Arıtılmış evsel atık suların salçalık biber (Capsicum annum L.) sulamasında kullanım olanaklarının araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışma, evsel kaynaklı arıtılmış atık su ve kuyu suyunun, salçalık biber yetiştiriciliğinde kullanılabilirliğini, meyve verim ve kalite özelliklerinin yanı sıra toprak ve biberdeki mikrobiyal bulaş durumlarını da belirlemek amacıyla 2013–2015 yılları arasında tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde üç tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Denemede materyal olarak Yalova Yağlık 28 çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Deneme, yüzeyaltı damla sulama (YADS), damla sulama (DS), ve karık sulama (KS) olmak üzere üç konudan oluşmuştur. Arıtılmış atık su uygulamalarında toprak pH’sının azaldığı, toprak EC, ESP ve B değerlerinin ise arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Topraktaki patojen mikroorganizmaların sulamalar sonrasında arttığı, en yüksek artışın karık sulama, en düşük artışın ise yüzeyaltı damla sulama yönteminde olduğu saptanmıştır. Benzer sonuçlar kuyu suyu denemesinden de elde edilmiş olmakla beraber artış veya azalış oranları daha düşük olmuştur. En yüksek verim 8,82 t da-1 ile arıtılmış atık su uygulanan YADS konudan elde edilmiştir. Pomolojik parametrelerden olan boy, en ve et kalınlıkları da yine aynı konudan sırasıyla 122,20, 50,54 ve 3,97 mm olarak elde edilmiştir. Kalite parametrelerinden; suda çözünebilir kuru madde (SÇKM) değeri en yüksek %7,49 ile kuyu suyuyla sulanan KS konusundan, en düşük %6,72 ile kuyu suyuyla sulanan YADS konusundan; titre edilebilir asit (TA) miktarı 2,84 me 100 ml-1 ile arıtılmış atık suyla sulanan DS konusundan, en düşük 2,11 me 100 ml-1 ile kuyu suyuyla sulanan DS konusundan, pH değeri en yüksek 5,34 ile arıtılmış atık suyla sulanan DS konusundan, en düşük 5,24 ile arıtılmış atık suyla sulanan YADS konusundan ve vitamin C değeri de 145,50 mg C vitamin 100 g-1 yaş ağırlık ile kuyu suyuyla sulanan KS konusundan, en düşük 127,37 mg C vitamin 100 g-1 yaş ağırlık ile arıtılmış atık suyla sulanan DS konusundan elde edilmiştir. Biber meyvelerinde E. coli bulaşları en yüksek arıtılmış atık suyla sulanan KS konusunda 8,133x103 cfu 100 g-1 olarak bulunurken en düşük kuyu suyuyla sulanan YADS konusunda 1,230x101 cfu 100 g-1 olarak bulunmuştur. Arıtılmış atık suyun biber verimini artırdığı fakat nispeten yüksek tuz içermesi nedeniyle, özellikle kış yağışlarının yeterli olmadığı dönemlerde toprakta oluşacak tuzluluk riskini önlemek için dikim öncesi mutlaka yıkama suyu uygulanmasının yararlı olacağı ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, hem sulama suyu hem de toprak kaynaklı patojenlerden kaynaklı tehlikelerin önlenebilmesi için en güvenli yöntemin ise yüzeyaltı damla sulama yöntemi olduğu belirlenmiştir.
The study was carried out in a randomized block design with three replications between 2013 and 2015 in order to determine the usability of domestic sourced treated wastewater and well water in paste pepper cultivation, fruit yield and quality characteristics, as well as microbial contamination in soil and pepper. Yalova Yaglik 28 variety was used as material in the experiment. The trial consisted of three subjects: subsurface drip irrigation (YADS), drip irrigation (DS), and furrow irrigation (KS). It was determined that soil pH decreased in treated wastewater applications, while soil EC, ESP and B values increased. It was determined that pathogenic microorganisms in the soil increased after irrigation, the highest increase was in furrow irrigation and the lowest increase was in subsurface drip irrigation method. Although similar results were obtained from the well water test, the rate of increase or decrease was lower. The highest yield of 8.82 t da-1 was obtained from the YADS subject treated with treated wastewater. Length, width and wall thicknesses, which are pomological parameters, were also obtained from the same subject as 122.20, 50.54 and 3.97 mm, respectively. From quality parameters; The KS subject irrigated with well water with the highest SSKM value of 7.49%, and the lowest 6.72% from the WADS subject irrigated with well water; From the DS subject irrigated with the treated wastewater with the TA amount of 2.84 me 100 ml-1, from the DS subject irrigated with the lowest 2.11 me 100 ml-1 with well water, from the DS subject irrigated with the treated wastewater with the highest pH value of 5.34, The lowest is from the YADS subject irrigated with 5.24 treated wastewater and the vitamin C value is 145.50 mg vitamin C 100 g-1 wet weight from the KS subject irrigated with well water, the lowest 127.37 mg vitamin C 100 g-1 wet weight It was obtained from the DS subject irrigated with wastewater treated with E. coli contaminations in pepper fruits were found to be 8,133x103 cfu 100 g-1 in KS subject irrigated with the highest treated wastewater, while it was found as 1,230x101 cfu 100 g-1 in YADS subject irrigated with well water. It has been revealed that because the treated wastewater increases the pepper yield but contains relatively high salt, it would be beneficial to apply washing water before planting in order to prevent the risk of salinity in the soil, especially in the periods when winter precipitation is not sufficient. In addition, it has been determined that the safest method to prevent hazards arising from both irrigation water and soil-borne pathogens is the subsurface drip irrigation method.
The study was carried out in a randomized block design with three replications between 2013 and 2015 in order to determine the usability of domestic sourced treated wastewater and well water in paste pepper cultivation, fruit yield and quality characteristics, as well as microbial contamination in soil and pepper. Yalova Yaglik 28 variety was used as material in the experiment. The trial consisted of three subjects: subsurface drip irrigation (YADS), drip irrigation (DS), and furrow irrigation (KS). It was determined that soil pH decreased in treated wastewater applications, while soil EC, ESP and B values increased. It was determined that pathogenic microorganisms in the soil increased after irrigation, the highest increase was in furrow irrigation and the lowest increase was in subsurface drip irrigation method. Although similar results were obtained from the well water test, the rate of increase or decrease was lower. The highest yield of 8.82 t da-1 was obtained from the YADS subject treated with treated wastewater. Length, width and wall thicknesses, which are pomological parameters, were also obtained from the same subject as 122.20, 50.54 and 3.97 mm, respectively. From quality parameters; The KS subject irrigated with well water with the highest SSKM value of 7.49%, and the lowest 6.72% from the WADS subject irrigated with well water; From the DS subject irrigated with the treated wastewater with the TA amount of 2.84 me 100 ml-1, from the DS subject irrigated with the lowest 2.11 me 100 ml-1 with well water, from the DS subject irrigated with the treated wastewater with the highest pH value of 5.34, The lowest is from the YADS subject irrigated with 5.24 treated wastewater and the vitamin C value is 145.50 mg vitamin C 100 g-1 wet weight from the KS subject irrigated with well water, the lowest 127.37 mg vitamin C 100 g-1 wet weight It was obtained from the DS subject irrigated with wastewater treated with E. coli contaminations in pepper fruits were found to be 8,133x103 cfu 100 g-1 in KS subject irrigated with the highest treated wastewater, while it was found as 1,230x101 cfu 100 g-1 in YADS subject irrigated with well water. It has been revealed that because the treated wastewater increases the pepper yield but contains relatively high salt, it would be beneficial to apply washing water before planting in order to prevent the risk of salinity in the soil, especially in the periods when winter precipitation is not sufficient. In addition, it has been determined that the safest method to prevent hazards arising from both irrigation water and soil-borne pathogens is the subsurface drip irrigation method.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arıtılmış Atık Su, Salçalık Biber, Sulama, Yeniden Kullanım, Treated Wastewater, Paste Pepper, Irrigation, Reuse