Purification and some properties of chitinase from pineapple and thyme
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET KİTÎNAZIN, ANANAS YAPRA?I VE KEKİKTEN SAFLAŞTIRILMASI VE BAZI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ YALÇIN, Figen Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fen Fakültesi Biyokimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Yrd.Doc.Dr.Rgen ZÎHNÎO?LU August 1996, 53 sayfa Kitinin degradasyonu; bazı mikroorganizmalarda bitkilerde ve kitin içeren organizmalarla beslenen birçok hayvanın sindirim sisteminde yaygın olarak bulunan enzimlerle gerçekleştirilir. Kitinin, N-asetil-D-glukozamin birimlerine tamamen hidrolizi, iki hidrolazı [Kitinaz (EC. ve (3-1,3-giukonar (EC.] içeren kitinolifik sistemde meydana gelir. Bu enzimler görevleri açısından birbirini tamamlayıcı olup, önce kitinaz, N-asetü-D-glukozamin polimerlerini, dimer, tetramer ve daha az oranda trimerierine hidrolizler. Daha sonra (3-1,3-glukonaz, kitobioz (dimer) ve kitotrioz (trimer) birimlerini monomerlerine parçalar. Kitinazlann moleküler mekanizmaları hakkındaki bilgiler yeterli değildir. Ancak bu enzim sınıfının özellikle bitkinin hücre duvarlarında ve exoskeletonlannda kitin içeren fungi ve böceklere karşı savunma mekanizma reaksiyonlarında önemli rol oynadıkları bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada Ananas yaprağı(Ana7zaj sativa) ve Kekikte(77rymu.y L.) kitinaz enziminin saflaştırılması ve karakterizasyonu amaçlandı. Anahtar kelimeler : Kitinaz, kekik, anans yaprağı, antifungal aktivite
ABSTRACT PURIFICATION AND SOME PROPERTIES OF CHITINASE FROM PINEAPPLE AND THYME YALÇIN, Figen MSc in Biochemistry Supervision- : Assis.Prof.Dr.Rgen ZÎHNÎOGLU August 1996, 53 pages Enzymes which degrade chitin are widely distributed in nature and have been detected in many organisms, plants and in the digestive tracts of many animals which feed on chitin containing organisms. The complete enzymatic hydrolysis of chitin to free N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is performed by a chitinolytic system, consisting of two hydrolyses, the action of which consecutive. The chitinase (EC. hydrolyses the polymers of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine including dimers, tetramers and to a lesser extent trimers. |3-l,3-gluconase (EC., hydrolyses chitobiose (the dimer of N-acetyl D-glucosamine) and chitotriose. Much less is understood about the molecular mechanism of chitinases.This class of enzymes is thought to play an important role in plant defense reactions against fungi and insects which contain chitin in their cell walls and exoskeleton. The aim of this study is the purification and characterization of chitinase from pineapple leaves (Ananas sativa) and thyme (Thymus L.). Key words : Chitinase, Pineapple, Thyme, Antifungal activity
ABSTRACT PURIFICATION AND SOME PROPERTIES OF CHITINASE FROM PINEAPPLE AND THYME YALÇIN, Figen MSc in Biochemistry Supervision- : Assis.Prof.Dr.Rgen ZÎHNÎOGLU August 1996, 53 pages Enzymes which degrade chitin are widely distributed in nature and have been detected in many organisms, plants and in the digestive tracts of many animals which feed on chitin containing organisms. The complete enzymatic hydrolysis of chitin to free N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is performed by a chitinolytic system, consisting of two hydrolyses, the action of which consecutive. The chitinase (EC. hydrolyses the polymers of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine including dimers, tetramers and to a lesser extent trimers. |3-l,3-gluconase (EC., hydrolyses chitobiose (the dimer of N-acetyl D-glucosamine) and chitotriose. Much less is understood about the molecular mechanism of chitinases.This class of enzymes is thought to play an important role in plant defense reactions against fungi and insects which contain chitin in their cell walls and exoskeleton. The aim of this study is the purification and characterization of chitinase from pineapple leaves (Ananas sativa) and thyme (Thymus L.). Key words : Chitinase, Pineapple, Thyme, Antifungal activity
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyomühendislik, Bioengineering, Ananas, Ananas, Kekik, Thyme, Kitinaz, Chitinase, Saflaştırma, Purification