Farklı lif özelliklerindeki ipliklerin bobinlenmesinde hava ile uç birleştirme işlemini (Pneumatic splicing) etkileyen parametrelerin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İplik özelliklerine bağlı olarak, uygun iplik uç birleştirme ayarlarını tespit eden ve bu ayarların iplik uç birleşme bölgesi özelliklerine etkisini detaylı inceleyen çalışmalar oldukça azdır. Özellikle lif özelliklerinin, uç birleştirme özellikleri üzerine etkisi konusundaki çalışmalara rastlanmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, farklı lif özelliklerinde, farklı numara ve büküm değerlerindeki ipliklerin hava ile uç birleştirme işlemi sonrasında, maksimum mukavemet, uzama ve minimum çap değişiminin sağlanabilmesi için uygun uç birleştirme ayarlarının tespit edilmesine çalışılmıştır. İplik uç birleştirme ayar parametrelerinin; lif ve iplik özelliklerinin, iplik mukavemetine, iplik kopma uzamasına ve iplik görünümüne etkileri ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Farklı iplik işletmelerinden temin edilen 8 farklı pamuk harmanından 3 farklı numarada (Ne 20, Ne 30 ve Ne 40) ve 3 farklı büküm sabiti (?e 3,8; ?e 4,2 ve ?e 4,6) kullanarak iplikler üretilmiştir. HVI ve AFIS cihazları ile ölçülen lif özellikleri ayrı ayrı değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Lif özellikleri ile birlikte makine ayar parametrelerinden açma ve üfleme havası, üfleme havası süresi, iplik bükümü ve iplik numarası bağımsız değişken; uç birleştirme işlemi görmüş ipliğin özgül kopma mukavemeti, kopma uzaması, çap değişim değerleri bağımlı değişken seçilerek yapay sinir ağları (YSA) ve response surface yöntemleri (RSM) ile analizler yapılmıştır. Analizlerde Statistica ve Matlab programları kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda uç birleştirilmiş ipliklerde kopma mukavemeti, kopma uzaması ve çap değişimini tahminleyen yüksek belirleme katsayısına (R2) sahip, istatistiksel açıdan önemli denklemler ve sinir ağ modelleri elde edilmiştir
There are a quite few studies which determine optimum splicing settings and examine thoroughly the effect of these settings on the properties of the spliced yarn zone based on yarn properties. There is a lack of studies especially about the effect of fiber properties on the spliced zone. In this study, in order to obtain maximum tenacity, elongation and minimum diameter variation after splicing of the yarns which have different fiber properties, yarn counts and yarn twists, optimum splicing settings were tried to be determined. The effects of splicing parameters, fiber and yarn properties on the tenacity, elongation and appearance of the spliced yarns were investigated in details. For this reason, yarns from 8 different blends which were supplied from different yarn spinning mills, having three different counts (Ne 20, Ne 30 ve Ne 40) and three different twist coefficients (?e 3,8; ?e 4,2 ve ?e 4,6) were produced. Fiber properties which were measured via using HVI and AFIS fiber testers were evaluated separately. Methods of artificial neural network (ANN) and response surface were used to analyze spliced yarn tenacity, elongation, diameter variation as dependent variable by choosing fiber properties together with the machine settings such as opening air, splicing air and splicing time, yarn twist and yarn count as independent variables. For the analysis, Statistica and Matlab programs were used. As a result of the study, equations and neural network models which predict the tenacity, elongation and diameter variation of the spliced yarns, are statistically important and have high coefficient of multiple determination (R2) were obtained.
There are a quite few studies which determine optimum splicing settings and examine thoroughly the effect of these settings on the properties of the spliced yarn zone based on yarn properties. There is a lack of studies especially about the effect of fiber properties on the spliced zone. In this study, in order to obtain maximum tenacity, elongation and minimum diameter variation after splicing of the yarns which have different fiber properties, yarn counts and yarn twists, optimum splicing settings were tried to be determined. The effects of splicing parameters, fiber and yarn properties on the tenacity, elongation and appearance of the spliced yarns were investigated in details. For this reason, yarns from 8 different blends which were supplied from different yarn spinning mills, having three different counts (Ne 20, Ne 30 ve Ne 40) and three different twist coefficients (?e 3,8; ?e 4,2 ve ?e 4,6) were produced. Fiber properties which were measured via using HVI and AFIS fiber testers were evaluated separately. Methods of artificial neural network (ANN) and response surface were used to analyze spliced yarn tenacity, elongation, diameter variation as dependent variable by choosing fiber properties together with the machine settings such as opening air, splicing air and splicing time, yarn twist and yarn count as independent variables. For the analysis, Statistica and Matlab programs were used. As a result of the study, equations and neural network models which predict the tenacity, elongation and diameter variation of the spliced yarns, are statistically important and have high coefficient of multiple determination (R2) were obtained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering