Catalytic oxidation of phenol in aqueous solution
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Taşıyıcılı bir çinko oksit, bakır oksit katalizörü üzerinde atmosfer basıncında fenolün oksidasyonu incelenmiş ve reaksiyonun, her ikiside fenol derişimine göre birinci .mertebeden davranış gösteren bir başlangıç periyodu ile bir kararlı hal aktivite rejimi içerdiği gözlenmiştir. Katalizör derişimi arttıkça hız azalmıştır. Bu, reaksiyonun heterojen-homojen bir serbest radikal mekanizması içerdiğini destekler. Başlangıç hızı ve kararlı hal aktivite rejimleri için hız sabitleri $k_1$ ve $k_2$ hesaplanmış ve R, kj/mol K cinsinden olmak üzere sırası ile $k_1 =1.3^{\ast}10^{10} e^{-93/RT}$ ve $k_2 =2.0^{\ast}10^{-4} e^{ -47/RT}$ olarak bulunmuştur.
The oxidation of phenol in aqueous solution over a supported copper oxide, zinc oxide catalyst was studied at atmospheric pressure. The reaction involved an introduction period and a steady-state-activity regime, both of the regimes exhibiting first,order behavior with respect to the phenol concentration. The rates decreased as the catalyst concentration increased which implies that the reaction involves a heterogeneous-homogeneous free-radical mechanism. The rate constants $k_1$ and $k_2$ for the initial rate and steady-state-activity regime are represented by $k_1 =1.3^{\ast}10^{10} e^{-93/RT}$ and $k_2 =2.0^{\ast}10^{-4} e^{ -47/RT}$ , respectively, where R is in kj/mol K.
The oxidation of phenol in aqueous solution over a supported copper oxide, zinc oxide catalyst was studied at atmospheric pressure. The reaction involved an introduction period and a steady-state-activity regime, both of the regimes exhibiting first,order behavior with respect to the phenol concentration. The rates decreased as the catalyst concentration increased which implies that the reaction involves a heterogeneous-homogeneous free-radical mechanism. The rate constants $k_1$ and $k_2$ for the initial rate and steady-state-activity regime are represented by $k_1 =1.3^{\ast}10^{10} e^{-93/RT}$ and $k_2 =2.0^{\ast}10^{-4} e^{ -47/RT}$ , respectively, where R is in kj/mol K.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çevre Mühendisliği
Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
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