Genç bisikletçilerde 4. 0 mmol / l laktat eşik değerinin labaratuvar ve pist koşullarında karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Tipik bir dayanıklılık sporu olan bisiklette, sporcuların "performanslarının değerlendirilmesi ve anaerobik eşik yüklerinin saptanması ile bunlar ışığında sahadaki antrenmanların bilimsel açıdan uygulanması bu araştırmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 16.6±1.9 olan 11 erkek yol bisikletçisi katıldı. Sporcuların laboratuvarda aerobik güç ve anaerobik eşik testleri ayrı günlerde yapıldı. Aerobik güç testinde maksimal oksijen kullanımları direkt ve indirekt yöntemle saptandı ve maksimal güç düzeyleri belirlendi. Anaerobik eşik testinde sporcuların 4 mmol/l laktat eşiğindeki güç değerleri ve kalp atım sayıları bulundu. Sporculara başka bir gün uygulanan saha testinde, 20 dakika süreli ve kesintisiz devam eden üç ayrı hızdaki laktik asid değerleri ve kalp atım sayıları saptandı. Laboratuvar ve saha testleri sonucunda elde edilen veriler arasındaki korrelasyonlar SPSS for Windows istatistik programı ile, farklılık değerlendirmesi Wilcoxon eşleştirilmiş iki örnek testi ile yapıldı. Bisikletçilerde farklı protokoller kullanılarak yapılan laboratuvar ve saha anaerobik eşik testleri arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanamadı. Laboratuvar testlerinden elde edilen maksimal kalp atım sayılarının %78.8±7.8'i ile %84.3±6.5'i arasında; eşik kalp hızlarının ise %87.2±10.6'sı ile %93.1±8.6'sı arasında kalacak iş yüklerinde antrenman yapmaları durumunda dayanıklılıklarını geliştirebilecekleri düşünüldü. 33
SUMMARY The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the "performance and anaerobic threshold levels of endurance cyclists and to apply these findings to the training in the field in a scientific approach. Male road cyclists (n=11), aged 16.6±1.9 participated in the study. Aerobic power and anaerobic threshold tests were performed on the different day Maximal oxygen consumption was measured both directly and indirectly during the aerobic power test In the anaerobic threshold test, power output and heart rate at the 4.0 mmol/l blood lactate level were determined. In a field test applied during another day, using three steps of 20 min duration and incremental speed, blood lactate levels and heart rates were measured at the end of each step. The correlations between laboratory and field tests were established using the SPSS for Windows statistical program, and the statistical differences were assessed using paired two sample Wilcoxon test. No significant correlation was found between laboratory and field tests using different protocols. It was concluded that cyclists could improve their endurance levels using workouts between 78.8+7 8% to 84.3±6.5% of their maximal heart rate, and between 87.2±10.6% to 93.1±8.6% of their threshold heart rates obtained in the laboratory tests. 34
SUMMARY The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the "performance and anaerobic threshold levels of endurance cyclists and to apply these findings to the training in the field in a scientific approach. Male road cyclists (n=11), aged 16.6±1.9 participated in the study. Aerobic power and anaerobic threshold tests were performed on the different day Maximal oxygen consumption was measured both directly and indirectly during the aerobic power test In the anaerobic threshold test, power output and heart rate at the 4.0 mmol/l blood lactate level were determined. In a field test applied during another day, using three steps of 20 min duration and incremental speed, blood lactate levels and heart rates were measured at the end of each step. The correlations between laboratory and field tests were established using the SPSS for Windows statistical program, and the statistical differences were assessed using paired two sample Wilcoxon test. No significant correlation was found between laboratory and field tests using different protocols. It was concluded that cyclists could improve their endurance levels using workouts between 78.8+7 8% to 84.3±6.5% of their maximal heart rate, and between 87.2±10.6% to 93.1±8.6% of their threshold heart rates obtained in the laboratory tests. 34
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Spor, Sports, Bisiklete binme, Bicycling, Egzersiz testi, Exercise test, Laktatlar, Lactates, Performans değerlendirme, Performance evaluation