Çeşme (izmir) ilçesinin atmosferik polen analizi
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Ege üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, ülkemizin önemli turizm merkezlerinden biri olan Çeşme (İzmir) ilçesinin atmosferik polenleri 17 Şubat 2012- 17 Şubat 2014 tarihleri arasında volumetrik yöntem kullanılarak ilk kez araştırılmıştır. Çalışma süresince elde edilen polenlerin yıllık, aylık, günlük ve saatlik dağılımları tespit edilmiş ve meteorolojik faktörlerle ilişkileri irdelenmiştir. Çeşme atmosferinde toplam polen sayısı içerisindeki oranı %1'in üzerinde tespit edilen baskın taksonlar ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiş ve ortalama sıcaklık, ortalama nem, toplam yağış ve rüzgar hızı ile ilişkileri istatistiksel açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Bununla beraber atmosferdeki baskın polenlerin gün içerisindeki saatlik dağılımları tespit edilmiş ve duyarlı bireyler için gün içerisindeki riskli zaman dilimleri belirlenmiştir. İki yıllık çalışma süresince, 33'ü odunsu, 30'u otsu ve Gramineae olmak üzere 64 taksona ait toplam 12905 polen/m3 adet polen tanımlanmıştır. Toplam polen miktarının %79,74'ü odunsu, %15,54'ü otsu, %4,32'si Gramineae ve %0,41'i tanımlanamayanlara aittir. Araştırmanın ilk yılı m3'te 8847 adet polen, ikinci yıl m3'te 4058 adet polen sayılmıştır. İki yıllık çalışma süresince Çeşme atmosferinde polenlerine en fazla rastlanan odunsu taksonlar sırasıyla Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (4268 polen/m3), Olea europaea (1614 polen/m3), Pinaceae (1085 polen/m3), Quercus spp. (1081 polen/m3), Pistacia spp. (743 polen/m3); otsu taksonlar ise Gramineae (557 polen/m3), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (336 polen/m3), Mercurialis annua (237 polen/m3), Plantago spp. (230 polen/m3) ve Compositae (221 polen/m3) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma süresince en yüksek polen konsantrasyonu Mart, Mayıs ve Nisan aylarında kaydedilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar sıcaklığın toplam polen sayısı üzerinde genellikle pozitif, yağışın ise negatif etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Bununla beraber ortalama nem ve rüzgar hızının gün içerisindeki polen dağılımını etkileyen önemli faktörler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çeşme atmosferinde toplam polen miktarının ilki sabah saatlerinde (10:00), diğeri gece yarısı (01:00) olmak üzere iki kez pik yaptığı kaydedilmiştir. Bu veriler ışığında Çeşme bölgesinde yaşayan duyarlı bireyler için yıl içerisindeki riskli günler tespit edilmiş ve bölgeye ait polen takvimleri hazırlanmıştır.
In this study, atmospheric pollens in the city of Cesme (Izmir), which is one of our country's important tourism center, was investigated for the first time using the volumetric method between 17 February 2012 – 17 February 2014. During the study period annually, monthly and daily distribution of obtained pollen were identified and the relations with the meteorological factors were discussed. Dominant taxa which contribute more than 1% of the total pollen in Cesme atmosphere were examined in detail and the relations between temperature, relative humidity, total rainfall and wind speed were statistically evaluated. At the same time intradiurnal variation of dominant pollen in atmosphere was determined and high risk time periods for sensitive individuals during the day were identified. During two year-studying period, total of 12905 pollen/m3 pollen grains belonging to 64 taxa, 33 of which belonged to arboreal plants and 30 to non-arboreal plants and Gramineae were identified. Total pollen grains consist of 79,74% grains from arboreal plants, 15,54% grains from non arboreal plants, 4,32% grains from Gramineae and 0,41% unidentified pollen grains. In the first year of our research 8847 pollen grains/m3 and the the second year 4058 pollen grains/m3 were counted. During two year study period most abundant arboreal taxa in the atmosphere of Cesme respectively Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (4268 polen/m3), Olea europaea (1614 polen/m3), Pinaceae (1085 polen/m3), Quercus spp. (1081 polen/m3), Pistacia spp. (743 polen/m3); non arboreal taxa Gramineae (557 polen/m3), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (336 polen/m3), Mercurialis annua (237 polen/m3), Plantago spp. (230 polen/m3) and Compositae (221 polen/m3) were identified. During study period highest pollen concentration was recorded in March, May and April. The results obtained showed a generally positive effect of temperature and negative effect of precipitation on total pollen number. At the same time humidity and wind speed were determined an important factors for pollen dispersion during the day. In Çeşme atmosphere total pollen concentration were calculated two daily peaks, the first in the morning (10:00) and the second at midnight (01:00). According to these data high risk days were identified and pollen calendars were prepared for sensitive individuals living in Çeşme.
In this study, atmospheric pollens in the city of Cesme (Izmir), which is one of our country's important tourism center, was investigated for the first time using the volumetric method between 17 February 2012 – 17 February 2014. During the study period annually, monthly and daily distribution of obtained pollen were identified and the relations with the meteorological factors were discussed. Dominant taxa which contribute more than 1% of the total pollen in Cesme atmosphere were examined in detail and the relations between temperature, relative humidity, total rainfall and wind speed were statistically evaluated. At the same time intradiurnal variation of dominant pollen in atmosphere was determined and high risk time periods for sensitive individuals during the day were identified. During two year-studying period, total of 12905 pollen/m3 pollen grains belonging to 64 taxa, 33 of which belonged to arboreal plants and 30 to non-arboreal plants and Gramineae were identified. Total pollen grains consist of 79,74% grains from arboreal plants, 15,54% grains from non arboreal plants, 4,32% grains from Gramineae and 0,41% unidentified pollen grains. In the first year of our research 8847 pollen grains/m3 and the the second year 4058 pollen grains/m3 were counted. During two year study period most abundant arboreal taxa in the atmosphere of Cesme respectively Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (4268 polen/m3), Olea europaea (1614 polen/m3), Pinaceae (1085 polen/m3), Quercus spp. (1081 polen/m3), Pistacia spp. (743 polen/m3); non arboreal taxa Gramineae (557 polen/m3), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (336 polen/m3), Mercurialis annua (237 polen/m3), Plantago spp. (230 polen/m3) and Compositae (221 polen/m3) were identified. During study period highest pollen concentration was recorded in March, May and April. The results obtained showed a generally positive effect of temperature and negative effect of precipitation on total pollen number. At the same time humidity and wind speed were determined an important factors for pollen dispersion during the day. In Çeşme atmosphere total pollen concentration were calculated two daily peaks, the first in the morning (10:00) and the second at midnight (01:00). According to these data high risk days were identified and pollen calendars were prepared for sensitive individuals living in Çeşme.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Aerobiyoloji, Atmosferik Parametre, Çeşme, Polen, Polen Takvimi, Aerobiology, Atmospheric Parameters, Cesme, Pollen, Pollen Calendar