Ege denizindeki midyelerde radyoaktif polonyum düzeyinin elektrokimyasal depozisyon yöntemiyle ölçülmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET EGE DENÎZİ'NDEKİ MİDYELERDE RADYOAKTİF POLONYUM DÜZEYİNİN ELEKTROKİMYASAL DEPOZİSYON YÖNTEMİYLE ÖLÇÜLMESİ SEKKİN, Fatma Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Nükleer Bilimler Anabilim Dalı (Fizik) Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Güngör YENER 2000, 62 sayfa Bu çalışmada, Ege Denizi'ndeki midyelerde radyoaktif Po-210 konsantrasyonları elektrodepozisyon ve alfa sayımı kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Ege Denizi'ndeki midyeler üzerinde daha önce Po-210 içeriği konusunda yapılmış çalışma bulunmadığı için, bu araştırma gelecekteki çalışmalar için bir ilk adım olacaktır. Türkiye'deki midyelerde özellikle biyolojisi ve ağır metal kirliliği üzerinde çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Midyelerin radyoaktivite içerikleri ile ilgili araştırmalar azdır ve genellikle toplam aktivite sayımına yöneliktir. İnsanların önemli besin maddelerinden birini oluşturan midyelerin tüketimi ve önemi, Türkiye'de ve dünyada giderek artmaktadır. Ancak midyelerin beslenme şekilleri ve çevresel faktörler bu deniz ürünlerini olumsuz yönde etkileyebilmektedir. İnsanların içsel yoldan aldıkları Po- 210'nun % 70 'i, deniz ürünlerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu canlılar içinde midyeler, genellikle daha yüksek Po-210 konsantrasyonuna sahiptirler. Çalışmada midye türü olarak Mytilus galloprovincialis incelenmiştir.VI Bu araştırmada Ege^ Denizi'nde 6 istasyon belirlenmiştir. Bunlar; Karaburun, Mordoğan, înciraltı, SÜFA (Homa) Dalyanı, Foça ve Ayvalık'tır. Midyeler toplandıktan sonra 80 °C'de kurutulmuş, radyokimyasal. işlemler yapılmış ve elektrodepozisyon yöntemiyle Po- 210 bakır diskler üzerinde toplanmıştır. Daha sonra ZnS(Ag) dedektörle alfa aktiviteleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar istasyonlara göre farklılık göstermiştir. Bu durumun, midyelerin biyolojik döngüsüne ve çevresel parametrelere bağlı olduğu düşünülmektedir. En yüksek konsantrasyon Karaburun midyelerinde 254"1 (yaş ağırlık) olarak ve en düşüğü İnciraltı'nda 18" O 1 D (yaş ağırlık) olarak bulunmuştur. Bulunan Po aktivite konsantrasyonlarına dayanılarak hesaplanan yıllık doz eşdeğer oranlarının, incelenen midyelerde biyolojik dokularda 10 mSv.y"''dan 136 mSv.y"ue kadar geniş bir aralıkta değiştiği gözlenmektedir. Deneysel çalışmalarda toplam verim % 28.39, elektrodepozisyon işlemlerindeki kimyasal verim ise % 72 olarak ölçülmüştür. Anahtar sözcükler: Po, midye, elektrodepozisyon
VII ABSTRACT MEASUREMENT OF RADIOACTIVE POLONIUM LEVEL WITH ELECTROCHEMICAL DEPOSITION IN MUSSELS AT AEGEAN SEA SEKKİN, Fatma MSc in Nuclear Sciences ( Physics) Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Güngör YENER 2000, 62 pages In this study, radioactive Po-210 concentrations in mussels at Aegean Sea were investigated using electrodeposition method with alpha counting. Since there isn't any work done for Po-210 content of mussels at Aegean Sea this study will be a first step for such investigations. In Turkey, there exist some studies for mussels especially on their biology and heavy metal pollutions. The investigation about radioactivity contents of mussels is rare and they are directed to usually gross activity counting. The consumption and so, the importance of mussel which are one of the most important food for people are increasing in Turkey and in the world. But, feeding patterns of mussels and the environmental factors can negatively affect these seafood. It is estimated that 70 % of Po-210 which are taken by internal way by people come from seafood. Among these organisms mussels usually have high Po-210VIII concentrations. In this work the Mytilus galloprovincialis was investigated as mussel species. The 6 sampling stations studied are ; Karaburun, Mordoğan, İnciraltı, SÜFA(Homa) Dalyan, Foça and Ayvalık. After collecting the mussels, samples were oven dried at 80 °C, radiochemical processes were performed and Po-210 were collected onto copper disks with electrodeposition method and then alpha activities were determined counting in scintillation detector. The results showed differences according to the stations. This situation is thought as it relates to biological cycle of the mussels and environmental parameters. The highest concentrations was found in Karaburun mussels as 254"1 and the lowest one was at İnciraltı as 18"1. Based on this 210Po activity concentrations, annual dose equivalent rates delivered to biological tissues in studied mussels would vary widely, from 10 mSv.y"1 to 136 mSv.y"1. In experimental studies total yield and chemical deposition yield were measured as 28,39 % and respectively 72 %. Key words : 210Po, mussel, electrodeposition.
VII ABSTRACT MEASUREMENT OF RADIOACTIVE POLONIUM LEVEL WITH ELECTROCHEMICAL DEPOSITION IN MUSSELS AT AEGEAN SEA SEKKİN, Fatma MSc in Nuclear Sciences ( Physics) Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Güngör YENER 2000, 62 pages In this study, radioactive Po-210 concentrations in mussels at Aegean Sea were investigated using electrodeposition method with alpha counting. Since there isn't any work done for Po-210 content of mussels at Aegean Sea this study will be a first step for such investigations. In Turkey, there exist some studies for mussels especially on their biology and heavy metal pollutions. The investigation about radioactivity contents of mussels is rare and they are directed to usually gross activity counting. The consumption and so, the importance of mussel which are one of the most important food for people are increasing in Turkey and in the world. But, feeding patterns of mussels and the environmental factors can negatively affect these seafood. It is estimated that 70 % of Po-210 which are taken by internal way by people come from seafood. Among these organisms mussels usually have high Po-210VIII concentrations. In this work the Mytilus galloprovincialis was investigated as mussel species. The 6 sampling stations studied are ; Karaburun, Mordoğan, İnciraltı, SÜFA(Homa) Dalyan, Foça and Ayvalık. After collecting the mussels, samples were oven dried at 80 °C, radiochemical processes were performed and Po-210 were collected onto copper disks with electrodeposition method and then alpha activities were determined counting in scintillation detector. The results showed differences according to the stations. This situation is thought as it relates to biological cycle of the mussels and environmental parameters. The highest concentrations was found in Karaburun mussels as 254"1 and the lowest one was at İnciraltı as 18"1. Based on this 210Po activity concentrations, annual dose equivalent rates delivered to biological tissues in studied mussels would vary widely, from 10 mSv.y"1 to 136 mSv.y"1. In experimental studies total yield and chemical deposition yield were measured as 28,39 % and respectively 72 %. Key words : 210Po, mussel, electrodeposition.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Ege Denizi, Aegean Sea, Elektrokimyasal depolama, Electrochemical deposition, Midyeler, Mussels, Radyoaktif polonyum, Radioactive polonium