Yoğunluk ayarlı tüm cilt elektron ışınlama tekniğinin geliştirilmesi
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Tüm cilt elektron ışınlamalarında (TSEI) abdominal bölge kalınlığı fazla olan
hastalarda abdomen bölgesi dışındaki anterior cilt bölgeleri tedavi cihazından
uzaklaşarak istenilenden farklı doz alır. Bu çalışmayla anterior cilt bölgelerindeki doz
düzensizliğinin geliştirilecek olan yoğunluk ayarlı tüm cilt elektron ışınlama yöntemi
(IM-TSEI) ile ortadan kaldırılması amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: İlk olarak siyah ABS materyalinin doku eşdeğerliği belirlendi. Abdominal
bölge kalınlığının 3, 6, 9, 12 ve 15 cm olduğu durumlar ABS ile üretilen farklı
kalınlıklarda abdomen fantomları ve insan fantomu kullanılarak simüle edildi. Klasik
Stanford TSEI tekniğinin özellikleri belirlenerek IM-TSEI tekniğinin özellikleri
tanımlandı. Buna göre IM-TSEI tekniğinde hastaların önden ışın aldığı pozisyonlarda
abdominal bölge kalınlığına bağlı olarak yeni bir açı çifti, 12AF ve tedavi süresi
belirlenirken SSD sternum noktası baz alınarak ayarlandı. Arka vücut bölgelerinin
ışınlandığı duruş pozisyonlarında abdominal bölge kalınlığı gibi kontur düzensizlikleri
olmadığından klasik TSEI’daki gibi SSD bel arka noktasına göre ayarlanarak homojen
profilin sağlandığı tedavi açı çifti ve tedavi süreleri kullanıldı. Abdomen kalınlığından
etkilenen parametreler belirlenerek derinliğe bağlı doz değişim ölçümleri yapıldı.
Farklı abdomen kalınlıkları için IM-TSEI uygulama parametreleri birleşik doz ölçümü
ve tedavi sürelerinin hesaplanmasıyla belirlendi. Geliştirilen IM-TSEI yönteminin
güvenilirliği antropomorfik insan fantomunun 3, 6, 9, 12 ve 15 cm’lik abdominal bölge
kalınlıkları için TLD cilt dozu ve fantom içi film ölçümleriyle belirlendi.
Bulgular: Yapılan istatistiksel analizler sonucunda profil ölçümleriyle IM-TSEI
yönteminin TSEI tekniğine göre 6 cm ve üzerindeki abdomen kalınlıklarında vücut ön
bölgesindeki dış kontur düzensizliğini telafi ederek vertikal eksen boyunca abdomen
bölgesi de dahil olmak üzere daha homojen dozlar sağladığı belirlendi. İnsan fantomu
cilt dozu ölçümleri ile tüm abdomen kalınlıkları için geliştirilen IM-TSEI yöntemiyle
klasik TSEI yöntemine göre daha homojen doz dağılımları elde edildiği, TSEI
yönteminin 9 cm ve üzerindeki abdomen kalınlıklarında homojenite kriterlerini
sağlayamadığı görüldü. İki tekniğe ait tam tedavi yüzde derin doz eğrilerinin birbiriyle
uyumlu olduğu ve fantom içi dozların TSEI tekniği dozlarıyla uyuştuğu görülmüştür.
Ayrıca 9 cm’in altındaki abdomen kalınlıklarında hem ortalama tüm cilt dozları hem de vücut ön bölge cilt dozları için iki teknik arasında istatistiksel anlamlı farkın
olmadığı ve ikisinin de kullanılabileceği belirlendi. IM-TSEI tekniğinde 9 cm ve
üzerindeki abdomen kalınlıklarında vücut ön bölge ve ortalama cilt dozlarının tedavi
dozundan mutlak farkının daha az olduğu belirlendi. TLD ölçümleri ile IM-TSEI
tekniğiyle yoğunluk ayarı yapılmasının abdomen kalınlığına bağlı olarak vücut ön
yüzeyi dozlarında oluşan düzensizliği giderdiği gösterildi.
Sonuç: Geliştirilen IM-TSEI tekniği tüm abdomen kalınlıklarında güvenle
kullanılabilir olmakla beraber 9 cm ve üzerindeki kalınlıklarda TSEI tekniğine göre
daha avantajlıdır.
Objective: In total skin electron irradiation(TSEI) of the patients with higher abdominal thickness, the anterior skin areas other than the abdominal area move away from the treatment device and receive a different dose than that of the prescribed dose. It is aimed to eliminate the dose irregularity in the anterior skin areas by the intensity modulated total skin electron irradiation(IM-TSEI) method which is developed in this study. Method: First, the tissue equivalence of the black ABS material was determined. Abdominal thicknesses of 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15cm were simulated using human phantom and abdominal phantoms of different thicknesses produced with ABS. The properties of classical Stanford TSEI technique were determined and the characteristics of IMTSEI technique were defined. In the IM-TSEI technique a new angle pair, 12FF, and treatment time were determined based on the thickness of the abdominal region at the anterior beam positions and the SSD was adjusted based on the sternum point. Since there were no contour irregularities such as abdominal thickness in the posterior treatment positions SSD was adjusted to the posterior waist point as in the conventional TSEI, and the treatment angle pair and treatment times creating a homogeneous profile were used. The parameters affected by abdominal thickness were determined and depth-dependent dose change measurements were performed. IMTSEI application parameters for different abdominal thicknesses were determined by combined dose measurements and calculation of treatment times. The quality assurance of the IM-TSEI method was done using an anthropomorphic human phantom with 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 cm abdominal thicknesses by TLD skin dose and intraphantom film measurements. Results: As a result of statistical analyzes, it was determined that IM-TSEI method provided more homogeneous doses including abdominal region along the vertical axis by compensating for the external contour irregularities in the anterior region of the body at the thicknesses of 6cm and above according to TSEI technique with profile measurements.Human phantom skin dose measurements showed that IM-TSEI method provided more homogeneous dose distributions for all abdominal thicknesses compared to classical TSEI method and TSEI method did not meet homogeneity criteria for abdominal thicknesses of 9cm and above. The full treatment percentage depth dose curves of the two techniques were consistent with each other, and the intraphantom doses were consistent with the TSEI technique doses. In addition, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the two techniques in abdominal thicknesses of less than 9 cm regarding average skin doses and body anterior skin doses, so both techniques could be used. In the IM-TSEI technique, the absolute dose difference between the anterior body region and the average skin doses was less than the prescribed dose at abdominal thicknesses of 9 cm and above. With TLD measurements, it was determined that intensity modulation by IM-TSEI technique corrected irregularities in the anterior body surface doses due to abdominal thickness. Conclusion: Although IM-TSEI technique can be used safely in all abdominal thicknesses, it is more advantageous than TSEI technique in thicknesses of 9 cm and above.
Objective: In total skin electron irradiation(TSEI) of the patients with higher abdominal thickness, the anterior skin areas other than the abdominal area move away from the treatment device and receive a different dose than that of the prescribed dose. It is aimed to eliminate the dose irregularity in the anterior skin areas by the intensity modulated total skin electron irradiation(IM-TSEI) method which is developed in this study. Method: First, the tissue equivalence of the black ABS material was determined. Abdominal thicknesses of 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15cm were simulated using human phantom and abdominal phantoms of different thicknesses produced with ABS. The properties of classical Stanford TSEI technique were determined and the characteristics of IMTSEI technique were defined. In the IM-TSEI technique a new angle pair, 12FF, and treatment time were determined based on the thickness of the abdominal region at the anterior beam positions and the SSD was adjusted based on the sternum point. Since there were no contour irregularities such as abdominal thickness in the posterior treatment positions SSD was adjusted to the posterior waist point as in the conventional TSEI, and the treatment angle pair and treatment times creating a homogeneous profile were used. The parameters affected by abdominal thickness were determined and depth-dependent dose change measurements were performed. IMTSEI application parameters for different abdominal thicknesses were determined by combined dose measurements and calculation of treatment times. The quality assurance of the IM-TSEI method was done using an anthropomorphic human phantom with 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 cm abdominal thicknesses by TLD skin dose and intraphantom film measurements. Results: As a result of statistical analyzes, it was determined that IM-TSEI method provided more homogeneous doses including abdominal region along the vertical axis by compensating for the external contour irregularities in the anterior region of the body at the thicknesses of 6cm and above according to TSEI technique with profile measurements.Human phantom skin dose measurements showed that IM-TSEI method provided more homogeneous dose distributions for all abdominal thicknesses compared to classical TSEI method and TSEI method did not meet homogeneity criteria for abdominal thicknesses of 9cm and above. The full treatment percentage depth dose curves of the two techniques were consistent with each other, and the intraphantom doses were consistent with the TSEI technique doses. In addition, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the two techniques in abdominal thicknesses of less than 9 cm regarding average skin doses and body anterior skin doses, so both techniques could be used. In the IM-TSEI technique, the absolute dose difference between the anterior body region and the average skin doses was less than the prescribed dose at abdominal thicknesses of 9 cm and above. With TLD measurements, it was determined that intensity modulation by IM-TSEI technique corrected irregularities in the anterior body surface doses due to abdominal thickness. Conclusion: Although IM-TSEI technique can be used safely in all abdominal thicknesses, it is more advantageous than TSEI technique in thicknesses of 9 cm and above.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tüm Cilt Elektron Işınlaması, Yoğunluk Ayarlı Tüm Cilt Elektron Işınlaması, TLD Dozimetri, Film Dozimetri, Üç Boyutlu Yazıcı, Total Skin Electron Irradiation, Intensity Modulated Total Skin Electron Irradiation, TLD Dosimetry, Film Dosimetry, 3D Printer