Bir devlet hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin empati düzeylerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
99 ÖZET Bu çalışmada empati kavramının hemşirelik mesleğinde önemli ve gerekli olduğundan yola çıkılarak, empatik eğilim ve beceri düzeyleri ile hemşirelerin sosyo-demografik özellikleri, meslekleri ile ilgili duygu ve düşünceleri, meslekleri ile ilgili özellikler ve hastaları anlayabilme düzeyleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada Dökmen tarafından 1988 yılında geliştirilen Empatik Eğilim ölçeği (EEÖ) ve Empatik Beceri ölçeği (EBÖ) ile araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan anket formu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, hemşirelerin empatik eğilim ve beceri düzeylerinin diğer çalışmalarda elde edilen düzeylere yakın olduğu saptanmış, bu sonucun yanısıra empatik eğilimin; hizmet süresi, mesleği isteyerek seçip seçmeme, meslekten memnun olma, mesleğin uygunluğu, mesleğin kişisel gelişime katkısı, mesleki gelecek hakkındaki düşünce, üstlerden ve hastalardan destek görme, mesleki verimlilik, hemşirelerin sağlıkları hakkındaki düşünceleri, hemşirelerin hastaları anlayabilme düzeyleri, hemşirelerin kendilerini hastaların yerine koyma sıklıkları, hastaların hemşirelerin kendilerini anlamalarına ilişkin düşünceleri ve hastaların hemşireleri anlamalarına ilişkin hemşirelerin düşünceleri ile ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür. Empatik becerinin ise ilişkili olduğu değişkenler şunlardır: Eğitim, çocuk sahibi olup olmama, çalışma şekli, hizmet süresi, meslekten memnuniyet ve mesleğin uygunluğu. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen veriler ışığında yaşama daha optimist bakan ve olaylara pozitif yaklaşabilen hemşirelerde empatik eğilimin, birbaşka deyişle empatiye potansiyel yatkınlığın daha yüksek bulunması empatinin bir kişilik özelliği olduğuna ilişkin bir ipucu vermiştir. Hemşirelerin üstlerden gördükleri desteği yetersiz buldukları saptanmış, ayrıca çalışma ortamından memnun olmayan hemşire oranının da oldukça yüksek olduğu gözlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda hemşirelerde iş duyumsuzluğu ve tükenmişlik ile ilgili bulgular olduğu düşüncesi doğmuş, bu konuda ileri araştırmalara gereksinim olduğu düşünülmüştür. Ayrıca her iki empati ölçeği (EEÖ ve EBÖ) arasında literatürde belirtildiği gibi bir ilişkinin olması beklenirken herhangi bir ilişki bulunamamıştır(27). Bu sonucun ömeklemden mi yoksa başka nedenlerden mi kaynaklandığı sorusu mevcuttur
100 SUMMARY Considering the importance of empathy in nursing in this study, we compared the empatic skills and tendency of nurses with their sociodemographic features, their emotions and thoughts about the profession, their capacity to understand the patients and variables related with the status of their job. In the investigation are applied the Empathic Tendancy Scale, the Empathic Skills Scale, both constituted by Dökmen (1988) and a questionnary prepared by the searcher. The scors found for to the Empathic Tendency Skale (ETS) ve Empathic Skills Scale (ESS) were smilar to the results found in former studies, the following variables where found to influence the level of empathy of the nurses: age, marital status, having children or not, duration of duty, type of work, having chosen profession or not, being satisfied by the profession or not, appropriateness of the profession, contribution of the profession in the personal developement, patient's appreciation and encouragement of the nurses, level of the nurses in understanding the patients, frequency of putting themself in the role of the patients, being satisfied by the working atmosphere. There was no relation between the level of empathy and the working section of the nurses and the number of children they have. In general, the empathic tendency of the nurses where high. Their empathic skills correlated with following variables. Those were: education, having children or not, permanent work at night, years of working, satisfaction level about profession and appropriateness of profession. The results showing that the nurses who are more optimist have higher empathy levels indicates that empathy is related with personality features. Most of the nurses stated that the support given by the administrators was not sufficient, and also, the rate of the nurses who were not satisfied by their working atmosphere, was quiete high. The findings of the study suggests that indications related with job dissatisfaction and "burnout" are quite frequent among nurses. Further studies on this topik seems necessery. No relationship was found between two skales with empathy. This finding seems interesting and contradicts with recent literature abaut these scales.
100 SUMMARY Considering the importance of empathy in nursing in this study, we compared the empatic skills and tendency of nurses with their sociodemographic features, their emotions and thoughts about the profession, their capacity to understand the patients and variables related with the status of their job. In the investigation are applied the Empathic Tendancy Scale, the Empathic Skills Scale, both constituted by Dökmen (1988) and a questionnary prepared by the searcher. The scors found for to the Empathic Tendency Skale (ETS) ve Empathic Skills Scale (ESS) were smilar to the results found in former studies, the following variables where found to influence the level of empathy of the nurses: age, marital status, having children or not, duration of duty, type of work, having chosen profession or not, being satisfied by the profession or not, appropriateness of the profession, contribution of the profession in the personal developement, patient's appreciation and encouragement of the nurses, level of the nurses in understanding the patients, frequency of putting themself in the role of the patients, being satisfied by the working atmosphere. There was no relation between the level of empathy and the working section of the nurses and the number of children they have. In general, the empathic tendency of the nurses where high. Their empathic skills correlated with following variables. Those were: education, having children or not, permanent work at night, years of working, satisfaction level about profession and appropriateness of profession. The results showing that the nurses who are more optimist have higher empathy levels indicates that empathy is related with personality features. Most of the nurses stated that the support given by the administrators was not sufficient, and also, the rate of the nurses who were not satisfied by their working atmosphere, was quiete high. The findings of the study suggests that indications related with job dissatisfaction and "burnout" are quite frequent among nurses. Further studies on this topik seems necessery. No relationship was found between two skales with empathy. This finding seems interesting and contradicts with recent literature abaut these scales.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Empati, Empathy, Hemşireler, Nurses