Culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae)'in son evre larvalarında orta barsak ve peritrofik matriksin yapısı ve glikozaminoglikanları ile bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis'in orta barsak ve larval ölüm üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmadaki araştırma materyali Culex pipiens'm dördüncü evre larvalarıdır. Ticari olarak kullanılan Bacillus thuringiensi var. israelensis (Bfy'm larvalara karşı etkili dozu ve Bft*'in larvaların orta barsağmdaki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ek olarak orta barsak ve peritrofSc matrix (PM)'in yapısı ve bunların glikozaminoglikan (GAG) içerikleri araştırılmıştır. Btf'nin farklı dozları (0.05, 0.005, 0.0005, 0.00005 mi) laboratuvar koşullarında larvalara uygulanmış ve farklı saatlerdeki (1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 12. ve 24.) larval ölümler kaydedilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler tek yönlü varyans analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. İstatistiksel analizlere göre, 24 saatin sonunda 2?ft"nin en etkili ve en düşük dozu 0.0005 ml'dir. Bu doz Bti için üretici firma tarafından önerilen dozdan daha düşüktür.VI Larvanın orta barsak duvarının tümene bakan kısmı tek tabakalı epitel hücreleriyle döşelidir. Larval orta barsak birinci ve beşinci abdominal segmentler arasında yer alır. Orta barsağm anteriöründeki özel hücreler tarafindan salgılanıp biçimlendirilen PM besini orta barsak duvarından ayırır. PM bütün orta barsak boyunca uzanır ve epitel hücrelerini besin kitlesinin ve patojenlerin etkisinden korur. Besini çepeçevre sarar. Elektron mikrograflarının sonucuna göre PM fibrilli ve granüler görünüşte olmak üzere iki farklı tabaka içerir. Işık mikroskobu gözlemleri orta barsağın posterior epitel hücrelerinin koyu mor boyandığını, iri olduğunu ve uzun mikrovilluslar içerdiğim ancak orta barsağın -proventrikulus dışındaki- diğer hücrelerinin daha açık renk boyandığını, daha küçük olduğunu ve kısa mikrovilluslar içerdiğini göstermektedir. Uygulama ve kontrol grupları arasında yapılan karşılaştırmaya göre Bti orta barsağm posteriöründe daha etkili olmuştur. PM'deki GAG'lar değişik konsantrasyonlarda MgCfe içeren alcian-blue (AB) üe histokhnyasal olarak saptanmıştır. Buna göre GAG'lar hem orta barsakta hem de PM'de boldur. Bunlar sülfatlanmış ve karboksülenmiş GAG'lardır. Ek olarak, kontrol ve Bti uygulanmış gruplar arasında GAG içeriği açısından anlamlı bir farklılık yoktur. Anahtar sözcükler Culex pipiens, orta barsak, peritrofik matriks, glikozaminoglikan, Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis
Research material was fourth instar larvae of Culex pipiens in this study. The effective dose of commercial Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Bti) against larvae and the effects of Bti on the midgut of larvae were investigated. In addition, structure of midgut and peritrophic matrix (PM) and theirs glycosaminoglycan contents (GAGs) were researched. Different doses (0.05, 0.005, 0.0005 and 0.00005 ml) of Bti were treated to larvae in laboratory conditions and larval mortalities were recorded at different hours (1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 12., and 24.). Obtained data were evaluated with one way variance analysis. According to the statistical analyses, after 24 hours, the most effective and the lowest dose of Bti was 0.0005 ml. It was lower than proposal dose for Bti.vra The midgut wall of larvae, which is facing with lumen, was lined with single-layered epithelial cells. Larval midgut takes plane between first and fifth abdominal segments. PM is released and formed by the special cells in the anterior midgut and it separates food from the midgut wall. PM lines the entire midgut and protects the epithelial cells from effects of food bolus and pathogens. It surrounds whole food mass completely. As a result of electron micrographs, PM consists of two different layers being as fibrillated and granulated layers. Light microscopic observations showed that posterior big epithelial cells of midgut were stained dark purple, and they have long microvilli the other smaller cells of midgut except proventriculus were stained lighter, and they have short microvilli. According to comparition between Bti treated and control groups, Bti was more effective in posterior midgut. GAGs were determined histochemicalry by using alcian blue (AB) containing different concentrations of MgCfe in PM and wall of midgut. GAGs were found abundant both in the midgut and PM. These were sulphated GAGs and carboxylated GAGs. There were no significant differences in terms of GAG content between control and Bti treated groups,. Keywords: Culex pipiens, midgut, peritropbic matrix, glycosaminoglycan, Bacillus thtmngiensis var. israelensis
Research material was fourth instar larvae of Culex pipiens in this study. The effective dose of commercial Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Bti) against larvae and the effects of Bti on the midgut of larvae were investigated. In addition, structure of midgut and peritrophic matrix (PM) and theirs glycosaminoglycan contents (GAGs) were researched. Different doses (0.05, 0.005, 0.0005 and 0.00005 ml) of Bti were treated to larvae in laboratory conditions and larval mortalities were recorded at different hours (1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 12., and 24.). Obtained data were evaluated with one way variance analysis. According to the statistical analyses, after 24 hours, the most effective and the lowest dose of Bti was 0.0005 ml. It was lower than proposal dose for Bti.vra The midgut wall of larvae, which is facing with lumen, was lined with single-layered epithelial cells. Larval midgut takes plane between first and fifth abdominal segments. PM is released and formed by the special cells in the anterior midgut and it separates food from the midgut wall. PM lines the entire midgut and protects the epithelial cells from effects of food bolus and pathogens. It surrounds whole food mass completely. As a result of electron micrographs, PM consists of two different layers being as fibrillated and granulated layers. Light microscopic observations showed that posterior big epithelial cells of midgut were stained dark purple, and they have long microvilli the other smaller cells of midgut except proventriculus were stained lighter, and they have short microvilli. According to comparition between Bti treated and control groups, Bti was more effective in posterior midgut. GAGs were determined histochemicalry by using alcian blue (AB) containing different concentrations of MgCfe in PM and wall of midgut. GAGs were found abundant both in the midgut and PM. These were sulphated GAGs and carboxylated GAGs. There were no significant differences in terms of GAG content between control and Bti treated groups,. Keywords: Culex pipiens, midgut, peritropbic matrix, glycosaminoglycan, Bacillus thtmngiensis var. israelensis
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Ev sivrisineği, Common gnat, Glikozaminoglikanlar, Glycosaminoglycans, Larva, Larva, Orta bağırsak, Midgut, Varyans analizi, Variance analysis