Toprak solarizasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
38 ÖZET Solarizasyon, toprakta bitki sağlığı ve gelişmesine yararlı fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik değişmeler oluşturabilen yeni bir dezenfeksiyon yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada ilk önce solarizasyon tanıtılarak genel esasları açıklanmış ve etki spektrumundan bahsedilmiştir. Daha sonra solarizasyonun fiziksel görünüşü ve solarizasyonda kullanılan plastikler deki gelişmeler anlatılmıştır. 1992 yaz aylarında Antalya Seracılık Araştırma Enstitüsü ' nde malçlı sera, malçsız sera ve malçlı tarlada yapılan deneyler sonucu elde edilen sıcaklık değerleri üzerinde yorumlar yapılmış ve malçlı seralarda elde edilen sıcaklık değerleri en iyi olarak karşımıza çıkmıştır. Yine malçlı sera ve malçsız sera arasında bir ilişki aranmış ve ikisi arasında doğrusal bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır
39 SUMMARY The soil solarization is a new disinfestation methot is able to cause physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil for plant growing. In this study, first the soil solarization was defined and explained and investigated the their effect spectrum. Later, solarization physical aspect and improvement in polyethylene which was used in solarization were explained. The resulsts which were obtained by making experiment in the mulched greenhouse, unmulched greenhouse and mulched field in the 1992 summer months were interpreted and temperatures obtained in the mulched greenhouse were the best and the relationship between the mulched and the unmulched greenhouse were investigated and determinated a linear relationship between then.
39 SUMMARY The soil solarization is a new disinfestation methot is able to cause physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil for plant growing. In this study, first the soil solarization was defined and explained and investigated the their effect spectrum. Later, solarization physical aspect and improvement in polyethylene which was used in solarization were explained. The resulsts which were obtained by making experiment in the mulched greenhouse, unmulched greenhouse and mulched field in the 1992 summer months were interpreted and temperatures obtained in the mulched greenhouse were the best and the relationship between the mulched and the unmulched greenhouse were investigated and determinated a linear relationship between then.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Ziraat, Agriculture, Güneş enerjisi, Solar energy, Solarizasyon, Solarization, Toprak, Soil, Zirai mücadele, Pest management