Hekim ve hasta hakları konusunda tutumlarının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışma hemşire ve hekimlerin hasta haklan konusundaki tutumlarını belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel olarak planlanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına dahiliye ve cerrahi kliniklerinde görev yapan 70 hemşire ve 89 hekim alınmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak hekim ve hemşirelerin tutumlarını saptamayı sağlayacak bir anket formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, hekim ve hemşirelerin hasta haklan konusunda genellikle olumlu bir tutum içerisinde oldukları saptanmıştır. Hemşireler için en az benimsenen hasta haklan; tedavi ve uygulamaları reddetme hakkı (%61.4), araştırmalara katılım konusunda önceden bilgilendirme (%66.7) ve diğer sağlık kuruluşlarıyla iletişim konusunda bilgilendirme (%76.1)'dir. Hekimler için en az benimsenen hasta haklan; mahremiyetin korunması (%10.2), çalışma düzeni konusunda bilgilendirme (%49.4), tedavi ve uygulamaları reddetme hakkı (%53.9), fatura içeriği ve nasıl ödeneceği konusunda bilgilendirme (%65.9) ve araştırmalara katılım konusunda önceden bilgilendirme (%77.0)'dır. Hemşire ve hekimler için en çok kabullenilen hasta haklan; taburcu işlemi sonrası gerekli sağlık hizmetleri konusunda bilgilendirme (%98.1), tanıyı bilme hakkı (%94.3), hekim ve hemşireyi ismen tanıma hakkı (%92.5) ve tedavinin risk ve seçenekleri konusunda bilgilendirme (%90.4)'dir. 104-
SUMMARY This study has been planned cross-sectionally and definetively to determine the attitudes of nurses and doctors about the patients' rights. 70 nurses and 89 doctors who worked at the internal medicine and surgery departments have been included to the study. A questionnaire was used to determine the attitudes of nurses and doctors about the patients' rights. As a result of the study it has been determined that the doctors and nurses generally had constructive attitudes about the patients' rights. The least adopted patients' rights by the nurses were; the right of refusing the treatments and administrations (61.4%), giving information about joining the researches (66.7%) and giving information about communication with other health care instutions (76.1%). The least adopted patients' rights by the doctors were; the preserving of privacy (10.2%), giving information about working orders(49.4%), the right of refusing the treatments and administrations (61.4%), giving information about the contents of invoices and the way of payment (65.9%) and giving information about joining the researches (77.0%). The least adopted patients' rights by the doctors and nurses were; giving information about the health care services after discharge from hospital' (98.1%), the rights of learning the diagnosis (94.3%), to learn the name of the nurse and the doctor (92.5%), giving information about the alternative treatments and risks of the treatment used (90.4%). - 105
SUMMARY This study has been planned cross-sectionally and definetively to determine the attitudes of nurses and doctors about the patients' rights. 70 nurses and 89 doctors who worked at the internal medicine and surgery departments have been included to the study. A questionnaire was used to determine the attitudes of nurses and doctors about the patients' rights. As a result of the study it has been determined that the doctors and nurses generally had constructive attitudes about the patients' rights. The least adopted patients' rights by the nurses were; the right of refusing the treatments and administrations (61.4%), giving information about joining the researches (66.7%) and giving information about communication with other health care instutions (76.1%). The least adopted patients' rights by the doctors were; the preserving of privacy (10.2%), giving information about working orders(49.4%), the right of refusing the treatments and administrations (61.4%), giving information about the contents of invoices and the way of payment (65.9%) and giving information about joining the researches (77.0%). The least adopted patients' rights by the doctors and nurses were; giving information about the health care services after discharge from hospital' (98.1%), the rights of learning the diagnosis (94.3%), to learn the name of the nurse and the doctor (92.5%), giving information about the alternative treatments and risks of the treatment used (90.4%). - 105
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Doktorlar, Physicians, Hasta hakları, Patient rights, Hemşireler, Nurses