Bağ küllemesi (uncinula necator (schw. ) burr. )'ne karşı alternatif savaşım yöntemleri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET BAĞ KÜLLEMESİ (Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr.)'NE KARŞI ALTERNATİF SAVAŞIM YÖNTEMLERİ ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR YILDIRIM, îsmet Doktora Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Pro£ Dr. Ersin ONOĞUR Haziran 1999, 140 sayfa Bu tezde Bağ Küllemesi {Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr.)'ne karşı doğal kökenli Na2Si03, K2Si03, KH2P04 ve NaHC03 ile film oluşturan bir polimer olan di-1-p-menthen'in klasik ve sistemik fungisitlere alternatif olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacakları ve ayrıca KEfePCVın sistemik dayanıklılığı uyarıcı etkisi araştırılmıştır. Söz konusu alternatif maddeler su ağan ortamında U. necator komdilerinin çimlenmesini ve appressoryum gelişimlerini inhibe etmişlerdir. Saksı koşullarında infeksiyon öncesi NaHC03 (%2, %1, %0.5), KH2PO4 (%2, %1), Na2Si03 ve di-1-p-menthen uygulanan yapraklarda Bağ Küllemesine karşı inokulasyondan 11 gün sonraya kadar önemli oranda koruyuculuk sağlanmışlardır. Külleme kolonileri infeksiyon sonrası NaHC03 (%2, %1, %0.5) uygulanan genç yapraklarda 6 gün süreyle, infeksiyon öncesi ve sonrası olmak üzere 2 kez NaHC03 (%2), KH2P04 (%2, %1), Na2Si03, K2Sİ03 ve di-1-p-menthen uygulamasıyapılan yaşlı yapraklarda ise 7 gün süreyle değişen oranlarda inhibe olmuşlardır. Koloni taşıyan hastalıklı yapraklara KH2P04 (%2, %1, %0.5) uygulamasından 4 ve 10 gün sonra bu yapraklan izleyen sağlıklı yapraklarda sistemik dayanıklılığın uyarıldığı ve kontrole göre son derece az sayıda koloni geliştiği belirlenmiştir. Bağ denemeleri, hastalığa yakalanma riski yüksek ve düşük olmak üzere 2 farklı bağda yapılmıştır. Bağ Kütlemesine karşı çiçek sonrası dönemde 12 günlük aralıklarla uygulanan KH2PO4 + kükürt (WP) karışımı ve KH2PO4 - di-1-p-menthen dönüşümlü ilaçlama programlan her iki bağda yüksek oranda etkililik göstermişlerdir. K2SİO3 + kükürt karışımı ve tek başına NaHCXVdan oluşan ilaçlama programlan ise, infeksiyon basıncının daha düşük olduğu bağda yüksek oranda etkililik gösterdikleri belirlenmiştir. Her iki bağdaki deneme parsellerinden alman salkım örnekleri üzerinde yapılan brix ölçümlerinde, ilaçlama programlarının tanelerin şeker içeriklerine olumsuz etlcilerinin olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda NaHC03, KH2P04, Na2Si03, K2Si03 ve di-l-p- menthen'in kükürt ve sistemik fugisitlere alternatif olarak veya onlarla birlikte bir program dahilinde Bağ Küllemesine karşı savaşımda kullanılabilecekleri ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar sözcükler Uncimtla necator, Külleme Hastalığı, alternatif savaşım, organik tanm
VII ABSTRACT THE STUDIES ON ALTERNATIVE CONTROL METHODS AGAINST POWDERY MILDEW (Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr.) OF GRAPE YILDIRIM, İsmet PhD Thesis, Plant Protection Department Supervisor: Prof Dr. Ersin ONO?UR June 1999, 140 pages In this thesis, it was studied that whether naturally originated Na2Si03, K2SİO3, KH2PO4 and NaHC03, and a di-1-p-menthene which is a polymer forming film could be used as alternative to classical and systemic fungicides against powdery mildew of grape. In addition, stimulative effect of KH2PO4 on systemic resistance was also searched. These alternative substances, in question, inhibited the growth of appressorium and spore germination of conidia of U. necator on water agar medium. Prevention of significant level up to 11 days after inoculation were provided on the leaves where NaHC03 (2%, 1% and 0.5%), KH2P04 (2%and 1%), Na2Si03 and di-1-p-menthen were applied pre-infection against powdery mildew in pot condition. Colonies of powdery mildew were inhibited at same degree for 6 days on young leaves where NaHC03 (2%, 1% and 0.5%) were treated post infection. However, inhibition was shown 7 days on old leaves where NaHC03 (2%), KH2P04 (2% and 1%),Na2SiC>3, K2SİO3 and di-1-p-menthen were applied two times as pre- infection and post infection- It was found that as low number as colonies were counted compare to control and systemic resistance was stimulated on following healthy leaves after 4 to 10 days from application of KH2P04 (2%, 1% and 0.5%) on the diseased leaves with conidia. Vine experiments were conducted in two different orchards with high and low disease risk. A mixture of KH2PO4 and sulphur (WP) and KH2PO4 or di-1-p-menthen return application programs applied in 12 days interval in the period after flowering against powdery mildew were found high effectiveness in both vine orchards. Application programs consist of the mixture of K2SİO3 and sulphur (WP) mixture and NaHC03 alone showed also high effectiveness in the vineyard where infection pressure was relatively low. In addition, none of the application programs was negative effectiveness on the sugar content of the grape berries. In this study, it is found that NaHC03, KH2P04, K2SİO3, Na2Si03 and di-1-p-menthen could be an alternative to sulphur and systemic fungicides or could be used together in a program in controlling powdery mildew of vine. Keywords: Uncinula necator, Powdery Mildew, alternative control, organic farming.
VII ABSTRACT THE STUDIES ON ALTERNATIVE CONTROL METHODS AGAINST POWDERY MILDEW (Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr.) OF GRAPE YILDIRIM, İsmet PhD Thesis, Plant Protection Department Supervisor: Prof Dr. Ersin ONO?UR June 1999, 140 pages In this thesis, it was studied that whether naturally originated Na2Si03, K2SİO3, KH2PO4 and NaHC03, and a di-1-p-menthene which is a polymer forming film could be used as alternative to classical and systemic fungicides against powdery mildew of grape. In addition, stimulative effect of KH2PO4 on systemic resistance was also searched. These alternative substances, in question, inhibited the growth of appressorium and spore germination of conidia of U. necator on water agar medium. Prevention of significant level up to 11 days after inoculation were provided on the leaves where NaHC03 (2%, 1% and 0.5%), KH2P04 (2%and 1%), Na2Si03 and di-1-p-menthen were applied pre-infection against powdery mildew in pot condition. Colonies of powdery mildew were inhibited at same degree for 6 days on young leaves where NaHC03 (2%, 1% and 0.5%) were treated post infection. However, inhibition was shown 7 days on old leaves where NaHC03 (2%), KH2P04 (2% and 1%),Na2SiC>3, K2SİO3 and di-1-p-menthen were applied two times as pre- infection and post infection- It was found that as low number as colonies were counted compare to control and systemic resistance was stimulated on following healthy leaves after 4 to 10 days from application of KH2P04 (2%, 1% and 0.5%) on the diseased leaves with conidia. Vine experiments were conducted in two different orchards with high and low disease risk. A mixture of KH2PO4 and sulphur (WP) and KH2PO4 or di-1-p-menthen return application programs applied in 12 days interval in the period after flowering against powdery mildew were found high effectiveness in both vine orchards. Application programs consist of the mixture of K2SİO3 and sulphur (WP) mixture and NaHC03 alone showed also high effectiveness in the vineyard where infection pressure was relatively low. In addition, none of the application programs was negative effectiveness on the sugar content of the grape berries. In this study, it is found that NaHC03, KH2P04, K2SİO3, Na2Si03 and di-1-p-menthen could be an alternative to sulphur and systemic fungicides or could be used together in a program in controlling powdery mildew of vine. Keywords: Uncinula necator, Powdery Mildew, alternative control, organic farming.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Fungusitler, Fungicides, Mildiyö, Mildews, Zirai mücadele, Pest management