Medyalar arası gündem belirleme analizinde büyük veri kullanımı: Türkiye ile ilgili karşılaştırmalı analiz
Dergi Başlığı
Dergi ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
McCombs ve Shaw’ın 1972 yılında şekillendirdikleri gündem belirleme kuramı
genellikle seçimler etrafında birçok kez test edilmiş ve kuramın geçerliliği ortaya
koyulmuştur. Medyalar arası gündem belirleme çalışmaları ise daha çok geleneksel
medya aracılarının birbirini nasıl etkilediği üzerine şekillenmiştir. Geçmiş yıllarda sosyal
medyanın, özellikle de Twitter’ın alternatif bir haber kaynağı olarak görülmesi medyalar
arası gündem belirleme araştırmalarına bu mecranında dahil edilmesini sağlamıştır.
Medyalar arası gündem belirleme çalışmalarının dar bir coğrafi alan ile sınırlı kalması,
sınırlı örneklemler ve veri setleri ile test edilmesi ayrıca bazı tezlerde kuramın
doğrulanamamış olması bu tezin motivasyonunu oluşturmuştur. Günümüz büyük veri
ekosistemi içinde Twitter’ın gündem belirleme gücü bilgisayar destekli içerik analizi
yöntemleri kullanılarak çok uluslu veriler ile tekrardan tespit edilebilir. Bu tez ile
literatürde eksikliği tespit edilen çok uluslu medyalar arası gündem belirleme
çalışmalarına katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu sayede medya kurumları ile Twitter
arasında gündem belirleme etkisi ve olası etkinin yönü tespit edilmiş olacaktır.
Bu bağlamda, 19 Ekim 2018 – 26 Ekim 2018 tarihleri arasında sekiz gün boyunca
sabah veriler için 08:00 – 10:00 arası ve akşam verileri için ise 18:00 – 20:00 arası günde
iki kez, toplam beş gazetenin (Doğru Haber, Hürriyet, Sabah, Türkiye ve Yeni Şafak
Gazeteleri) İngilizce haber yapan web sitelerindeki Türkiye ile ilgili haberler ile Türkiye
komşusu altı ülke (Azerbaycan, Bulgaristan, Ermenistan, İran, Suriye, Yunanistan),
Rusya ve kontrol amaçlı Türkiye çıkışlı Türkiye konulu İngilizce tweetler medyalar arası
gündem etkisini ölçmek adına örneklem olarak kullanılmıştır.
Gazetelerden Knime programı ile 2045 haber içeriği toplanmıştır. Twitter’ın
gündem belirleme etkisini ölçmek adına ise sekiz ülkeden RStudio programı yardımı ile
39.000 tweet toplanmıştır. RStudio programı ile temizlenen tweetler ve haberlerin
başlıkları kelime frekans analizine tabii tutulmuş, bu sayede kodlar oluşturulmuş,
oluşturulan kodlar belli temalar altında gruplanmış ve bir sözlük (kod kitabı)
oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan bu sözlük ile içerik analizi tüm medya aracılarına hem sabah
hem de akşam olarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler toplam 78 adet çapraz gecikmeli
korelasyon paneli ve Rozelle-Campbell taban hizası eşiği kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen çapraz gecikmeli korelasyon verileri katı yaklaşım kullanılarak
değerlendirildiğinde değişkenler arasındaki otokorelasyonlar hiçbir panelde Rozelle-
Campbell taban hizasının altında oluşmadığı için medyalar arası gündem belirleme etkisi
net olarak tespit edilememiştir. Tüm yapılan analizler sonucunda ne medya kurum
gündemlerinin kendi içinde ne ülke tweetlerinden derlenen gündemlerin kendi arasında
ne de medya kurum gündemleri ile ülke tweetlerinden elde edilen gündemler arasında
herhangi medyalar arası gündem belirleme etkisine ulaşılamamıştır.
Değişkenler arasındaki otokorelasyonların yüksek çıkması, baskın haberin varlığı,
Twitter API’nin veri kısıtı, tek bir tweetin birden çok paylaşılması ve Twitter’ın alternatif
medya olarak varlığını sürdürmesi gibi kısıtlar hipotezlerin doğrulanamamasına neden
olmuş olabilir. Ilımlı yaklaşım ile verilerin değerlendirilmesi durumunda ise medyalar
arası çift taraflı – karşılıklı medyalar arası gündem belirleme etkisi birçok panelde tespit
edilmiş olacaktır.
Twitter özelinde yapılan medyalar arası gündem belirleme çalışmalarının
kamuoyu tarafından öne çıkarılan Twitter paylaşımları ile kurgulanması, Twitter içindeki
“ilgini çekebilecek gündemler (İngilizce: Trend, Trends for you)” ile medya kurum
gündemleri arasındaki gündem belirleme etkisinin incelenmesi bundan sonra yapılacak
medyalar arası gündem belirleme araştırmalarının konusu olabilir. Buna ek olarak
Twitter’ın ana akım medya tarafından ilk çıktığında önemsenmeyen ve egemen söyleme
karşı olan tweetleri ve tanık gazetecilerin ise ilgi çekici tweetleri ile yeni araştırmalar
The agenda setting theory shaped by McCombs and Shaw in 1972 has been generally tested and validated for many times by elections. Inter-media agenda setting studies conducted have been mainly on how traditional media tools interact with one another. Twitter was included in their studies as a medium since it has been perceived as a specific alternative news source as well as the social media in previous years. The motivation for this dissertation was the restricted geographic area allocated for the intermedia agenda setting studies, the tests made with limited samplings and data sets, and the theories which couldn’t be verified in some of the dissertations. Within the current big data ecosystem, the agenda setting power of Twitter can be re-confirmed by multinational data via using computer aided content analysis methods. This dissertation aims to contribute to multi-national agenda setting studies which are detected to lack in the literature. Thus, the agenda setting effect of the media institution and Twitter and the direction of this effect, if any, will be identified. In this context, for 8 days between 19th and 26th October, 2018 twice a day, at 8.00-10.00 AM for morning data and at 6.00-8.00 PM for evening data, news on Turkey in the English websites of the five print media (Doğru Haber, Hürriyet, Sabah, Türkiye and Yeni Şafak Newspapers) in total, English tweets on Turkey from six neighboring countries of Turkey (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Armenia, Iran, Syria and Greece), Russia and Turkey, for control purposes, were used as samplings to measure the inter-media agenda effects. 2,045 news contents have been collected by the Knime program from the print media samplings. In order to measure the agenda setting impact of 39,000 tweets were collected from 8 countries via R Studio program. The tweets and news headlines cleaned out by the R Studio program were processed by the word frequency analysis; thus, codes were created which are classified under specific themes and a glossary (a code book) was formed. The content analysis via this glossary was applied to all media tools both day and night. Collected data was analyzed by using 78 cross-lagged panel correlation and Rozelle-Campbell baseline thresholds in total. When the collected cross-lagged panel correlation was evaluated via rigid approach, the inter-media agenda setting effect couldn’t be determined clearly since the autocorrelations among the variables haven’t been formed below the Rosella-Campbell baseline in any of the panels. As a consequence of all the analysis made, no inter-media agenda setting effect was detected on media institution agendas or on the agendas collected from the country tweets or between the media institution agendas and the agendas collected from country tweets. The reasons for the hypothesis not be verified are evaluated in full detail in the dissertation. There are many constraints such as high value of the autocorrelations among variables, the existence of the mainstream news, the data constraint of Twitter API and multiple sharing of a single tweet feature of Twitter, and as a sustained structure of Tweeter as an alternative medium may lead to the hypothesis not be verified. If moderate approach would be applied to analyze the data, it was possible to compare two different structures and attain meaningful results thereof. Consequently, it would be better to conduct inter-media agenda setting studies on Twitter in particular about the subjects highlighted by public opinion and to evaluate the agenda setting effects of Trend Topics (Trends for You) on Twitter. Additionally, it would be suggested to conduct further research based on the previous tweets which were ignored by the mainstream media first, and the tweets which were against the dominant discourse, and also the popular tweets posted by accidental journalists.
The agenda setting theory shaped by McCombs and Shaw in 1972 has been generally tested and validated for many times by elections. Inter-media agenda setting studies conducted have been mainly on how traditional media tools interact with one another. Twitter was included in their studies as a medium since it has been perceived as a specific alternative news source as well as the social media in previous years. The motivation for this dissertation was the restricted geographic area allocated for the intermedia agenda setting studies, the tests made with limited samplings and data sets, and the theories which couldn’t be verified in some of the dissertations. Within the current big data ecosystem, the agenda setting power of Twitter can be re-confirmed by multinational data via using computer aided content analysis methods. This dissertation aims to contribute to multi-national agenda setting studies which are detected to lack in the literature. Thus, the agenda setting effect of the media institution and Twitter and the direction of this effect, if any, will be identified. In this context, for 8 days between 19th and 26th October, 2018 twice a day, at 8.00-10.00 AM for morning data and at 6.00-8.00 PM for evening data, news on Turkey in the English websites of the five print media (Doğru Haber, Hürriyet, Sabah, Türkiye and Yeni Şafak Newspapers) in total, English tweets on Turkey from six neighboring countries of Turkey (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Armenia, Iran, Syria and Greece), Russia and Turkey, for control purposes, were used as samplings to measure the inter-media agenda effects. 2,045 news contents have been collected by the Knime program from the print media samplings. In order to measure the agenda setting impact of 39,000 tweets were collected from 8 countries via R Studio program. The tweets and news headlines cleaned out by the R Studio program were processed by the word frequency analysis; thus, codes were created which are classified under specific themes and a glossary (a code book) was formed. The content analysis via this glossary was applied to all media tools both day and night. Collected data was analyzed by using 78 cross-lagged panel correlation and Rozelle-Campbell baseline thresholds in total. When the collected cross-lagged panel correlation was evaluated via rigid approach, the inter-media agenda setting effect couldn’t be determined clearly since the autocorrelations among the variables haven’t been formed below the Rosella-Campbell baseline in any of the panels. As a consequence of all the analysis made, no inter-media agenda setting effect was detected on media institution agendas or on the agendas collected from the country tweets or between the media institution agendas and the agendas collected from country tweets. The reasons for the hypothesis not be verified are evaluated in full detail in the dissertation. There are many constraints such as high value of the autocorrelations among variables, the existence of the mainstream news, the data constraint of Twitter API and multiple sharing of a single tweet feature of Twitter, and as a sustained structure of Tweeter as an alternative medium may lead to the hypothesis not be verified. If moderate approach would be applied to analyze the data, it was possible to compare two different structures and attain meaningful results thereof. Consequently, it would be better to conduct inter-media agenda setting studies on Twitter in particular about the subjects highlighted by public opinion and to evaluate the agenda setting effects of Trend Topics (Trends for You) on Twitter. Additionally, it would be suggested to conduct further research based on the previous tweets which were ignored by the mainstream media first, and the tweets which were against the dominant discourse, and also the popular tweets posted by accidental journalists.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Medya, Alternatif Medya, Medyalar Arası Gündem Belirleme, Büyük Veri, Twitter, Media Kurumları, Social Media, Alternative Media, Inter-media Agenda Setting, Big Data, Twitter, Media Institutions