Jasione supina alt türlerinin tozlaşma biyolojisi
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Ege üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde Jasione supina Sieber alt türlerinin tozlaşma biyolojisi çalışılmıştır. Çiçekleri hermafrodit, protandrik ve stilus üzerindeki polen toplayan tüyler ile ikincil polen sunumu yapmaktadır. İkincil polen sunum mekanizmasında alttürler arasında zamansal farklılıklar ortaya konmuştur. Alttürlerin ürettiği polen, ovül sayıları ile stigma aktivitesi ve polen canlılıkları karşılaştırılmıştır. Arazide gerçekleştirilen tozlaştırıcı gözlemlerinde, tozlaştırıcılar, davranışları, ziyaret saatleri, sıcaklık ve rüzgar hızı istekleri tespit edilmiştir. J. supina subsp supina üzerinde 6 farklı familyaya ait 10 tür, subsp. akmanii'de 7 farklı familyaya ait 9 tür, subsp. pontica'da 9 farklı familyaya ait 16 tür tozlayıcı böcek olarak belirlenmiştir. Üreme sistemi bakımından en avantajlı sistemin çoktan aza doğru subsp. supina, subsp. akmanii, subsp. pontica olduğu bulunmuştur.
In this thesis, pollination biology of Jasione supina Sieber subspecies have been studied. Its flowers are hermaphroditic, protandrous and exhibit secondary pollen presentation with pollen collecting hairs on the style. Temporally differences among the species was determined in the secondary pollen presentation mechanism. Stigma activities and pollen viabilities, pollen grains and ovules produced by subspecies, were compared. In the observations of pollinator realized in the field, pollinators, their behaviors, visiting hours, temperature and wind speed wishes are determined. 10 species belong to 6 family on subsp. supina, 9 species belong to 7 family on subsp. akmanii, 16 species belong to 6 family on subsp. pontica have been discovered as pollinator insect. The most advantageous reproductive system, gradualy, were found as subsp. supina subsp. akmanii and subsp. pontica.
In this thesis, pollination biology of Jasione supina Sieber subspecies have been studied. Its flowers are hermaphroditic, protandrous and exhibit secondary pollen presentation with pollen collecting hairs on the style. Temporally differences among the species was determined in the secondary pollen presentation mechanism. Stigma activities and pollen viabilities, pollen grains and ovules produced by subspecies, were compared. In the observations of pollinator realized in the field, pollinators, their behaviors, visiting hours, temperature and wind speed wishes are determined. 10 species belong to 6 family on subsp. supina, 9 species belong to 7 family on subsp. akmanii, 16 species belong to 6 family on subsp. pontica have been discovered as pollinator insect. The most advantageous reproductive system, gradualy, were found as subsp. supina subsp. akmanii and subsp. pontica.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Jasione, Tozlaşma, İkincil Polen Sunumu, Jasione, Pollination, Secondary Pollen Presentation