Yoğuşmayan korozif gazların jeotermal buhardan alınması için tasarlanan yoğuşturma / kaynatma modelli ısı değiştirgeçleri (reboilerler) üzerine teorik ve deneysel incelemeler
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET YOĞUŞMAYAN KOROZİF GAZLARIN JEOTERMAL BUHARDAN ALINMASI İÇİN TASARLANAN YOĞUŞTURMA/KAYNATMA MODELLİ ISI DEĞİŞTİRGEÇLERİ (REBOİLERLER) ÜZERİNE TEORİK VE DENEYSEL İNCELEMELER GÖKÇEN GÜNERHAN, Gülden Doktora Tezi, Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı Tez Danışmanı : Doç.Dr. Muhammed ELTEZ Şubat 2000, 260 sayfa Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kızıldere jeotermal sahası özelinde yüksek yoğuşmayan gaz oranma (CO2, H2S, NH3, N2, CH4, vb.) sahip jeotermal sahalarda gaz kompresörlerinden kaynaklanan parazitik yükleri azaltma ve güç üretimini arttırma olanaklarını araştırmaktır. Kızıldere jeotermal sahasında yoğuşmayan gaz oranı, ağırlıkça buharın % 10-20 'si arasında kuyudan kuyuya değişiklik gösterir. Bu miktardaki yoğuşmayan gazı kondenserden almak için kullanılan gaz kompresörleri santralde üretilen brüt enerjinin %18.3'ünü kullanırlar. Çalışmada, Kızıldere jeotermal santralı gaz alma sistemine alternatif olarak türbin öncesi reboiler sistemleri incelenmiştir. İlk aşamada bir düşey borulu tip reboiler dizayn edilmiş ve teorik çalışma sonunda, yoğuşmayan gaz oranı arttıkça gövde tarafı ısı transfer katsayısının hızla azaldığı görülmüştür. Bu nedenle, literatürde de belirtildiği gibi yoğuşmayan gaz oranı % 12- 15 'in üzerindeki sahalar için direkt temaslı reboiler sistemlerinin Kızıldere sahası için incelenmesi önerilmiştir. İkinci aşama olarak 380 W'lik bir direkt temaslı tip reboiler dizayn ve imal edilerek 3 ay süreyle Kızıldere jeotermal sahasında test edilmiştir. Temel testlerde %72.2-98.8 yoğuşmayan gaz ayırma verimi elde edilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler : Jeotermal enerji, yoğuşmayan gazlar, reboiler, Kızıldere, Türkiye
VI ABSTRACT THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON CONDENSATION/BOILING MODELLED HEAT EXCHANGERS (REBOILERS) DESIGNED FOR REMOVAL OF NONCONDENSABLE GASES FROM GEOTHERMAL STEAM GOKCEN GUNERHAN, Gulden Ph.D. in Solar Energy Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammed ELTEZ February 2000, 260 pages The aim of this study is to investigate the posibilities increasing power generation capacity and reducing the parasitic load by gas compressors of geothermal power plants which use geothermal steam containing high level of noncondensable gases (NCG's) (such as C02, H2S, NH3, N2, CH4, He and H2) like Kızıldere geothermal power plant. Kızıldere geothermal field contains NCG's as high as 10-20% by weight of steam. This amount of NCG's are being extracted from the condenser by gas compressors that consume about 18.3% of the total power production of the plant In this work, upstream reboiler systems are investigated as an alternative to conventional gas extraction systems for Kızıldere geothermal power plant. A vertical tube type reboiler has been designed and it is found that, as NCG content increases, the condensation heat transfer coefficient reduces steeply. The investigation of direct contact reboilers for fields that contain high levels of NCG (>12-15% by weight of steam) is recommended. The next step was to design a direct contact reboiler and test in the Kızıldere geothermal field. A bench scale unit which has a capacity of 380 W is constructed and tested for 3 months. The tests are carried out with a gas removal efficiency of 72.2-98.8% for various reboiler pressures. Key words : Geothermal power plant, noncondensable gas, upstream reboilers, Kızıldere, Turkey.
VI ABSTRACT THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON CONDENSATION/BOILING MODELLED HEAT EXCHANGERS (REBOILERS) DESIGNED FOR REMOVAL OF NONCONDENSABLE GASES FROM GEOTHERMAL STEAM GOKCEN GUNERHAN, Gulden Ph.D. in Solar Energy Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammed ELTEZ February 2000, 260 pages The aim of this study is to investigate the posibilities increasing power generation capacity and reducing the parasitic load by gas compressors of geothermal power plants which use geothermal steam containing high level of noncondensable gases (NCG's) (such as C02, H2S, NH3, N2, CH4, He and H2) like Kızıldere geothermal power plant. Kızıldere geothermal field contains NCG's as high as 10-20% by weight of steam. This amount of NCG's are being extracted from the condenser by gas compressors that consume about 18.3% of the total power production of the plant In this work, upstream reboiler systems are investigated as an alternative to conventional gas extraction systems for Kızıldere geothermal power plant. A vertical tube type reboiler has been designed and it is found that, as NCG content increases, the condensation heat transfer coefficient reduces steeply. The investigation of direct contact reboilers for fields that contain high levels of NCG (>12-15% by weight of steam) is recommended. The next step was to design a direct contact reboiler and test in the Kızıldere geothermal field. A bench scale unit which has a capacity of 380 W is constructed and tested for 3 months. The tests are carried out with a gas removal efficiency of 72.2-98.8% for various reboiler pressures. Key words : Geothermal power plant, noncondensable gas, upstream reboilers, Kızıldere, Turkey.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Güneş enerjisi, Solar energy, Isı değiştiriciler, Heat exchangers, Jeotermal enerji, Geothermal energy, Yoğuşmayan gazlar, Noncondensible gases