Böbrek Kök Hücreleri
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Böbrek hastalıkları yüksek morbidite ve mortalite ile ilişkili olan, öncelikli olarak üzerinde çalışılması gereken hastalıklardandır. Akut ve kronik böbrek hastalığının gelişimi renal onarımın işlev gösterememesine bağlıdır. Embriyonik progenitör hücreler nefron epitellerinin çeşitli tiplerine farklanabilen ve çoğalan böbrek hücrelerinin öncüsüdür. Fetal renal progenitör hücreler kısmi olarak kendini yenileme özelliğine sahiptir. İnsanda yetişkin böbrekte tam bir nefron rejenerasyonu mümkün değildir. Progenitör benzeri hücreler sürekli olarak bir hasar ya da fizyolojik bir süreç boyunca kaybolan hücrelerin yerini almaktadır. Bu hücreler in vitro olarak epitelyal ve endotelyal hücrelere dönüştürülmüştür. Kök hücrenin hasarlı böbreğe uygulanması rejeneratif tedavi seçeneklerinden birisidir. Yapılan çalışmalar ile kronik böbrek hastalığının, greft rejeksiyonunun ve diğer böbrek hastalıklarının kök hücre tedavisi ile geri çevrilebileceği, nefron veya diğer yapıların bu tedavi ile yenilenebileceği gösterilmiştir. Böbrek hastalıklarında, organ naklinde ve işlevsel organ üretmede en iyi aday kök hücredir. Bu yöntemin başarısı hücrenin farklanabilme, varolan dokuya girebilme yeteneğine ve renoprotektif faktörleri salgılayabilme kapasitesine bağlıdır.
Kidney diseases, related to high morbidity and mortality, are one of the diseases that should be primarily investigated. Development of acute and chronic kidney diseases is due to lack of functioning renal repair mechanisms. Embryonic progenitor cells are precursors of renal cells that are able to differentiate to several types of nephron epithelium. Fetal renal progenitor cells are partially capable of self-renewal. In the adult human kidney, whole nephron regeneration is not possible. Progenitor-like cells continuously replace the cells that are lost physiologically or by damage. These cells have been differentiated to epithelial and endothelial cells in vitro. Transplantation of stem cells to the damaged kidney is one of the regenerative therapy options. In recent studies, it has been shown that chronic kidney disease, graft rejection and other kidney diseases could be treated and nephrons and other structures could be regenerated by stem cell therapy. Stem cells are the best candidates for the treatment of kidney diseases, organ transplantation and producing a functional organ. The success of this method is due to the ability of the cells to differentiate, to penetrate the existing tissue and the capacity of the cells to secrete renoprotective factors.
Kidney diseases, related to high morbidity and mortality, are one of the diseases that should be primarily investigated. Development of acute and chronic kidney diseases is due to lack of functioning renal repair mechanisms. Embryonic progenitor cells are precursors of renal cells that are able to differentiate to several types of nephron epithelium. Fetal renal progenitor cells are partially capable of self-renewal. In the adult human kidney, whole nephron regeneration is not possible. Progenitor-like cells continuously replace the cells that are lost physiologically or by damage. These cells have been differentiated to epithelial and endothelial cells in vitro. Transplantation of stem cells to the damaged kidney is one of the regenerative therapy options. In recent studies, it has been shown that chronic kidney disease, graft rejection and other kidney diseases could be treated and nephrons and other structures could be regenerated by stem cell therapy. Stem cells are the best candidates for the treatment of kidney diseases, organ transplantation and producing a functional organ. The success of this method is due to the ability of the cells to differentiate, to penetrate the existing tissue and the capacity of the cells to secrete renoprotective factors.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi
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