Postmodern ideoloji çerçevesinde kültürel inşa dinamikleri ; YouTube örneği
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Postmodernizm, yeni dönemin özelliklerini en iyi tanımlayan kavramdır. Bu çalışma, postmodern ideolojinin kültürel inşa dinamiklerini ortaya çıkarmak ve Youtube?un bu inşa dinamiklerini yayma konusundaki etkisini ortaya koyma amacını taşımaktadır
Postmodernism is the best concept that defined the features of new era. This study has the aim that revealing the cultural construction dynamics of postmodern ideology and the effect of youtube on spreading these construction dynamics. Keywords : Ideology, Postmodernism, Globalization, Communication, Culture, Cultural Construction Dynamics, Internet, Social Media, Youtube
Postmodernism is the best concept that defined the features of new era. This study has the aim that revealing the cultural construction dynamics of postmodern ideology and the effect of youtube on spreading these construction dynamics. Keywords : Ideology, Postmodernism, Globalization, Communication, Culture, Cultural Construction Dynamics, Internet, Social Media, Youtube
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyoloji, Sociology, Kültür, Culture, Postmodern, Postmodern, Postmodernizm, Postmodernism, Sosyal ağlar, Social networks, Sosyal inşaa, Social construction, YouTube, YouTube, İdeoloji, Ideology, İnternet, Internet