Geleneklerde ve İ Nançlarda "Demir"
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Demirin özelliklerinin ve ateşle ilişkisinin keşfedilmesi, sayısız inançların doğmasına sebep olmuştur. Demiri işlemek özel bir yetenek olarak düşünülmüş, bu yüzden de demirciler daha maharetli ve üstün insan muamelesi görmüştür. Demirin eritilerek işlenmesi ayinlere ve büyüsel işlemlere konu olmuş, mitolojiden günümüzün modern edebî türlerine kadar işlenmeye devam etmiştir. Türkler şamanların kutsallığı ile demiri birleştirmişler, silahlarda, başlıklarda, giysilerde, hatta toponomik olarak da demiri ön plana çıkarmışlardır. Mesela Altaylarda kutsal dağlar ve bu dağların eteklerinde dolaşan kurtlar pek çok alegorik efsanelerin doğmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu dağlar, demir dağlardır. Demirciler de bu madene hükmettikleri için kutsal sayılmışlardır. Sertliği ile çok sevilen ve güç sembolü haline gelen demirle ilgili inanmalar doğumdan ölüme kadar pek çok alanda inanç konusu olmuştur. Hatta kılıç üzerine ant içmek "Gök girsin kızıl çıksın" sözü ile pekiştirilmiştir. Koruyucu ve dileklerin kabul edilmesi için ayrı bir gücü olduğuna inanılan demir, diğer taraftan da savaşın ve kötülüğün aracı olarak görülmüştür. Yani düalist bir güçtür
Finding out the properties of the iron and its relation with the fire has brought about numerous beliefs. Puddling iron was considered as a special talent; therefore blacksmiths were treated as if they were more skillful and superior from the others. Iron melting process was the subject of ceremonies and magical rituals, and also it has been kept puddling up to today's modern literary genres form mythology. the Turks combined iron with the sanctity of the shaman and used it in weapons, helmets and costumes, and were highlighted even as toponym. For instance, the sacred mountains and the wolves in its hillsides were led to the emergence of many legends. These mountains were the iron ones. Iron, which is a symbol of power, has been the subject of faith from birth to death. Moreover swearing on sword is enforced with utterance "Gök girsin kızıl çıksın". It is believed that iron is protective and has a power for the adoption of wishes. on the other hand it is seen as a tool of wars and evil. Thus it's a dualistic power
Finding out the properties of the iron and its relation with the fire has brought about numerous beliefs. Puddling iron was considered as a special talent; therefore blacksmiths were treated as if they were more skillful and superior from the others. Iron melting process was the subject of ceremonies and magical rituals, and also it has been kept puddling up to today's modern literary genres form mythology. the Turks combined iron with the sanctity of the shaman and used it in weapons, helmets and costumes, and were highlighted even as toponym. For instance, the sacred mountains and the wolves in its hillsides were led to the emergence of many legends. These mountains were the iron ones. Iron, which is a symbol of power, has been the subject of faith from birth to death. Moreover swearing on sword is enforced with utterance "Gök girsin kızıl çıksın". It is believed that iron is protective and has a power for the adoption of wishes. on the other hand it is seen as a tool of wars and evil. Thus it's a dualistic power
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