İzmir Bornova İlçesi sağlık çalışanlarının bağlanma stilleri, kişilik özellikleri, kişiler arası çatışma çözme yaklaşımlarına göre internet kullanımlarının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş: Bu çalışma, sağlık çalışanlarında beş faktör kişilik özellikleri, bağlanma biçimi, kişiler arası çatışma çözme yaklaşımlarına göre internet kullanım durumunu inceleyen kesitsel ve tanımlayıcı bir çalışmadır. Yöntem: Çalışmanın yeri İzmir Kuzey Kamu Hastaneleri Birliği Genel Sekreterliğine bağlı 14 hastanede uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın evreni İzmir'de yaşayan ve İzmir Kuzey Kamu Hastaneleri Birliği Genel Sekreterliğine bağlı hastanelerdeki 400 gönüllü sağlık çalışanıdır. Kişisel bilgi formu, internet bağımlılığı ölçeği, kişiler arası çatışma çözme yaklaşımı ölçeği, beş faktör kişilik özellikleri envanteri ve yakın ilişkilerde yaşantılar envanteri uygulanmıştır. Anketin 192 kişi tamamlamıştır. 190 kişi ortalama internet kullanıcısı, %0,5 (2 kişi) ise riskli internet kullanıcısı olarak saptanmıştır. İBÖ'den 0-19 arası puan alanlar sağlıklı, 20 puan ve üzeri alanlar sorunlu internet kullanıcıları olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre; cinsiyete göre internet kullanımı arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur (p=0,012). Kadınlarda sorunlu internet kullanımı daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Evlilerde sorunlu internet kullanımı sıktır (p=0,013). Annenin eğitim durumuna göre internet kullanımı arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur (p=0,048). İlk veya ortaokul mezunu olan annelerin çocuklarında sorunlu internet kullanımını daha sıktır. Beş faktör kişilik özellikleri alt boyutlarından öz-denetim/sorumluluk puanlarına göre normal internet kullanıcıları ve sorunlu internet kullanıcıları arasında anlamlı fark vardır (p=0,001). Sorunlu kullanıcılarda özdenetim/sorumluluk puanı düşmektedir. Katılımcıların cinsiyetlerine göre beş faktör kişilik envanterinin alt boyutları öz-denetim/sorumluluk ve gelişime açıklık arasında anlamlı fark vardır (sırayla p=0,01 ve p=0,012). Kadınların öz-denetim/sorumluluk ve gelişime açıklık puanları erkeklerden daha yüksektir. Medeni duruma göre öz-denetim/sorumluluk ve gelişime açıklık açısından gruplar arasında fark anlamlıdır (sırasıyla p=0,001 ve p=0,016). En yüksek özdenetim puanını evliler, en yüksek gelişime açıklık puanını ise bekarlar almıştır. Kişiler arası çatışma çözme yaklaşımları ölçeğinin alt boyutlarından yüzleşme, duygusal ifade ve kendini açma puanları ile sorunlu internet kullanımı olan ve olmayan iki grup arasında anlamlı fark bulunmuştur (sırasıyla p=0,002, p=0,004 ve p=0,001). Sorunlu internet kullanımı arttıkça yüzleşme puanı, duygusal ifade ve kendini açma puanı düşmektedir. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda elde edilen sonuçlar, kişilik özelliklerinin, bağlanma stillerinin, kişiler arası çatışma çözme yaklaşımlarının, demografik değişkenlerin birbirleriyle ve internet kullanım durumu ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Anahtar kelime: İnternet bağımlılığı, kişilik, bağlanma, çatışma
Introduction: This study is a cross-sectional and descriptive study which is examined according to the five-factor personality traits, attachment style, conflict-solving approach of health workers internet usage status. Methods: This study has been applied to 14 hospitals connected to Izmir North Public Hospital Association General Secretariat. Target population of the study are 400 volunteer health workers in the hospitals connect to Izmir North Public Hospital Association General Secretariat. Personal information form, Internet addiction scale, interpersonal conflict resolution approaches the scale, five-factor personality inventory and Experiences in Close Relationships I was applied by the researcher. The survey was completed by 192 people. 190 people were found as average Internet users and 2 people (0.5%) were found as risky Internet users. Between 0-19 points in from Internet addiction scale was called healthy internet users , 20 points and above in from Internet addiction scale was called the troubled Internet users. Results: According to our results; A significant difference was found between the use of the internet with the gender (p = 0.012). Problematic Internet use was higher than the women than the men. Problematic Internet use was higher than married (p = 0.013). A significant difference was found between the use of the internet with educational status of their mothers (p = 0.048). The children of mothers first or secondary school graduates is more often problematic internet use. A significant difference was found between normal and problematic internet users with self-control/responsibilities scores that is subscales of five factor personality traits inventory. The self-control/ responsibility scores of problematic internet users were decreased. A Significant differences were found gender of the participants with self-control/ responsibilities and openness scores that are subscale of the five factors personality inventory (respectively p = 0.01 and p = 0.012). Women's self-control / responsibility and openness scores were higher than men. A Significant differences were found marital status of the participants with self-control/ responsibilities and openness scores that are subscale of the five factors personality inventory (respectively p = 0.001 and p = 0.016). The highest score of the self-control/responsibilities has married. The highest score of the openness has single. A Significant differences were found between normal and problematic internet users with scores of facedown, emotional expression and self-revelation that are the dimensions of interpersonal conflict resolution approaches (p = 0.002, p = 0.004 and p = 0.001). When problematic Internet use increases, scores of facedown, emotional expression and self-revelation decreases. Conclusion: the results obtained in our study show that personality traits,attachment styles,interpersonal conflict resolution approaches,the demographic variables are related to each other and to internet usage status. Keywords: Internet addiction, personality, attachment, conflict.
Introduction: This study is a cross-sectional and descriptive study which is examined according to the five-factor personality traits, attachment style, conflict-solving approach of health workers internet usage status. Methods: This study has been applied to 14 hospitals connected to Izmir North Public Hospital Association General Secretariat. Target population of the study are 400 volunteer health workers in the hospitals connect to Izmir North Public Hospital Association General Secretariat. Personal information form, Internet addiction scale, interpersonal conflict resolution approaches the scale, five-factor personality inventory and Experiences in Close Relationships I was applied by the researcher. The survey was completed by 192 people. 190 people were found as average Internet users and 2 people (0.5%) were found as risky Internet users. Between 0-19 points in from Internet addiction scale was called healthy internet users , 20 points and above in from Internet addiction scale was called the troubled Internet users. Results: According to our results; A significant difference was found between the use of the internet with the gender (p = 0.012). Problematic Internet use was higher than the women than the men. Problematic Internet use was higher than married (p = 0.013). A significant difference was found between the use of the internet with educational status of their mothers (p = 0.048). The children of mothers first or secondary school graduates is more often problematic internet use. A significant difference was found between normal and problematic internet users with self-control/responsibilities scores that is subscales of five factor personality traits inventory. The self-control/ responsibility scores of problematic internet users were decreased. A Significant differences were found gender of the participants with self-control/ responsibilities and openness scores that are subscale of the five factors personality inventory (respectively p = 0.01 and p = 0.012). Women's self-control / responsibility and openness scores were higher than men. A Significant differences were found marital status of the participants with self-control/ responsibilities and openness scores that are subscale of the five factors personality inventory (respectively p = 0.001 and p = 0.016). The highest score of the self-control/responsibilities has married. The highest score of the openness has single. A Significant differences were found between normal and problematic internet users with scores of facedown, emotional expression and self-revelation that are the dimensions of interpersonal conflict resolution approaches (p = 0.002, p = 0.004 and p = 0.001). When problematic Internet use increases, scores of facedown, emotional expression and self-revelation decreases. Conclusion: the results obtained in our study show that personality traits,attachment styles,interpersonal conflict resolution approaches,the demographic variables are related to each other and to internet usage status. Keywords: Internet addiction, personality, attachment, conflict.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikiyatri, Psychiatry, Psikoloji, Psychology, Uyuşturucu Alışkanlığı ve Alkolizm, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism