Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’ne Başvuran Hastalarda Varisella Zoster Virüs Serolojik Test Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi
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Amaç: Herpesviridae ailesinin bir üyesi olan varisella zoster virüs (VZV) klinikleri farklı olan varisella (suçiçeği) ve zona (herpes zoster) hastalıklarının etiyolojisinden sorumlu bir virüstür. Doğru tanı ile tedavi edilebilir bir enfeksiyon etkeni olan VZV antivirallere duyarlıdır. Serolojik tanıda VZV IgG testi özellikle kişinin etkenle karşılaşıp karşılaşmadığını göstermek açısından önemlidir. VZV IgG avidite testleri eski enfeksiyonu ayırt etmede yararlıdır, ancak henüz standart değildir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, rutin tanıda yeni kullanmaya başladığımız VZV IgM ve IgG enzim immunoassay (EIA) testlerinin ve VZV IgG avidite testinin değerlendirilmesi ve rutin laboratuvar tanı yaklaşımımızı belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Viroloji laboratuvarına VZV enfeksiyonu ön tanısı ya da viral tarama testleri istemi nedeniyle gelen 5884 VZV IgG ve 3570 VZV IgM testi, VZV IgG testi uygulandı. Bulgular: Üç bin beş yüz yetmiş örnekte uygulanan VZV IgM testinin %7.6'sı (273 örnek) pozitif, %3.4'ü (120 örnek) sınır değer ve %89 (3177) negatif olarak bulundu. VZV IgG testinde de pozitif, negatif ve sınır değer olarak saptanan hasta sayısı sırası ile 4251 (%72.2), 1363 (%23.2) ve 270 (%4.6) idi. Klinik olarak suçiçeği düşünülmeyen ancak VZV IgM testi yinelendiğinde de pozitif çıkan 15, suçiçeği kliniği olan ve VZV IgM testi pozitif saptanan iki ve VZV IgM testinin sınır değer çıkıp yinelendiğinde pozitif/sınır değer/negatif çıkan 7, toplam 24 örnekte VZV IgG avidite testi çalışıldı. Olguların hiçbirinde düşük avidite indeksi saptanmadı. Dört olguda avidite indeksi sınır değer olarak saptandı. Tüm diğer örneklerde avidite indeksi yüksek saptandı.Sonuç: Klinik enfeksiyonun bulunmadığı durumlarda, akut enfeksiyon tanısının onaykanmasında, VZV IgM EIA testinin uygun bir test olmadığı düşünülmektedir. VZV IgM testlerinin beklenmedik pozitifliği, izotip antikorların saptanmasındaki standardizasyon eksikliği ile ilgilidir. VZV IgG avidite testi tanıda yardımcı değildir. Bu çalışmada, VZV IgM ve IgG avidite EIA testlerinin akut enfeksiyon tanısında yararının sınırlı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır
Objective: Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a member of Herpesviridae family and is the responsible etiological agent in two clinical forms as varicella (chicken pox) and zona (herpes zoster). VZV which is the infectious agent of a treatable infection based on accurate diagnosis is susceptible to antivirals. Serologic VZV IgG avidity test is important as VZV Ig G test shows whether the patient has ever acquired this infectionVZV IgG avidity test helps to distinguish recent infection from the past; but is not standardized yet. The aim of this study is to evaluate the VZV IgM and IgG enzyme immunoassay (EIA) tests and VZV IgG avidity test which we have started to use routinely and to determine our routine laboratory diagnostic approach. Material and Methods: A total of 5884 VZV IgG and 3570 VZV IgM test and VZV IgG avidity test were performed in the patients’ sera with the pre-diagnosis of VZV infection or request for viral screening tests.Results: In this study, of the 3570 samples tested with VZV IgM; 7.6% (273 samples) were positive, 3.4% (120 samples) were borderline and 89% (3177) were negative. The number of VZV IgG positive, negative, and borderline results were 4251 (72.2%), 1363 (23.2%) and 270 (4.6%) respectively. VZV IgG avidity test was performed in a total of 24 samples including 15 samples clinically not thought to be associated with varicella yet repeated VZV IgM test result was positive for the disease, 2 samples of the patients with clinical manifestations of varicella, and 7 samples of the patients whose initial VZV IgM test gave borderline positivity, however when the test was repeated it yielded positive/borderline/negative result. Lower avidity indices were not detected in any case, In only 4 cases borderline avidity index value was detected., while the remaining samples had high avidity indices. Conclusion: In conclusion the VZV IgM enzyme immunoassay test is not considered to be a suitable test in the confirmation of the diagnosis of acute infection in the absence of clinical infection . Unexpected positivity in VZV IgM tests is related to the lack of standardization of EIA for the detection of these isotype antibodies. The VZV IgG avidity test has not helped for the diagnosis. The utility of VZV IgM and IgG avidity EIA tests were considered to be limited in diagnosing acute infection
Objective: Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a member of Herpesviridae family and is the responsible etiological agent in two clinical forms as varicella (chicken pox) and zona (herpes zoster). VZV which is the infectious agent of a treatable infection based on accurate diagnosis is susceptible to antivirals. Serologic VZV IgG avidity test is important as VZV Ig G test shows whether the patient has ever acquired this infectionVZV IgG avidity test helps to distinguish recent infection from the past; but is not standardized yet. The aim of this study is to evaluate the VZV IgM and IgG enzyme immunoassay (EIA) tests and VZV IgG avidity test which we have started to use routinely and to determine our routine laboratory diagnostic approach. Material and Methods: A total of 5884 VZV IgG and 3570 VZV IgM test and VZV IgG avidity test were performed in the patients’ sera with the pre-diagnosis of VZV infection or request for viral screening tests.Results: In this study, of the 3570 samples tested with VZV IgM; 7.6% (273 samples) were positive, 3.4% (120 samples) were borderline and 89% (3177) were negative. The number of VZV IgG positive, negative, and borderline results were 4251 (72.2%), 1363 (23.2%) and 270 (4.6%) respectively. VZV IgG avidity test was performed in a total of 24 samples including 15 samples clinically not thought to be associated with varicella yet repeated VZV IgM test result was positive for the disease, 2 samples of the patients with clinical manifestations of varicella, and 7 samples of the patients whose initial VZV IgM test gave borderline positivity, however when the test was repeated it yielded positive/borderline/negative result. Lower avidity indices were not detected in any case, In only 4 cases borderline avidity index value was detected., while the remaining samples had high avidity indices. Conclusion: In conclusion the VZV IgM enzyme immunoassay test is not considered to be a suitable test in the confirmation of the diagnosis of acute infection in the absence of clinical infection . Unexpected positivity in VZV IgM tests is related to the lack of standardization of EIA for the detection of these isotype antibodies. The VZV IgG avidity test has not helped for the diagnosis. The utility of VZV IgM and IgG avidity EIA tests were considered to be limited in diagnosing acute infection
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