Thyroid gland hormones and determination of lodine in human breast milk using a kinetic method
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET TÎROÎD BEZÎ HORMONLARI VE KİNETİK BİR YÖNTEM KULLANILARAK ANNE SÜTÜNDE İYOT TAYİNİ Uğur AVCIBAŞI Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Prof.Dr. Turhan ALTUNATA 1997, 49 sayfa îdrar ve süt gibi biyolojik sıvıların iyot içeriği, tiroid rahatsızlıklarının metabolik ve epidemilojik çalışmaları için gereklidir. Ce (IV) ve As(III) arasındaki redoks reaksiyonu üzerine iyodürün katalitik etkisi ilk olarak Sandell ve Kolthoff(Heerspink and DeWeegh, 1972) tarafından çalışılmıştır. Metod üzerinde zamanla bir takım değişiklikler yapılmış ve bu şekliyle biyolojik materyallerde(Miller, 1962; Aumont and Tressol, 1986), doğa sularmda(Barkley and Thomson, 1960) ve deniz suyunda(Dubraveic, 1955; Truesdale and Smith, 1975) iyot tayini yapılmıştır. Bu Metod AOAC'nin(Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Offical Analytical Chemists)(30th edition AOAC, 1980)) resmi bir metodudur. Bu metod uygalama kolaylığının olması ve hassas sonuçlar vermesi nedeniyle bu tür çalışmalarda en fazla tercih edilen metoddur. Bu çalışmada, farklı annelerden temin edilen anne sütü örneklerinde ve değişik marka market sütlerinde iyot miktarı tayin edilmiştir.Anne sütü örnekleri Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları bölümünden temin edilmiştir. 32 tane anneden alman örneklerdeki toplam iyot miktarı 26.4 ng.g" 1-93.2 ng.g'l arasında bulunmuştur. Eğer anne sütündeki toplam iyot miktarı 3 ug/1 den daha az olarak bulunsaydı, iyot eksikliğinin sebep olduğu Endemik Guatır denen bir hastalık söz konusu olacaktı. Ancak hiçbir değer bu limitin altında çıkmamıştır. Dolayısıyla ölçülen örnerlerde herhangi bir klinik durum söz konusu değildir. Ayrıca, mevcut örneklerin dışında, 11 farklı anne sütünde, toplam iyot ve serumlardaki iyot tayin edilmiş böylece organik iyot içerikleri saptanmıştır
ABSTRACT THYROID GLAND HORMONES AND DETERMINATION OF IODINE IN HUMAN BREAST MILK USING A KINETIC METHOD AVCIBAŞI, Uğur MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor:Prof.Dr.Turhan ALTUNATA 1997, 49 pages The iodine content of biological fluids such as urine and milk is often required for nutritional, metabolic and epidemiological studies of throid disorders. The catalytic action of iodide on the redox reaction between Cerium(IV) and Arsenic(III) was first studied in detail by Sandell and Kolthoff(Heerpsink and DeWeegh, 1972). The method has been subject to numerous modifications and has been widely applied to the determination of iodine in biological materials(Miller et al., 1962; aumont and Tressol, 1986), natural waters(Dubravcic, 1955; Trucsdalel and Smith, 1975) and sea water(Barkley and Thomson, 1960) Sandell-Kolthoff reaction is the offical method of the AOAC(30th Edition AOAC, 1960). This method is recommended owing to its precision and operational simplicity. In this work, the amount of iodine in some different human breast milks has been determined. These samples have been taken from Ege University Hospital, Department of Health and Disease of Childeren. The total amount of iodine has been found to lie between 26.4ng.g~l - 93.2 ng.g". If the amount of iodine in human breast milk appears to be less than 3 ug/1, a disease called "Endemic Goitre" which is caused by the lack of iodine in the environment occurs. Besides in this investigation, total iodine and iodine in the serum were determined in the eleven different human breast milks, thus organic iodine was designated.
ABSTRACT THYROID GLAND HORMONES AND DETERMINATION OF IODINE IN HUMAN BREAST MILK USING A KINETIC METHOD AVCIBAŞI, Uğur MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor:Prof.Dr.Turhan ALTUNATA 1997, 49 pages The iodine content of biological fluids such as urine and milk is often required for nutritional, metabolic and epidemiological studies of throid disorders. The catalytic action of iodide on the redox reaction between Cerium(IV) and Arsenic(III) was first studied in detail by Sandell and Kolthoff(Heerpsink and DeWeegh, 1972). The method has been subject to numerous modifications and has been widely applied to the determination of iodine in biological materials(Miller et al., 1962; aumont and Tressol, 1986), natural waters(Dubravcic, 1955; Trucsdalel and Smith, 1975) and sea water(Barkley and Thomson, 1960) Sandell-Kolthoff reaction is the offical method of the AOAC(30th Edition AOAC, 1960). This method is recommended owing to its precision and operational simplicity. In this work, the amount of iodine in some different human breast milks has been determined. These samples have been taken from Ege University Hospital, Department of Health and Disease of Childeren. The total amount of iodine has been found to lie between 26.4ng.g~l - 93.2 ng.g". If the amount of iodine in human breast milk appears to be less than 3 ug/1, a disease called "Endemic Goitre" which is caused by the lack of iodine in the environment occurs. Besides in this investigation, total iodine and iodine in the serum were determined in the eleven different human breast milks, thus organic iodine was designated.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Anne sütü, Milk-human, Tiroid bezi, Thyroid gland, İyot, Iodine