Etlik piliç yemlerine kapsüle edilmiş rezene tohumu (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) uçucu yağı ilavesinin performans ile bağırsak mikroflorası, morfolojisi ve transkriptomik profillemesi üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, kapsüle edilmiş rezene tohumu (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) uçucu
yağı’nın (RUY) karma yemlere ilavesinin, etlik piliçlerin büyüme performansı ile
ince bağırsak mikroflorası ve morfolojisi üzerindeki etkinliğini ortaya koymak ve
bu biyolojik süreçlerdeki genetik ve moleküler mekanizmaları nutrigenomik
teknolojileri kullanarak ince bağırsak transkriptomik profillemesi üzerinden
incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada toplam 400 adet 1 günlük
yaştaki Ross-308 genotipindeki erkek civcivler her grupta 16 tekerrür olacak
şekilde 5 gruba tesadüfi olarak dağıtılmıştır. Deneme, hiçbir yem katkı maddesi
içermeyen standart yemle beslenen kontrol grubu ve her 1 kg standart yeme 50 mg
(RUY50), 100 mg (RUY100), 200 mg (RUY200) veya 400 mg (RUY400) kapsüle
edilmiş RUY ilavesiyle beslenen etlik piliç gruplarından oluşmuştur. Çalışma
tesadüf parselleri deneme planına göre 6 hafta devam etmiştir.
Elde edilen performans parametreleri değerlendirildiğinde canlı ağırlıklar
(CA) ve Avrupa üretim etkinlik faktörü (EPEF) değerlerinin RUY50 grubunda
artma eğiliminde olduğu, RUY100, RUY200 ve RUY400 gruplarında ise benzer
ve kontrol grubuna kıyasla önemli derecede arttığı saptanmıştır (P<0.05). Canlı
ağırlık kazancı’nın (CAK) RUY düzey artışına paralel olarak arttığı ve en yüksek
RUY400 grubunda görüldüğü tespit edilmiştir (P<0.05). Yem tüketimi’nin (YT) ise RUY düzey artışından etkilenmediği (P>0.05), yemden yararlanma oranı’nın
(YYO) da kontrol grubuna kıyasla tüm RUY düzeylerinde iyileştiği (P<0.05),
ancak RUY ilaveli gruplar arasında fark olmadığı saptanmıştır (P>0.05). RUY’un
ölüm oranını ise rakamsal olarak azalttığı görülmüştür. RUY düzey artışının sıcak
karkas randımanını ve göğüs kası ağırlığını artırdığı bulunmuştur. Özellikle de
RUY100, RUY200 ve RUY400 gruplarında abdominal yağ, karaciğer, bursa
fabricius ve total ince bağırsak ağırlıkları önemli derecede artmıştır (P<0.05).
RUY’un duodenum, jejunum ve ileum morfolojisini iyileştirdiği, duodenum ve
jejunumdaki mukozal tabaka ile, jejunum ve ileumdaki musküler tabaka
kalınlığını artırdığı saptanmıştır (P<0.05). Ayrıca jejunum ve ileumdaki patojen
mikroorganizmaları baskılayarak Lactobacillius spp. popülasyonunun artmasını
sağlamıştır (P<0.05).
İnce bağırsak dokularından alınan örneklerde yapılan mikroarray analizi
sonucu elde edilen transkriptom profilinde ise kontrol grubuna kıyasla, RUY50
grubunda 261 genin (206 upregüle, 55 downregüle), RUY100 grubunda 302 genin
(218 upregüle 84 downregüle), RUY200 grubunda 292 genin (231 upregüle, 61
downregüle) ve RUY400 grubunda 348 genin (268 upregüle, 80 downregüle)
mRNA ekspresyon seviyelerinin değiştiği saptanmıştır. Upregüle genlerin büyük
çoğunluğunun katalitik aktivite, bağlayıcı/binding, transkripsiyon regülatör ve
transkripsiyon faktör, anatomik yapı ve hücresel gelişim ile protein bağlanma
aktivite düzenleyicisiyle ilişkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Downregüle genler ise
çoğunlukla taşıyıcı ve protein modifiye edici enzim sınıflarında yer almıştır.
Mikroarray analizinin validasyonu için seçilen genlerin qRT-PCR ile analizi
sonucunda da kontrol grubuna kıyasla RUY100 grubunda anti-inflamatuar IL-10
geni (4.41 kat) önemli derecede artmış, proapoptotik BAK1 geni ise (-1.23 kat)
azaltmıştır (P<0.05). Sonuç olarak, özellikle 100, 200 veya en çok 400 mg/kg
düzeylerindeki rezene tohumu uçucu yağı ilavesinin etlik piliçler üzerinde olumlu
etkileri gözlenmiştir. Ancak yem katkı maddelerinin kanatlı endüstrisi tarafından
kabulü büyük ölçüde yem girdi maliyetlerine bağlı olduğundan, maliyet etkinliği
açısından 100 mg/kg rezene tohumu uçucu yağ düzeyi önerilebilir.
The aim of this study is to reveal the effect of the addition of the capsulated fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) essential oil (RUY) into the mixed feeds on the growth performance of broilers, small intestine microflora and morphology, and to examine the genetic and molecular mechanisms in these biological processes over small intestine transcriptomic profiling by using nutrigenomic technologies. In the study, a total of 400 1-day-old male chicks of the Ross-308 genotype were randomly distributed into 5 groups, with 16 replications in each group. The experiment included a control group fed with standard feed containing no feed additives and broiler groups fed with the addition of 50 mg (RUY50), 100 mg (RUY100), 200 mg (RUY200) or 400 mg (RUY400) capsulated RUY per 1 kg standard feed. The research continued for 6 weeks according to the randomized plot trial design. When the obtained performance parameters were evaluated, it was determined that the body weights (BW) and European production efficiency factor (EPEF) values tended to increase in the RUY50 group, while the RUY100, RUY200 and RUY400 groups were similar and significantly increased compared to the control group (P<0.05). It was found that body weight gains (BWG) increased in parallel with the RUY levels increase and was highest in the RUY400 group (P<0.05). It was determined that feed intake (FI) was not affected by the increase in RUY levels (P>0.05), and that feed conversion rates (FCR) improved at all RUY levels (P<0.05) compared to the control group, but there was no difference between the RUY added groups (P>0.05). RUY was observed to decrease the mortality rate numerically. It was found that hot carcass yield and breast muscle weights increased parallel to the increase in RUY levels. Particularly abdominal fat, liver, bursa of fabricius and total small intestine weights increased significantly in the RUY100, RUY200 and RUY400 groups (P<0.05). It was found to improve the duodenum, jejunum and ileum morphology, and to increase mucosal layer thickness in duodenum and jejunum, and muscular layer thickness in jejunum and ileum (P<0.05). It also provided an increase in the population of Lactobacillius spp. by suppressing the pathogenic microorganisms in the jejunum and ileum (P<0.05). In the transcriptome profile obtained as a result of microarray analysis of samples taken from small intestine tissues, the mRNA expression levels of 261 genes in the RUY50 group (206 upregulated, 55 downregulated), 302 genes in the RUY100 group (218 upregulated, 84 downregulated), 292 genes in the RUY200 group (231 upregulated, 61 downregulated) and 348 genes in the RUY400 group (268 upregulated, 80 downregulated) were found to have changed compared to the control group. The majority of the upregulated genes were observed to be associated with catalytic activity, binding, transcription regulator and transcription factor, anatomical structure and cellular development, and protein binding activity modulators. Also, downregulated genes are mostly included in transporter and protein modifying enzyme classes. As a result of the qRT-PCR analysis of the genes selected for the validation of the microarray analysis, the anti-inflammatory IL-10 gene (4.41-fold) increased significantly in the RUY100 group, and the proapoptotic BAK1 gene (-1.23-fold) decreased compared to the control group (P<0.05). Consequently, positive effects of fennel seed essential oil addition at a level of 100, 200 or max. 400 mg/kg on broilers were observed. However, as the acceptance of feed additives by the poultry industry largely depends on feed input costs, 100 mg/kg fennel seed essential oil level could be recommended for cost efficiency.
The aim of this study is to reveal the effect of the addition of the capsulated fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) essential oil (RUY) into the mixed feeds on the growth performance of broilers, small intestine microflora and morphology, and to examine the genetic and molecular mechanisms in these biological processes over small intestine transcriptomic profiling by using nutrigenomic technologies. In the study, a total of 400 1-day-old male chicks of the Ross-308 genotype were randomly distributed into 5 groups, with 16 replications in each group. The experiment included a control group fed with standard feed containing no feed additives and broiler groups fed with the addition of 50 mg (RUY50), 100 mg (RUY100), 200 mg (RUY200) or 400 mg (RUY400) capsulated RUY per 1 kg standard feed. The research continued for 6 weeks according to the randomized plot trial design. When the obtained performance parameters were evaluated, it was determined that the body weights (BW) and European production efficiency factor (EPEF) values tended to increase in the RUY50 group, while the RUY100, RUY200 and RUY400 groups were similar and significantly increased compared to the control group (P<0.05). It was found that body weight gains (BWG) increased in parallel with the RUY levels increase and was highest in the RUY400 group (P<0.05). It was determined that feed intake (FI) was not affected by the increase in RUY levels (P>0.05), and that feed conversion rates (FCR) improved at all RUY levels (P<0.05) compared to the control group, but there was no difference between the RUY added groups (P>0.05). RUY was observed to decrease the mortality rate numerically. It was found that hot carcass yield and breast muscle weights increased parallel to the increase in RUY levels. Particularly abdominal fat, liver, bursa of fabricius and total small intestine weights increased significantly in the RUY100, RUY200 and RUY400 groups (P<0.05). It was found to improve the duodenum, jejunum and ileum morphology, and to increase mucosal layer thickness in duodenum and jejunum, and muscular layer thickness in jejunum and ileum (P<0.05). It also provided an increase in the population of Lactobacillius spp. by suppressing the pathogenic microorganisms in the jejunum and ileum (P<0.05). In the transcriptome profile obtained as a result of microarray analysis of samples taken from small intestine tissues, the mRNA expression levels of 261 genes in the RUY50 group (206 upregulated, 55 downregulated), 302 genes in the RUY100 group (218 upregulated, 84 downregulated), 292 genes in the RUY200 group (231 upregulated, 61 downregulated) and 348 genes in the RUY400 group (268 upregulated, 80 downregulated) were found to have changed compared to the control group. The majority of the upregulated genes were observed to be associated with catalytic activity, binding, transcription regulator and transcription factor, anatomical structure and cellular development, and protein binding activity modulators. Also, downregulated genes are mostly included in transporter and protein modifying enzyme classes. As a result of the qRT-PCR analysis of the genes selected for the validation of the microarray analysis, the anti-inflammatory IL-10 gene (4.41-fold) increased significantly in the RUY100 group, and the proapoptotic BAK1 gene (-1.23-fold) decreased compared to the control group (P<0.05). Consequently, positive effects of fennel seed essential oil addition at a level of 100, 200 or max. 400 mg/kg on broilers were observed. However, as the acceptance of feed additives by the poultry industry largely depends on feed input costs, 100 mg/kg fennel seed essential oil level could be recommended for cost efficiency.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Etlik Piliç, Rezene Tohumu Uçucu Yağı, Performans, Mikroflora, Histomorfoloji, Nutrigenomik, Mikroarray, qRT-PCR, Broiler, Fennel Seed Essential Oil, Performance, Microflora, Histomorphology, Nutrigenomic, Microarray, qRT-PCR