Kaz Dağı (Balıkesir) karayosunları flora ve vejetasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
7. ÖZET Bu tez de; Kaz Dağı karayosunlan flora ve vejetasyonu çalışılanmıştır.Bölgeden 480 bitki örneği toplanmış ve bunlar tayin edilerek 24 familya,58 cinse ait 120 takson saptanmıştır.Buna ek olarak, Walther(1967)'in kayıtlan ile beraber taksonomik bulgular 24 familya, 61 cinse ait 132 taksona ulaşır.Brachythecium latif olium Kindb. ve Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea Türkiye florası için ilk kez kaydedilmiştir.Henderson(1961)'un kareleme sistemine göre 16 takson diğerleri arasından B6 karesi için yeni kayıtlar olarak bulunmuştur. During (1979) tarfından önerilen "Yaşam Stratejileri"nin olası temsilcileri bu konuda yeterli bilgi birikimi yokluğuna rağmen verilmeye çalışılmıştır.Bu kavram Türkiye Biyolojisi için ilk kez tartışmaya açılmaktadır. Akrokarp karayosunlarının %58.3, Pleurokarpların %41.7 olduğu hesaplanmış ve oranlar önceki çalışmalarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışma süresince, bölgeden 10 karayosunu topluluğu saptanmıştır.Bunlar aşağıdaki gibidir: 1. Cinclidotus riparius Topluluğu 2. Plagiomnium undulatum Topluluğu 3. Rlıynchostegium riparioid.es 4. Cratoneuron commutation Topluluğu 5. Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea Topluluğu 6. Antitrichia cutipendula Topluluğu 7. Leucodon sciuroides-Homalothecium sericeum Topluluğu 8. Grimnüa trichophylla-Hypnum cupressiforme Topluluğu 9. Pterogonium gracile- Hypnum cupressiforme Topluluğu 10. H. sericeum-Tortula subulata Topluluğu 158
SUMMARY In this thesis, moss flora and vegetation of KAZ mountain had been studied. 480 plant specimen were collected from the area and by identifying them 120 taxa belonging to 24 families and 58 genera had been found. In addition, these taxonomical findings reach to 132 taxa belonging to 24 families and 61 genera together with Walther's(1967) records from the area.Brachythecium latifolium Kindb. and Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea(Sull.) Sull.had been recorded to the first time for Turkish flora. According to Henderson's (1961) grid system 16 taxa were found as new records for square B6 among the others. Possible representatives of life strategies which were suggested by During (1979),had been tried to give from the area despite of there is no sufficient informative accumulation on this topic.This concept of life strategies has been opening to discuss as the first time for Turkish Bryology. It had been calculated that acrocarpous mosses were %58.3 and Pleurocarpous were %41.7. And this percentages were compared with previous studies. During this study, 10 moss communities were found from the area. These are as follows: l.Cinclidotus riparius Community 2.Plagiomnium undulatum Community 3.Rhynchostegium riparioides Community 4.Cratoneuron commutatum Community 5.F. antipyretica var. gigantea Community 6.Antitrichia curtipendula Community 7.Leucodon sciuroides-Homalothecium sericeum Community 8.Pterogonium gracile-Hypnum cupressifbrme Community 9.Grimmia trichophylla-H. sericeum Community 10.H. sericeum-Tortula subulata Community 159
SUMMARY In this thesis, moss flora and vegetation of KAZ mountain had been studied. 480 plant specimen were collected from the area and by identifying them 120 taxa belonging to 24 families and 58 genera had been found. In addition, these taxonomical findings reach to 132 taxa belonging to 24 families and 61 genera together with Walther's(1967) records from the area.Brachythecium latifolium Kindb. and Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea(Sull.) Sull.had been recorded to the first time for Turkish flora. According to Henderson's (1961) grid system 16 taxa were found as new records for square B6 among the others. Possible representatives of life strategies which were suggested by During (1979),had been tried to give from the area despite of there is no sufficient informative accumulation on this topic.This concept of life strategies has been opening to discuss as the first time for Turkish Bryology. It had been calculated that acrocarpous mosses were %58.3 and Pleurocarpous were %41.7. And this percentages were compared with previous studies. During this study, 10 moss communities were found from the area. These are as follows: l.Cinclidotus riparius Community 2.Plagiomnium undulatum Community 3.Rhynchostegium riparioides Community 4.Cratoneuron commutatum Community 5.F. antipyretica var. gigantea Community 6.Antitrichia curtipendula Community 7.Leucodon sciuroides-Homalothecium sericeum Community 8.Pterogonium gracile-Hypnum cupressifbrme Community 9.Grimmia trichophylla-H. sericeum Community 10.H. sericeum-Tortula subulata Community 159
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Balıkesir, Balıkesir, Bitki örtüsü, Vegetation, Flora, Flora, Kara yosunları, Mosses, Kaz Dağı, Kaz Mountain