Lead and lead dioxide production
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Kurşun için önemli ve vazgeçilmez olan geri kazanım yöntemlerine ilişkin yayınlar incelendiğinde; insan sağlığı ve çevre açısından göz ardı edilemeyecek riskler oluşturan ısıl ve tozlaştırma işlemlerinden tümüyle arındırılmış bir yönteme rastlanmamıştır. Bu nedenle söz konusu işlemleri sıfırlayan ya da olanak ölçüsünde en aza indiren bir yöntemin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. En önemli kurşun geri kazanım malzemesi olan akü atıkları; elektroliti boşalttıktan sonra; kutu, kafes ve seperatürlerinden ayıklanır ve su dolu elekli tamburlarda kafes, çamur biçimindeki etkin maddesinden ayıklanır. Kurşun dioksiti toz metalik kurşun ve kurşun sülfatlardan oluşan çamur malzemedeki kurşun sülfatlara tepkime aktiviesi kazandırmak için çamur sodyum hidroksit ile tepkimeye sokulur ve kurşun oksit elde edilir. Bu sırada oluşan Na2SO4 ise bir kaç kez yıkanarak atılır. Elde edilen PbO 5 ya da 10 M NaOH ile tepkimeye sokularak Pb(OH)-3 şeklinde çözündürülür. Bu aşamada, kurşun için riskli sayılan safsızlıklar oluşturan, üretimin ve kullanımın doğasından kaynaklanan demir ve antimon türevleri çözeltiye geçemez ve böylece safsızlıklarından arındırılmış kurşun çözeltisi elde edilir. S aflandırılmış olarak elde edilen bu kurşun çözeltisi elektroliz hücrelerinde birbirlerine yaklaşık eşdeğer olacak şekilde, elektroliz koşullarının optimizasyonu amaca uygun incelikte toz metalik kurşun ve kurşun dioksite dönüştürülür. Bu suretle nihayi kullanım malzemesi olan PbO2 ve metalik kurşun hem üretim süreci kısaltılarak, hem çevre ve insana ziyan vermeden hem de istenilen saflıkta yani yüksek nitelikli akümülatör yapımına olanak verebilecek saflıkta üretilir. Üretilen malzemenin saflık kontrolleri de A.S. ve spektrofotometrik yöntemlerle denetlenmiş, bu amaca uygun olduğu ki safsızlıkların dünya akümülatörcüler birliği'nin ön gördüğü 20 pp in altında saptanmıştır. 17
The literature concerning the recycling methods for lead, which are of utmost importance and can not be abandoned, contains no method that could compleely outrule the thermal and the powdering processes, which are risky boh for human health and for environment. Therefore, a new method which will not use these processes at all or will use the least was aimed to be devised. Battery scraps the most important materials for recycling are first drained of their elecrolyte. Then their grids and separators are taken out. Later the grids are separated from their mud like active material in mills ful of water. The mud, consisting of lead dioxide, powdered metallic lead and lead sulfhates is reacted with sodium hydroxide in order to engage reaction activity to lead sulfhates and at the end lead oxide is obtained Sodium sulfhate, which is produced in the mean time, is washed away. Lead oxide, which is obtained, is reacted with 5 or 10 M NaOH to yield Pb(OH)~3. In this stage, the impurities like iron and antimony, yielding from the nature of production and usage are eliminated; since they are precipitated as iron(II) free from all impurities. The purified leadsolution is converted to powder metallic lead and lead dioxide almost in equal amounts by optimizing the conditions for electrolysis.Since the prodction period of the materials (of lead dioxide and powdered metalic lead), which will be used in the end is shortened neither people nor environment is domaged and more over the products are obtained with the desined purity so the bateries can be produced with high prity and quality. The detection of purity of the products are made by A.A.S and spetcrophatometric methods and are found to be appropriate for the purpose and are ever found to be below the limits put by World Battery Producers Association. 16
The literature concerning the recycling methods for lead, which are of utmost importance and can not be abandoned, contains no method that could compleely outrule the thermal and the powdering processes, which are risky boh for human health and for environment. Therefore, a new method which will not use these processes at all or will use the least was aimed to be devised. Battery scraps the most important materials for recycling are first drained of their elecrolyte. Then their grids and separators are taken out. Later the grids are separated from their mud like active material in mills ful of water. The mud, consisting of lead dioxide, powdered metallic lead and lead sulfhates is reacted with sodium hydroxide in order to engage reaction activity to lead sulfhates and at the end lead oxide is obtained Sodium sulfhate, which is produced in the mean time, is washed away. Lead oxide, which is obtained, is reacted with 5 or 10 M NaOH to yield Pb(OH)~3. In this stage, the impurities like iron and antimony, yielding from the nature of production and usage are eliminated; since they are precipitated as iron(II) free from all impurities. The purified leadsolution is converted to powder metallic lead and lead dioxide almost in equal amounts by optimizing the conditions for electrolysis.Since the prodction period of the materials (of lead dioxide and powdered metalic lead), which will be used in the end is shortened neither people nor environment is domaged and more over the products are obtained with the desined purity so the bateries can be produced with high prity and quality. The detection of purity of the products are made by A.A.S and spetcrophatometric methods and are found to be appropriate for the purpose and are ever found to be below the limits put by World Battery Producers Association. 16
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Katı atıklar, Solid wastes, Kurşun, Lead, Kurşun dioksit, Lead dioxide, Yeniden kazanma, Recycling