Modification of perlite by NaCO3 for thin layer chromatographic adsorbent
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Ege Üniversitesi
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vııı ÖZET PERLİTİN İNCE TABAKA KROMATOGRAFİSİ ADSORBENTÎ ÎÇÎN Na2C03 ÎLE MODİFİKASYONU KARAKAŞ, RAGIP Doktora Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Danışman : Prof.Dr. Ümran YÜKSEL Eylül 1996, 110 sayfa Bu çalışma perlitin ince tabaka kromatograf isinde adsorban olarak uygulanması ile ilgilidir. 1983 de Ardıç tarafından araştırılan çalışmanın bir devamıdır. Perlitteki SİO2 bileşeni %70 ile 73 arasındadır. Perlitteki silikat, NaOH ile tepkimeye girerek çözünebilir silikatlar haline dönüştürülebilir. Bu çalışmada çözünebilir silikatları elde etmek için NaOH yerine Na2C03 kullanılmıştır. Na2C03 ile modife edilen perlitin ince tabaka kromatograf isinde adsorban olarak kullanmadan önce fiziksel parametreleri; tanecik boyut analizi, spesifik yüzey alanı tayini ve gözenek hacmi tayinleri ve kimyasal parametre olarak hidroksil grup yoğunluğu tayini yapıldı. Modife perlit cam yüzeylere uygulanmadan önce bağlayıcı olarak CaS04 ve sudaki süspansiyonun pH'ını ayarlamak için de Na4Si04 ile karıştırıldı. CaS04 ve Na4Si04 içeren modife perlite "Perlit II G 7" olarak adlandırıldı. Perlit II G 7 ile hazırlanan tabakalar, ticari mürekkepteki boyar maddelerin, amino asitlerin, karboksilli asitlerin, mono- ve disakkaritlerin ve halojenür iyonlarının ayrılmasında başarılı bir şekilde kullanıldı
IX ABSTRACT MODIFICATION OF PERLİTE BY Na2C03 FOR THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHIC ADSORBENT KARAKAŞ, RAGIP PhD Thesis, Chemistry Department Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Ümran YÜKSEL September 1996, 110 page The present work is concerned with the application of mineral perlite as an adsorbent for Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). This is continuation of the research work carried out by Ardıç in 1983. The SİO2 content of perlite is in the range of 70-73%. The silica in the perlite can be converted to the soluble silicates by reaction with NaOH. In this work, in order to obtain the soluble silicates we used Na2C03 instead of NaOH. The physical parameters, particle size analysis, determination of specific surface area and determination of pore size and determination of hydroxyl group density as the chemical parameter were carried out for modified perlite by Na2C03 before use as TLC adsorbent. The modified perlite was mixed with CaS04 as the binder and Na4Si04 in order to adjust the pH of its suspension in water before apply to glass surface. The modified perlite having CaS04 and Na4Si04 was called as "Perlite II G 7". The layers prepared by Perlite II G 7 were successfully used for the separation of the dye components in commercial inks, amino acids, carboxylic acids, mono- and disaccharides and halide ions.
IX ABSTRACT MODIFICATION OF PERLİTE BY Na2C03 FOR THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHIC ADSORBENT KARAKAŞ, RAGIP PhD Thesis, Chemistry Department Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Ümran YÜKSEL September 1996, 110 page The present work is concerned with the application of mineral perlite as an adsorbent for Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). This is continuation of the research work carried out by Ardıç in 1983. The SİO2 content of perlite is in the range of 70-73%. The silica in the perlite can be converted to the soluble silicates by reaction with NaOH. In this work, in order to obtain the soluble silicates we used Na2C03 instead of NaOH. The physical parameters, particle size analysis, determination of specific surface area and determination of pore size and determination of hydroxyl group density as the chemical parameter were carried out for modified perlite by Na2C03 before use as TLC adsorbent. The modified perlite was mixed with CaS04 as the binder and Na4Si04 in order to adjust the pH of its suspension in water before apply to glass surface. The modified perlite having CaS04 and Na4Si04 was called as "Perlite II G 7". The layers prepared by Perlite II G 7 were successfully used for the separation of the dye components in commercial inks, amino acids, carboxylic acids, mono- and disaccharides and halide ions.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Adsorbentler, Adsorbents, Kromatografi, Chromatography, Perlit, Perlite