Tam seramik inley uygulamalarında, lazer ve konvansiyonel pürüzlendirme yöntemlerinin mikrosızıntı üzerindeki etkilerinin in-vitro koşullarda karşılaştırmalı olarak araştırılması
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Tam seramik inley uygulamalarında, lazer ve konvansiyonel pürüzlendirme yöntemlerinin mikrosızıntı üzerindeki etkilerinin in-vitro koşullarda karşılaştırmalı olarak araştırılması. Bu çalışmanın amacı Er:YAG lazer ve/ veya konvansiyonel pürüzlendirme uygulanan dişlerde 4 farklı rezin esaslı yapıştırma simanı kullanılarak simante edilen seramik inleylerin mikrosızıntı özelliklerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada 6 aydan kısa süre önce çekilmiş, çürüksüz 105 adet molar diş kullanıldı. Dişler mikrosızıntı için n=7 olacak şekilde 15 gruba ayrıldı: RelyX U200® (G1), asit + RelyX U200® (G2), lazer + RelyX U200® (G3), asit + lazer + RelyX U200® (G4), RelyX™ Ultimate (G5), asit+RelyX™ Ultimate (G6), lazer + RelyX™ Ultimate (G7), lazer + asit + RelyX™ Ultimate (G8), PanaviaF®(G9), asit + PanaviaF®(G10), lazer + PanaviaF®(G11), lazer + asit + PanaviaF® (G12), asit + VariolinkII®(G13), lazer + VariolinkII®(G14), lazer + asit + VariolinkII® (G15). Dişler öncelikle temizlenip apeksleri boyunca akril bloklara gömüldü. İnley kaviteleri hazırlanan örneklerden polieter ölçü maddesi((Impregum, 3M ESPE, ABD) ile ölçüler alındı ve laboratuvara gönderildi. Seramik inleyler laboratuar ortamında IPS e.max Press (Programat EP 5000; Ivoclar Vivadent) ısı ile presleme tekniği ile üretildi. Dişler üzerinde gerekli pürüzlendirme işlemleri uygulanarak, inleyler 4 farklı siman ile simante edildi. Termal siklus (1000X, 5-55°C) uygulanan dişlerin, inley marjinlerinin çevresinde 2 mm açıklık kalacak şekilde dişler 2 kat tırnak cilası ile kaplandı. 24 saat %0,5'lik bazik fuksinde bekletilen dişler akan musluk suyu altında yıkandı ve tırnak cilası ultrasonik temizleyici ile uzaklaştırıldı. Akril bloklar içindeki dişler, elmas frezler(Size #909G-035-FG, 3.5 mm Diameter Meisinger USA, LLC) ile bukkolingual olarak 1,5 mm aralıklarla aşındırılarak 4 yüzey elde edildi. Her yüzey aşındırıldıktan sonra ışık mikroskobu altında (Leicamicrosystems® stereo microscope, Ltd.Stereo and microscope systems; Heerburg, İsviçre) x20 ve x10 büyütme görüntüler alındı ve diğer yüzeyin aşındırılmasına geçilerek, tüm yüzeyler bu şekilde görüntülendi. Elde edilen görüntüler birbirinden bağımsız 2 farklı hekim tarafından değerlendirildi. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizinde SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc®. Chicago, IL, ABD) istatistik programı kullanılarak; mikrosızıntı için Kruskal-Wallis ve Mann Whitney U testi (p<0,05) yapıldı. Mikrosızıntı testi bulgularına göre; PanaviaF® ,asit + PanaviaF®, asit+RelyX™ Ultimate, asit + VariolinkII® grupları diğer gruplara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ölçüde daha düşük skorlara sahip bulundu (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak; mikrosızıntı bulguları değerlendirildiğinde, sadece lazer uygulamasının asit uygulaması kadar etkili olamadığı, asit+lazer uygulamasının sadece lazer uygulanan dişlere göre mikrosızıntı değerlerini azalttığı fakat sadece asit uygulamasından yüksek mikrosızıntı değerlerine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu bulgular ışığında lazer kullanımının, asit ile pürüzlendirmeye duyulan ihtiyacı gideremediği, geleneksel pürüzlendirme yönteminin hala en iyi sonuçlara sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşıldı
A comparative research of the effects of laser and conventional etching methods on microleakage in ceramic inlays under in-vitro conditions. The aim of this study was to comparatively research microleakage of 4 resin cemet following Er:YAG laser and conventional etching. In the study, 105 intact molar teeth extracted in 6 months were used. Teeth were seperated into 15 groups, in which n=7 for microleakage: RelyX U200® (G1), acid + RelyX U200® (G2), laser + RelyX U200® (G3), acid + laser + RelyX U200® (G4), RelyX™ Ultimate (G5), acid + RelyX™ Ultimate (G6), laser + RelyX™ Ultimate (G7), laser + acid + RelyX™ Ultimate (G8), PanaviaF®(G9), acid + PanaviaF®(G10), laser + PanaviaF®(G11), laser + acid + PanaviaF® (G12), acid + VariolinkII®(G13), laser + VariolinkII®(G14), laser + acid + VariolinkII® (G15). The teeth were embedded in acrylic blocks during the apex. İnlay cavities were prepared and polieter impressions ((Impregum, 3M ESPE, ABD) of the preparations were taken for laboratory manufacturing of IPS e.max Press (Programat EP 5000; Ivoclar Vivadent ) inlays. Inlays were cemented with four different resin cements. The teeth were thermocycled (1000X, 5-55°C) and were covered with two layers of nail polish, leaving a 1mm gap around their inlay margines. The teeth were kept in % 0.5 basic fuchsine for 24 hours, washed under tap water and nail varnish was removed by ultrasonic cleaning. The teeth in acryl blocks, were removed buccolingually through 4 parallel parts with 1,5 mm intervals by a diamond bur (Size #909G-035-FG, 3.5 mm Diameter Meisinger USA, LLC) and after each surface erosion were evaluated under a stereomicroscope (Leicamicrosystems® stereo microscope, Ltd.Stereo and microscope systems; Heerburg, Switzerland). Surfaces of the specimens were examined under a stereomicroscope (Leicamicrosystems® stereo microscope, Ltd.Stereo and microscope systems; Heerburg, Switzerland) by enlarging them x10 and x20. Images were evaluated independently by two different dentists. The acquired data was analyzed by SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc®. Chicago, IL, ABD) statistics software; for microleakage Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney U test (p<0,05) was used. According to microleakage test findings; PanaviaF® ,acid + PanaviaF®, acid+RelyX™ Ultimate, acid + VariolinkII® groups were found to have less statistically significant scores compared to the other groups (p<0,05). As a result; when microleakage findings were evaluated together, only laser usage wasn't as effective as the acid etching, laser+acid usage was reduced microleakage values relative to the laser usage but it had been found to have a higher microleakage value than acid usage and under the light of these findings it was found that laser usage does not suffice to meet the need of acid etching and conventional etching method still has better results and methods with more stages prolong the duration of the treatment, thus should not be suggested for clinical applications.
A comparative research of the effects of laser and conventional etching methods on microleakage in ceramic inlays under in-vitro conditions. The aim of this study was to comparatively research microleakage of 4 resin cemet following Er:YAG laser and conventional etching. In the study, 105 intact molar teeth extracted in 6 months were used. Teeth were seperated into 15 groups, in which n=7 for microleakage: RelyX U200® (G1), acid + RelyX U200® (G2), laser + RelyX U200® (G3), acid + laser + RelyX U200® (G4), RelyX™ Ultimate (G5), acid + RelyX™ Ultimate (G6), laser + RelyX™ Ultimate (G7), laser + acid + RelyX™ Ultimate (G8), PanaviaF®(G9), acid + PanaviaF®(G10), laser + PanaviaF®(G11), laser + acid + PanaviaF® (G12), acid + VariolinkII®(G13), laser + VariolinkII®(G14), laser + acid + VariolinkII® (G15). The teeth were embedded in acrylic blocks during the apex. İnlay cavities were prepared and polieter impressions ((Impregum, 3M ESPE, ABD) of the preparations were taken for laboratory manufacturing of IPS e.max Press (Programat EP 5000; Ivoclar Vivadent ) inlays. Inlays were cemented with four different resin cements. The teeth were thermocycled (1000X, 5-55°C) and were covered with two layers of nail polish, leaving a 1mm gap around their inlay margines. The teeth were kept in % 0.5 basic fuchsine for 24 hours, washed under tap water and nail varnish was removed by ultrasonic cleaning. The teeth in acryl blocks, were removed buccolingually through 4 parallel parts with 1,5 mm intervals by a diamond bur (Size #909G-035-FG, 3.5 mm Diameter Meisinger USA, LLC) and after each surface erosion were evaluated under a stereomicroscope (Leicamicrosystems® stereo microscope, Ltd.Stereo and microscope systems; Heerburg, Switzerland). Surfaces of the specimens were examined under a stereomicroscope (Leicamicrosystems® stereo microscope, Ltd.Stereo and microscope systems; Heerburg, Switzerland) by enlarging them x10 and x20. Images were evaluated independently by two different dentists. The acquired data was analyzed by SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc®. Chicago, IL, ABD) statistics software; for microleakage Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney U test (p<0,05) was used. According to microleakage test findings; PanaviaF® ,acid + PanaviaF®, acid+RelyX™ Ultimate, acid + VariolinkII® groups were found to have less statistically significant scores compared to the other groups (p<0,05). As a result; when microleakage findings were evaluated together, only laser usage wasn't as effective as the acid etching, laser+acid usage was reduced microleakage values relative to the laser usage but it had been found to have a higher microleakage value than acid usage and under the light of these findings it was found that laser usage does not suffice to meet the need of acid etching and conventional etching method still has better results and methods with more stages prolong the duration of the treatment, thus should not be suggested for clinical applications.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry