Küçük Menderes havzasında kuraklık sorunu üzerinde bir inceleme
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Ege Üniversitesi
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101 ÖZET Araştırmada, Küçük Menderes Havzası'nda Bornova, Çeşme, İzmir, Ödemiş, Selçuk ve Tire'nin kurak yıllarının yağış, sıcaklık ve potansiyel evapotranspirasyon değerleri dikkate alınarak Thornthwaite ve Walter yöntemlerine göre kuraklık durumunun saptanması en önemli amacı oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada, bazı kurak yılların, aylık ve yıllık yağış değerleri ele alınarak kurak dönemler belirlenmiştir. Küçük Menderes Havzası'nda yıllık yağış ortalamaları incelendiğinde, yağışların büyük bir bölümü kış aylarında düşmektedir Yaz aylarında ise çok az yağış düşmekte, hatta bazen hiç düşmemekte ve genellikle kurak geçmektedir Elde edilen verilere göre en yüksek sıcaklıklar Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında görülmektedir. Küçük Menderes Havzası'nda Thornthwaite yöntemine göre kuraklık bazen Mayıs ayında ortaya çıkarken, bazen de Haziran ayında başlamaktadır. Walter yönteminde ise biraz daha farklı tarihler saptanmıştır. Kuraklığın sona erişi ise genellikle Ekim ve Kasım aylarına rastlamaktadır. Bornova'da kurak dönem Thornthwaite yöntemine göre 1972 yılında 3.5 ay, 1992 yılında 4.5 ay ve çok yıllık değerlere göre ise 4 aydır. Walter yöntemine göre ise 1972 yılında 4-5 ay, 1992 yılında 7.5 ay ve çok yıllık değerlere göre 5.5 aydır. Çeşme'de kurak dönem Thornthwaite yöntemine göre 1967 yılında 5 ay, 1989 ve 1990 yılında 6 ay ve çok yıllık değerlere göre 4.5 ay sürmüştür. Öte yandan Walter yönteminde ise 1967 yılında 8 aylık, 1989'da 8.5 aylık, 1990 yılında 10 aylık ve çok yıllık değerlere göre yaklaşık 5.5-6 aylık kurak dönemler saptanmıştır.102 İzmir'in verilerinden elde edilen bilgilere göre Thornthwaite yönteminde kurak dönem 1957 yılında 4.5-5 ay, 1972 yılında 6,5 ay, 1991 yılında 5 ay ve çok yıllık değerlere göre 4-4.5 ay sürmüştür. Walter yöntemine göre ise kurak dönemler 1957 yılında 6.5 ay, 1972 yılında 6 ay, 1991 yılında ve çok yıllık değerlere göre ise 5 5 ay devam etmiştir. Ödemiş'in verileri incelendiğinde ise Thornthwaite yöntemine göre 1973 yılında 4.5 aylık, 1991 yılında 5 aylık ve çok yıllık değerlere göre 3.5-4 aylık kurak dönemler ortaya çıkmıştır Hazırlanan Walter iklim diyagramları incelendiğinde ise 1973 yılında 6 aylık, 1991 yılında 5.5 aylık ve çok yıllık değerler dikkate alındığında 5 aylık kurak dönemler saptanmıştır. Selçuk'ta kurak dönem Thornthwaite yöntemine göre 1973 ve 1989 yıllarında 4 5 ay ve çok yıllık değerler dikkate alındığında 4 ay olarak bulunmuştur. Walter iklim diyagramları incelendiğinde ise kurak dönemler 1973 yılında 5.5 ay, 1989 yılında 6.5 ay ve çok yıllık değerlere göre de 5.5 ay olarak saptanmıştır. Tire'nin verileri incelendiğinde, Thornthwaite yönteminde kurak dönemler hem 1972 ve 1987 yıllarında hem de çok yıllık değerlere göre 4' er ay sürmüştür. Walter iklim diyagramları incelendiğinde ise 1972 yılında 5 aylık, 1987 yılında 5.5 aylık ve çok yıllık değerlere göre 4.5 aylık kurak dönemler belirlenmiştir Bu durumda Küçük Menderes Havzası'nda kuraklığın en fazla hüküm sürdüğü yer olarak Çeşme söylenebilir. (Thornthwaite göre) Çeşme'de en kurak yıl olan 1990 yılında bu kurak dönem Mayıs ayından Kasım ayına kadar 6 ay sürmüştür. Öte yandan Walter iklim diyagramlarına göre Çeşme'de 1990 yılında kurak dönem Şubat ayından Kasım ayına kadar 1 0 ay sürmüştür. Sonuç olarak Küçük Menderes Havzası'nda Thornthwaite yöntemine göre kurak dönem en az 3.5 ay en çok 6 ay sürerken, Walter yöntemine göre ise en az 4.5 ay, en çok 10 ay sürebilir kanısına varılmıştır
103 SUMMARY It is the aim of this study is determine the aridness conditions in Bornova, Çeşme, İzmir, Ödemiş, Selçuk and Tire located in Küçük Menderes Basin by means of Thornthwaite and Walter methods, considering in to the values of rainfall, temperature and potential evapotranspiration. In this study, arid periods of certain years were determined by using both annual and monthly rainfall values. Dealing with the average annual rainfalls of Küçük Menderes Basin, it was observed that great parts of the rainfalls were recorded in winter months while very little rainfalls, even no rainfall in arid years were in summer months. From the data the highest temperatures were in July and August According to Thornthwaite method, it is determined that arid periods were started May or June. As for Walter method it were determined a little different dates. Usually, ending of aridness were October or November. According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period of Bornova were 3.5 months in 1972, 4.5 months in 1992 and 4 months in respect of many years' data. According to Walter method it were 4.5 months in 1972, 7.5 months in 1992 and as to many years' data. According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period of Çeşme were 5 months in 1967, 6 months in 1989 and 1990 and 5.5 months in respect of many years' data. On the other hand, according to Walter method it were 8 months in 1967, 8.5 months in 1989, 10 months in 1990 and approximately 5.5-6 months in respect of many years' data. As for the arid period of İzmir, according to Thornthwaite method, were 4.5-5 months in 1957, 6.5 months in 1972, 5 months in 1991 and 4-4.5 months in respect of many years' data.104 At the same time, according to Walter method, it were 6.5 months in 1957, 6 months in 1972, 5.5 months in 1991 and in respect of many years' data of İzmir If we examine the Ödemiş's data, according to Thornthwaite method, the arid period were 4.5 months in 1973, 5 months in 1991 and 3.5-4 months in respect of many years' data According to Walter diagrams of Ödemiş, we determined that the arid period were 6 months in 1973, 5.5 month in 1991 and as to many years' data. According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period Selçuk were 4.5 months in 1973 and 1989 and 4 months in respect of many years' data of Selçuk. On the other hand, according to Walter method it were 5 5 months in 1973, 6 5 months in 1989 and 5.5 months again in respect of many years' data. As for the and period of Tire, according to Thornthwaite method were -4 months for every determined years (in 1972 and 1987, in respect of many years' data) According to Walter method, it were 5 month in 1972, 5.5 months in 1987 and 4.5 months in respect of many years' data of Tire. Therefore, Çeşme may be stated to be the place where aridness prevails at most According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period of Çeşme was from May to November for 6 months in 1990. On the other hand, according to Walter method it was from February to November for 1 0 months at the same year. As a result of evaluations, according to Thornthwaite method, the arid period was determined to be 3.5 months at least and 6 months at most. While according to Walter method, it was determined to be 4.5 months at least and 10 months at most in Küçük Menderes Basin.
103 SUMMARY It is the aim of this study is determine the aridness conditions in Bornova, Çeşme, İzmir, Ödemiş, Selçuk and Tire located in Küçük Menderes Basin by means of Thornthwaite and Walter methods, considering in to the values of rainfall, temperature and potential evapotranspiration. In this study, arid periods of certain years were determined by using both annual and monthly rainfall values. Dealing with the average annual rainfalls of Küçük Menderes Basin, it was observed that great parts of the rainfalls were recorded in winter months while very little rainfalls, even no rainfall in arid years were in summer months. From the data the highest temperatures were in July and August According to Thornthwaite method, it is determined that arid periods were started May or June. As for Walter method it were determined a little different dates. Usually, ending of aridness were October or November. According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period of Bornova were 3.5 months in 1972, 4.5 months in 1992 and 4 months in respect of many years' data. According to Walter method it were 4.5 months in 1972, 7.5 months in 1992 and as to many years' data. According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period of Çeşme were 5 months in 1967, 6 months in 1989 and 1990 and 5.5 months in respect of many years' data. On the other hand, according to Walter method it were 8 months in 1967, 8.5 months in 1989, 10 months in 1990 and approximately 5.5-6 months in respect of many years' data. As for the arid period of İzmir, according to Thornthwaite method, were 4.5-5 months in 1957, 6.5 months in 1972, 5 months in 1991 and 4-4.5 months in respect of many years' data.104 At the same time, according to Walter method, it were 6.5 months in 1957, 6 months in 1972, 5.5 months in 1991 and in respect of many years' data of İzmir If we examine the Ödemiş's data, according to Thornthwaite method, the arid period were 4.5 months in 1973, 5 months in 1991 and 3.5-4 months in respect of many years' data According to Walter diagrams of Ödemiş, we determined that the arid period were 6 months in 1973, 5.5 month in 1991 and as to many years' data. According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period Selçuk were 4.5 months in 1973 and 1989 and 4 months in respect of many years' data of Selçuk. On the other hand, according to Walter method it were 5 5 months in 1973, 6 5 months in 1989 and 5.5 months again in respect of many years' data. As for the and period of Tire, according to Thornthwaite method were -4 months for every determined years (in 1972 and 1987, in respect of many years' data) According to Walter method, it were 5 month in 1972, 5.5 months in 1987 and 4.5 months in respect of many years' data of Tire. Therefore, Çeşme may be stated to be the place where aridness prevails at most According to Thornthwaite method, the arid period of Çeşme was from May to November for 6 months in 1990. On the other hand, according to Walter method it was from February to November for 1 0 months at the same year. As a result of evaluations, according to Thornthwaite method, the arid period was determined to be 3.5 months at least and 6 months at most. While according to Walter method, it was determined to be 4.5 months at least and 10 months at most in Küçük Menderes Basin.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Kuraklık, Drought, Küçük Menderes havzası, Küçük Menderes basin