor isoform of 20-hydoxyecdysone,which is known to trigger programmed cell death and changes in this physiologicevent timing have been determined.Keywords: Bombyx mori, Ecdysone receptor B1, fenoxycarb, programmed celldeath
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Zooloji, Zoology, İpek böceği, Silkworm