Manisa ilinde sanayi domateslerinde görülen zararlılar ve yoğunlukları üzerinde incelemeler
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
45 ÖZET Bu çalışma 1988 yılında Manisa ilinde sanayi doma teslerinde bulunan, zararlıları ve zararı önemli olanların yoğunluklarını saptamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla merkezde 2, Muradiye, de 3, Salihli'de 4 ve Turgutlu'da 6 adet olmak üzere toplam 15 örnekleme tarlası seçilmiştir. Domatesin f enolojisi de dikkate alınarak yaklaşık 20 gün arayla bölgeye 5 kez gidilerek sörvey yapılmıştır. Toplanılan zararlıların usulüne uygun olarak kolek siyonları yapılmış ve ilgili otoritelere gönderilerek teş hisleri yaptırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak 8 takıma ait 11 famil yaya bağlı 22 zararlı tür saptanmıştır. İlk aşamada saptanan zararlıların bölgedeki yayılış ları ve aylara göre dağılışları verilmiştir. İkinci aşamada zararı önemli görülen türler ele a- lınmıştır. M. euphorbiae, H.armigera, Meloidogyne spp., T.urtioae ve Empoasca spp. bu gruba dahil edilmiştir. Bu türlerin yayılışı, önemli konuk çuları kısaca verildikten sonra zarar şekilleri ve bölgedeki önemleri anlatılmış, za rar şekilleri tanıtılmıştır. Üçüncü aşamada ise potansiyel zararlılar olan ancak çalışmanın yapıldığı yer ve yılda sanayi domateslerinde populasyonu düşük olarak tesbit edilen zararlılar ele alın mıştır. B. tabaci, N.viridula, D.baocarum, A.ipsilon ve M. nubilus bu gruba dahil edilmiştir. Bu zararlıların da ya yılışı, önemli konukçuları, zarar şekilleri ve bölgedeki önemleri verilmiştir. Son bölümde ise sanayi domateslerinde şimdilik bir önemi olmayan türler ile tesadüfen rastlanılan türler ve rilmiştir
46 SUMMARY INVESTIGATIONS ON PESTS ' AND THEIR DENSITY POUND ON PROCESS TOMATO IN MANİSA CITY The purpose of this study was to determine important pests and their density which are found on process tomato around Manisa in 1988. Totaly 15 sampling fields were de termined in center(2), Muradiye(3)t Salihli(4), Turgutlu (6) fields. ;This survey. study was made by going to the areas at five times per about 20 days as considered the tomato phenology. The collections of material were prepared in accor- ' dance with the established rule and were identified by autority concerned. As the result of this study, 22 pests related to 11 families belonging to 8 orders were found. Firstly, spreading of the pests found in the areas and distribution in terms of months were given. Secondly, the species which were seen as important pests were examined. M. euphorbiae, H. armigera, Meloidogyne spp. «T.urticae and Bmpoasoa spp. were included in this group. After giving distribution and important hosts of these spe cies, types of damage and their importance in region were mentioned and the illustrations of damage were given. Thirdly, the potential pests which were determined with low population on process tomato in year and the are as.of this study were examined. B^tabaci, N.viridula, D. baccarum, A. ipsilon and M.nubilus were included in this group. Also, distributions, important hosts, damages and importances in the region of these pests were given. And finally, non-important species on process tomato at present and the unexpected species were given.
46 SUMMARY INVESTIGATIONS ON PESTS ' AND THEIR DENSITY POUND ON PROCESS TOMATO IN MANİSA CITY The purpose of this study was to determine important pests and their density which are found on process tomato around Manisa in 1988. Totaly 15 sampling fields were de termined in center(2), Muradiye(3)t Salihli(4), Turgutlu (6) fields. ;This survey. study was made by going to the areas at five times per about 20 days as considered the tomato phenology. The collections of material were prepared in accor- ' dance with the established rule and were identified by autority concerned. As the result of this study, 22 pests related to 11 families belonging to 8 orders were found. Firstly, spreading of the pests found in the areas and distribution in terms of months were given. Secondly, the species which were seen as important pests were examined. M. euphorbiae, H. armigera, Meloidogyne spp. «T.urticae and Bmpoasoa spp. were included in this group. After giving distribution and important hosts of these spe cies, types of damage and their importance in region were mentioned and the illustrations of damage were given. Thirdly, the potential pests which were determined with low population on process tomato in year and the are as.of this study were examined. B^tabaci, N.viridula, D. baccarum, A. ipsilon and M.nubilus were included in this group. Also, distributions, important hosts, damages and importances in the region of these pests were given. And finally, non-important species on process tomato at present and the unexpected species were given.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Domates, Tomato, Manisa, Manisa, Salça, Sauce, Zararlı böcekler, Insect pests