Petrozektomi ve transpetrozal girişim
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Petrozektomiler anterior ve posterior olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Keza posterior petrozektomiler de 3 gruba ayrılmaktadırlar; retrolabirintin teknik işitmenin korunmasını sağlayan petroz kemik rezeksiyonu, translabirintin teknik işitmenin olmadığı olgularda uygulanan petroz kemik rezeksiyonu, transkoklear teknik ise işitmeyi ortadan kaldıran ve fasial sinir transpozisyonu ile birlikte yapılan tam petroz kemik rezeksiyonudur. Kliniğimizde ameliyat edilen 14 olgudan 7 'sinde retrolabirintin teknik uygulanırken 7 olguda da translabirintin teknik kullanılmıştır Olgularımızın 7 'si kadın, 7'si erkek olup yaş ortalamaları 42,2 yıldır. Olguların 4' ü petroklival meningioma, 2 'si petroz kemik epidermoid tümörü, 3' ü dış kulak yolu tümörü, 1' i akustik nörinoma ,V i epidermoid tümör,l' i plazmositoma 1 'i beyin sapı gliomu ve 1' i de medulloblastoma olarak tanı almışlardır. Olgularımızda ölüm yoktur.
Petrosectomy has two types; anterior and posterior petrosectomy. Posterior petrosectomy is subdivided into three variations; retrolabyrinthine technique (petrous bone resection with preversation of hearing), translabyrinthine technique (greater petrous bone resection and sacrifice of hearing), and transcochlear technique (maximal petrous drilling and sacrifice of hearing with transposition of the facial nerve). While 7 out of 14 cases were operated by trans-labyrinthine technique, in other 7 cases retrolabyrintine intervention was used. Patients' ages ranged from 17 to 67 years (mean age 42,2 years), with 7 male and 7 female patients. Histopathological diagnoses were as follows; petroclival meningioma in four cases, petrous bone epidermoid tumor in two cases, outer auricular tumor in three cases, acustic neuroma in one case, plasmocytoma in one case, brainstem glioma in one case and medulloblastoma in one case. There was no mortality.
Petrosectomy has two types; anterior and posterior petrosectomy. Posterior petrosectomy is subdivided into three variations; retrolabyrinthine technique (petrous bone resection with preversation of hearing), translabyrinthine technique (greater petrous bone resection and sacrifice of hearing), and transcochlear technique (maximal petrous drilling and sacrifice of hearing with transposition of the facial nerve). While 7 out of 14 cases were operated by trans-labyrinthine technique, in other 7 cases retrolabyrintine intervention was used. Patients' ages ranged from 17 to 67 years (mean age 42,2 years), with 7 male and 7 female patients. Histopathological diagnoses were as follows; petroclival meningioma in four cases, petrous bone epidermoid tumor in two cases, outer auricular tumor in three cases, acustic neuroma in one case, plasmocytoma in one case, brainstem glioma in one case and medulloblastoma in one case. There was no mortality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, Nörolojik Bilimler
Türk Nöroşirürji Derg.
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Scopus Q Değeri