Rattus albinuslara uygulanan subdiaphragmatic truncal bilateral vagotomynin karaciğerin glikojeni ve yapısı üzerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Çalışmamız Rattus Albinuslarda O kontrol 24 tfago- tomilri vaka üzerinde gerçekleştirildi «Bilateral Sub- diafragmatik vagotomi uygulanan Rattus albinus karaciğerleri PAS ve DBPAS ile boyanıp ışık mikroskobun da incelendi. Bölgesel ve hücresel glikojen yoğunluklarında bü yük bir azalma olduğu saptandı. Hepatoeytlerin gliko jen içerikleri A-, başlangıcında yoğun, özellikle A« de oldukça azalmıştır. Glikojen içeren hücrelerde glikojenin granüler yapısı yüksek oranda granüler olmak yerine adacıklar tarzında bulunmuştur. Sinuzoidlerde aşırı genişlemenin yanısıra vena centralis ve vena interlobularislerdede genişleme görülmüş tür. liu genişleme venoz s tazı destekler ölçü de morfolojik değişiklikler hepatoeytlerin poligonal şeklinin kaybıyla başlar. Hücrelerin s t oplazma, nucleus metrik oranlarının azaldığı gözlenmiştir
S U M M A R Y Our research was made on a Rattus Albinus group of 8 kontrols and 24 vagotomy cases. Rattus Albinus Livers which have been applied to bilateral subdiaphragmatic vagotomy have been investigated through I? AS and D22PAS dying. it has been found out that there was on impor tant decrease in the cell glycogen density. where as the glycogen contents in the beginning of l.area hepatocytes are dense, it has decreased especially on the 2. area. Within the cells which contain glyco gen the structure of the glycogen instead of being granuler? pu a large scale, it has been found that they were in the form of blocks. Besides excensive expansion of the sinusoids, it has been observed that there have been also expan sion at the vena centralis and vena interlobularis. This expansion is clear so much as to support venous stazis. Morphological changes in the hepatocytes start first by the loss of polygonal shapes. The cyto plas ma and nucleus rate of the cells have decreased.
S U M M A R Y Our research was made on a Rattus Albinus group of 8 kontrols and 24 vagotomy cases. Rattus Albinus Livers which have been applied to bilateral subdiaphragmatic vagotomy have been investigated through I? AS and D22PAS dying. it has been found out that there was on impor tant decrease in the cell glycogen density. where as the glycogen contents in the beginning of l.area hepatocytes are dense, it has decreased especially on the 2. area. Within the cells which contain glyco gen the structure of the glycogen instead of being granuler? pu a large scale, it has been found that they were in the form of blocks. Besides excensive expansion of the sinusoids, it has been observed that there have been also expan sion at the vena centralis and vena interlobularis. This expansion is clear so much as to support venous stazis. Morphological changes in the hepatocytes start first by the loss of polygonal shapes. The cyto plas ma and nucleus rate of the cells have decreased.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Morfoloji, Morphology, Glikojen, Glycogen, Karaciğer, Liver, Sıçanlar, Rats, Vagotomi-trunkal, Vagotomy-truncal