2000 sonrası Türk sinemasında yer alan filmlerde gençlik temsilleri: 1980 askeri darbesini konu alan filmler örneği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışması Türk Sinemasında gençlik temsilleri sunumunu analiz etmeyi amaçlayan betimsel bir çalışmadır. Gençlik geleceği sembolize ettiği için sinemadaki temsil sunumlarını analiz ederken, toplumsal gerçekçi filmlerle gençliğin sinema üzerinden de tarih bilinci kazanabileceği savı ortaya konulmuştur. Bu doğrultuda toplumsal toplumsal bilinçaltında yer alan önemli olay, olgu ve kişiliklerin sinemada olabildiğinde geniş perspektiflerden yer alması hem izleyicide farkındalık yaratacak hem de kültürel bir iletişim aracı olan sinemaya estetik açıdan değer katacaktır. Buradan hareketle gençlik temsili sunumlarının yer aldığı 12 Eylül temalı filmler sosyolojik olarak incelenmiştir. Amaç hem bilimsel araştırmacılara hem de sinema severlere katkı sağlayacak bir kaynak yaratmaktır. Tez çalışmasında 12 Eylül temalı filmlerde yer alan gençlik temsilleri sunumunu toplumsal gerçekçilik özelliği üzerinden analiz etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda gerçekçilik kavramından başlayarak toplumsal gerçekçilik ve Türk Sinemasında toplumsal gerçekçilik teması baz alınarak seçilen filmler üzerinden sosyolojik bir inceleme yapılmıştır. Seçilen filmlerde yer alan gençlik temsilleri analizine yönelik olarak gençlik, kuşak, kimlik, kültür kavramları incelenmiştir. Türk Sinemasında gençlik temsillerine yönelik yapılan akademik çalışmaların az sayıda olduğu görülerek betimsel ve karşılaştırmalı bir analiz yapmak hedeflenmiştir. Seçilen sinema filmlerini karakterler, yaşanan olay ve olgular üzerinden sosyolojik açıdan yorumlamak amaçlandığı için çalışmada niteliksel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Tezin evreni 12 Eylül Askeri Darbesini konu alan filmlerdir. Tezin örneklemi ise 2000 sonrasında çekilmiş olan ve gençlik temsillerine yer veren 12 Eylül temalı filmlerdir. Örneklemde yer alan filmler toplumsal gerçeklere dayanan olay ve olgulardan yola çıkılarak çekilmiş filmlerdir. 80 sonrası serbest piyasa ekonomisine geçilmesinden dolayı entegre olunan küreselleşme adımları dolayısıyla ülkede sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik ve politik olarak değişim ve dönüşüm yaşamıştır. Özellikle 80'li yıllardan sonra Türk sinema sektöründe de popüler kültürün sirayet etmiş olduğu görülmektedir. Tezin temel sorunsallarından biri örneklemde yer alan filmlerde yer alan gençlik temsillerinin ve dönemin sosyo-kültürel ve politik ortamının toplumsal gerçekleri ne kadar ve ne şekilde yansıttığını analiz etmektir. Bu noktadan yola çıkılarak bu araştırmada Vizontele Tuuba, Babam ve Oğlum, Eve Dönüş, Zincirbozan ve Kafes filmleri hazırlanan yönerge üzerinden niteliksel içerik analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan araştırmada toplumsal gerçekçi bulgulara rastlanmasına rağmen, popüler kültüre özgü özelliklerin de filmlere yansımış olduğu görülmüştür.
This thesis is a descriptive study aiming to analyze the presentation of youth representations in Turkish Cinema. As the youth symbolizes the future, while analyzing the representation presentations in the cinema, it has been put forward that the youth can gain historical consciousness through cinema with social realist films. In this direction, the inclusion of important events, phenomena and personalities in the social subconscious will both create awareness in the audience and add aesthetic value to the cinema, which is a cultural communication tool. From this point of view, the films with the theme of September 12, in which youth representation presentations take place, were examined sociologically. The aim is to create a resource that will contribute to both scientific researchers and cinema lovers. In the thesis study, it is aimed to analyze the presentation of youth representations in the films with the theme of September 12 through social realism. In this direction, starting from the concept of realism, a sociological analysis has been made on the films selected based on the theme of social realism and social realism in Turkish Cinema. For the analysis of youth representations in selected films, the concepts of youth, generation, identity and culture were examined. It is aimed to make a descriptive and comparative analysis by seeing that there are few academic studies on youth representations in Turkish Cinema. Qualitative analysis method was used in the study since it is aimed to interpret the selected movies from the sociological point of view through the characters, the events and facts. The universe of the thesis is the films about the 12 September Military Coup. The sample of the thesis is the films with the theme of September 12, which were shot after 2000 and include youth representations. The films included in the sample are films made on the basis of events and facts based on social realities. Due to the transition to the free market economy after 1980, the country has experienced socio-cultural, economic and political changes and transformations due to the integrated globalization steps. It is seen that popular culture has spread in the Turkish cinema sector, especially after the 80s. One of the main problematics of the thesis is to analyze how and how the youth representations in the films in the sample and the socio-cultural and political environment of the period reflect the social realities. Starting from this point, in this research, the films Vizontele Tuuba, My Father and My Son, Home Return, Zincirbozan and Kafes were analyzed by qualitative content analysis method over the prepared directive. Although social realist findings were found in the research, it was seen that the features specific to popular culture were also reflected in the films.
This thesis is a descriptive study aiming to analyze the presentation of youth representations in Turkish Cinema. As the youth symbolizes the future, while analyzing the representation presentations in the cinema, it has been put forward that the youth can gain historical consciousness through cinema with social realist films. In this direction, the inclusion of important events, phenomena and personalities in the social subconscious will both create awareness in the audience and add aesthetic value to the cinema, which is a cultural communication tool. From this point of view, the films with the theme of September 12, in which youth representation presentations take place, were examined sociologically. The aim is to create a resource that will contribute to both scientific researchers and cinema lovers. In the thesis study, it is aimed to analyze the presentation of youth representations in the films with the theme of September 12 through social realism. In this direction, starting from the concept of realism, a sociological analysis has been made on the films selected based on the theme of social realism and social realism in Turkish Cinema. For the analysis of youth representations in selected films, the concepts of youth, generation, identity and culture were examined. It is aimed to make a descriptive and comparative analysis by seeing that there are few academic studies on youth representations in Turkish Cinema. Qualitative analysis method was used in the study since it is aimed to interpret the selected movies from the sociological point of view through the characters, the events and facts. The universe of the thesis is the films about the 12 September Military Coup. The sample of the thesis is the films with the theme of September 12, which were shot after 2000 and include youth representations. The films included in the sample are films made on the basis of events and facts based on social realities. Due to the transition to the free market economy after 1980, the country has experienced socio-cultural, economic and political changes and transformations due to the integrated globalization steps. It is seen that popular culture has spread in the Turkish cinema sector, especially after the 80s. One of the main problematics of the thesis is to analyze how and how the youth representations in the films in the sample and the socio-cultural and political environment of the period reflect the social realities. Starting from this point, in this research, the films Vizontele Tuuba, My Father and My Son, Home Return, Zincirbozan and Kafes were analyzed by qualitative content analysis method over the prepared directive. Although social realist findings were found in the research, it was seen that the features specific to popular culture were also reflected in the films.
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