İhsan Oktay Anar'ın romanları
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Ege Üniversitesi
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İhsan Oktay Anar'ın Romanları adlı tez, 1990 sonrası Türk romanına yeni bir soluk getiren, biçim ve içerik bakımından oldukça orijinal bir tarzın sahibi olan İhsan Oktay Anar'ın Puslu Kıtalar Atlası, Kitab-ül Hiyel, Efrâsiyâb?ın Hikâyeleri, Amat ve Suskunlar adlı romanlarının incelendiği, bunlar üzerinden Anar romancılığının değerlendirilip 1990 sonrası Türk romanıyla ilgili tespitlerde bulunulduğu bir çalışmadır. İhsan Oktay Anar romanlarının içerik ve biçim bakımından ayrıntılı bir incelemesini yapma, postmodern edebiyatın ve büyülü gerçekçilik akımının bu eserler üzerindeki etkilerini gösterme ve yazarın son dönem Türk edebiyatındaki yerini ortaya koyma amacıyla hazırlanan bu çalışma, metin ve okur merkezli kuramlardan yararlanılarak ortaya konmuştur. Tezin Giriş kısmında; postmodernizmin ve büyülü gerçekçilik akımının ortaya çıkışı ve genel özellikleri, Türk edebiyatında roman türünün tarihî süreçlerle birlikte gösterdiği değişimler ve yazarın kendine özgü yazma biçimi ile Türk romanına katkıları belirtilmiştir. Tezin birinci bölümünde İhsan Oktay Anar'ın yaşamı, sanat anlayışı, eserleri, aldığı ödüller ve hakkında yapılan araştırmalarla ilgili bilgi verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde romanları kurgu, anlatıcı tipolojisi ve roman kişilerine bağlı özellikler bakımından metin ve okur merkezli kuramlar kullanılarak ayrıntılı biçimde ele alınmıştır. Özellikle metinlerarasılık kuramından yararlanılarak, Anar romanlarının birçok tür ve disiplinle ilişkileri belirlenmiş, bu konuda karşılaştırmalar ve açıklamalar yapılmıştır. Araştırılan konularla ilgili olarak, romanların postmodernizmle ve büyülü gerçekçilikle bağlantıları kurulmuş; eserler dil, anlatım teknikleri ve temalar bakımından değerlendirilmiş, metinlerin felsefesi ve içerdiği mesajlar üzerinde durulmuştur. Anar romanları hakkında biçim ve içerikle ilgili genel değerlendirmelerin yapıldığı, bunların Türk ve dünya edebiyatlarındaki konumunun belirlendiği Sonuç kısmından sonra yazarın eserlerini de içeren geniş bir bibliyografya çalışmaya eklenmiştir
The dissertation entitled "The Novels of Ihsan Oktay Anar" focuses on one of the most important representatives of Turkish Literature after 1990, namely Ihsan Oktay Anar's novels. Through novels, Anar has been breathing new life into Turkish literature. Anar's novels deserve to be criticised in terms of both content and form by a detailed research and analysis. In this study, not only Anar's approach of using the language as a literary narration is discussed but also the place of modern Turkish novel is examined. This study aims to make a detailed examination of the appropriate methods of criticism on Anar's novels in order to define effects of postmodern literature and magical realism on these works. And additionally, this study focuses on defining the position of Anar in Turkish literature and assessing about the current state of the Turkish novel. Emergence and development of postmodernism and magical realism in world literature, historical processes of novel in Turkish literature are explained in introductory part of the thesis and effects of postmodern literature on Turkish novel after 1980. And, also Ihsan Oktay Anar's unique form of writing and the changes made in Turkish novel by the author are presented. Ihsan Oktay Anar's life, understanding of his art; stories, narratives, novels, awards; research on the author was informed in the first part of the thesis. In the second part Puslu Kıtalar Atlası, Kitab-ül Hiyel, Efrâsiyâb'ın Hikâyeleri, Amat ve Suskunlar are analyzed in detail by using the text-centered and the reader-centered theories according to fiction, narrative style and characters. Especially the theory of intertextuality was used. Relationship of Anar's novels with oral and written genres; religious, artistic and scientific disciplines were identified. Comparisons are made and those topics are discussed. Relationship of Anar's novels with postmodern literature and magical realism are evaluated according to research topics. Anar?s novels were analyzed according to language, narrative and themes. The philosophy and messages of the texts were evaluated. In the conclusion part of the thesis, form and content in the novels of Ihsan Oktay Anar are assessed and examined. And the place of Anar's novel in world literature and Turkish literature is explained. List of author's works and an extensive bibliography were added to the study.
The dissertation entitled "The Novels of Ihsan Oktay Anar" focuses on one of the most important representatives of Turkish Literature after 1990, namely Ihsan Oktay Anar's novels. Through novels, Anar has been breathing new life into Turkish literature. Anar's novels deserve to be criticised in terms of both content and form by a detailed research and analysis. In this study, not only Anar's approach of using the language as a literary narration is discussed but also the place of modern Turkish novel is examined. This study aims to make a detailed examination of the appropriate methods of criticism on Anar's novels in order to define effects of postmodern literature and magical realism on these works. And additionally, this study focuses on defining the position of Anar in Turkish literature and assessing about the current state of the Turkish novel. Emergence and development of postmodernism and magical realism in world literature, historical processes of novel in Turkish literature are explained in introductory part of the thesis and effects of postmodern literature on Turkish novel after 1980. And, also Ihsan Oktay Anar's unique form of writing and the changes made in Turkish novel by the author are presented. Ihsan Oktay Anar's life, understanding of his art; stories, narratives, novels, awards; research on the author was informed in the first part of the thesis. In the second part Puslu Kıtalar Atlası, Kitab-ül Hiyel, Efrâsiyâb'ın Hikâyeleri, Amat ve Suskunlar are analyzed in detail by using the text-centered and the reader-centered theories according to fiction, narrative style and characters. Especially the theory of intertextuality was used. Relationship of Anar's novels with oral and written genres; religious, artistic and scientific disciplines were identified. Comparisons are made and those topics are discussed. Relationship of Anar's novels with postmodern literature and magical realism are evaluated according to research topics. Anar?s novels were analyzed according to language, narrative and themes. The philosophy and messages of the texts were evaluated. In the conclusion part of the thesis, form and content in the novels of Ihsan Oktay Anar are assessed and examined. And the place of Anar's novel in world literature and Turkish literature is explained. List of author's works and an extensive bibliography were added to the study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Anar, İhsan Oktay, Anar, İhsan Oktay, Roman, Novel, Türk edebiyatı, Turkish literature, Türk romanı, Turkish novel, Yeni Türk edebiyatı, New Turkish literature