Tercüman-ı Hakikat Gazetesi ve Türk edebiyatı (1878-1896)
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Batılılaşma devri Türk edebiyatında edebiyat gruplarının ortaya çıkması, yayın
ve okuyucu geleneğinin oluşması, edebî türlerin yanı sıra bir takım problemlerin ve
temaların gelişmesinde gazete ve dergilerin önemli bir rolü vardır. Tanzimat döneminde
bu rolü en geniş ölçüde yerine getiren gazetelerin başında Tercüman-ı Hakikat
gelmektedir. Ahmet Mithat Efendi yönetiminde 27 Haziran 1878 tarihinde
yayımlanmaya başlayan gazete, yeni Türk edebiyatının oluşmasında ve gelişmesinde
önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur.
“Tercüman-ı Hakikat Gazetesi ve Türk Edebiyatı (1878-1896)” başlıklı
çalışmada söz konusu yıllar içerisinde telif örnekler üzerinden gazetenin Türk
edebiyatıyla olan ilişkisi ortaya konulmuştur. “Tercüman-ı Hakikat Gazetesinde Edebî
Türler” başlıklı ilk bölümde şiir, roman, hikâye, tiyatro, mensur şiir gibi türler üzerinde
durulmuş, bu türlerle alakalı açıklamalı kronolojik bibliyografyaya da yer verilmiştir.
“Tercüman-ı Hakikat Gazetesinde Edebî Türler Üzerine Yazılar” başlıklı ikinci
bölümde şiir, roman ve tiyatro hakkında yazılar değerlendirilmiştir. “Tercüman-ı
Hakikat Gazetesinde Belagat Tartışmaları” başlıklı üçüncü bölümde Belagat-ı
Osmaniye ve Talim-i Edebiyat isimli kitaplarla başlayan tartışmalara değinilmiştir. “Şair
ve Yazar Okulu Olarak Tercüman-ı Hakikat” başlığını taşıyan dördüncü ve son
bölümde ise gazetenin şair ve yazarlara yönelik teşvik ve desteği ele alınmıştır.
The newspapers and magazines have an important role in the emergence of literary groups, the formation of publication and reader tradition and the development of a number of problems and themes, as well as literary genres in Turkish literature, the era of westernization. Tercüman-ı Hakikat is one of the newspapers that fulfilled this role in the widest extent in the Tanzimat period. The newspaper, which started to be published on 27 June 1878 under the direction of Ahmet Mithat Efendi, made important contributions to the formation and development of new Turkish literature. In the study titled “The Newspaper Tercüman-ı Hakikat and Turkish Literature (1878-1896)” during these years, the relationship of the newspaper with Turkish literature was revealed by way of copyright samples. In the first part that is “Literary Genres in the Tercüman-ı Hakikat Newspaper”, genres such as poetry, novel, story, theater, prose poetry were emphasized and an annotated chronological bibliography related to these genres is also included. In the second part that “Articles on Literary Genres in the Tercüman-ı Hakikat Newspaper”, articles about poetry, novel and theater were evaluated. In the third part that “Rhetoric Discussions in the Tercüman-ı Hakikat Newspaper” the discussions that started with books titled Belagat-ı Osmaniye and Talim-i Edebiyat are mentioned. In the fourth and last part that “Tercüman-ı Hakikat as a Poet and Writer School”, the encouragement and support of the newspaper for poets and writers is dealt.
The newspapers and magazines have an important role in the emergence of literary groups, the formation of publication and reader tradition and the development of a number of problems and themes, as well as literary genres in Turkish literature, the era of westernization. Tercüman-ı Hakikat is one of the newspapers that fulfilled this role in the widest extent in the Tanzimat period. The newspaper, which started to be published on 27 June 1878 under the direction of Ahmet Mithat Efendi, made important contributions to the formation and development of new Turkish literature. In the study titled “The Newspaper Tercüman-ı Hakikat and Turkish Literature (1878-1896)” during these years, the relationship of the newspaper with Turkish literature was revealed by way of copyright samples. In the first part that is “Literary Genres in the Tercüman-ı Hakikat Newspaper”, genres such as poetry, novel, story, theater, prose poetry were emphasized and an annotated chronological bibliography related to these genres is also included. In the second part that “Articles on Literary Genres in the Tercüman-ı Hakikat Newspaper”, articles about poetry, novel and theater were evaluated. In the third part that “Rhetoric Discussions in the Tercüman-ı Hakikat Newspaper” the discussions that started with books titled Belagat-ı Osmaniye and Talim-i Edebiyat are mentioned. In the fourth and last part that “Tercüman-ı Hakikat as a Poet and Writer School”, the encouragement and support of the newspaper for poets and writers is dealt.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gazete, Türk Edebiyatı, Tercüman-ı Hakikat, Newspaper, Turkish Literature