Betonarme kirişlerdeki hasarların akustik yöntemlerle nicel değerlendirilmesi
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, güçlendirilmiş betonarme elemanlarda artan yükleme altında hasar oluşum ve gelişim mekanizmasının eşzamanlı ve gerçekçi bir şekilde belirlenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, tahribatsız test metotları arasında AE tekniği seçilmiştir. Bu teknik çerçevesinde, AE parametre analizi, AE sentri fonksiyonu ve AE-SiGMA (Akustik Emisyon- Moment Tansör Analizi için Basitleştirilmiş Green Fonksiyonları) analiz metodları kullanılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, 1 adet referans eleman, 1 adet düz şerit şeklinde uygulanan CFRP şeritli kesmeye karşı güçlendirilmiş deney elemanı ve 2 adet ⨆ şeklinde CFRP şeritli kesmeye karşı güçlendirilmiş uygulanan deney elemanı farklı şerit genişliklerine ve aralıklarına sahip olmak üzere, toplamda 4 adet deney elemanı test edilmiştir. Deney elemanı olarak betonarme konsol T kiriş seçilmiştir. Çalışma iki ana kısımda yürütülmüştür. İlk kısım güçlendirilmiş betonarme elemanların tersinir tekrarlı yük altında yüklenmesi ve incelenen noktalarca yük-deplasman ilişkilerinin ve şekil değiştirme değerlerinin deneysel olarak belirlenmesidir. İkincisi yürütülen deneysel çalışmaya paralel eş zamanlı olarak AE ölçümlerinin yapılması ve hasar mekanizmalarının gerçekçi olarak görüntülenmesidir. Kullanılan akustik metotlar AE-SiGMA ve sentri tekniği çalışma kapsamında ilk defa güçlendirilmiş elemanlara uygulanmışlardır. Bu iki kısımdan elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılmış ve güvenilir tutarlılıkla rasyonel bulgulara ulaşılmıştır.
The main aim of this study is to simultaneously and realistically determine the damage initiation and propagation mechanism in strengthened reinforced concrete elements under an increasing loading. In the direction of this aim, AE technique was selected among the nondestructive testing methods. Within the framework of this technique, AE parameter analysis, AE sentry function and AE-SiGMA (Acoustic Emission - Simplified Green's Function for Moment Tensor Analysis) methods were used. Within the scope of this study, 4 specimens were tested, one of them was a reference beam, one of them were shear strengthened beams with CFRP strips applied only to the side surfaces and 2 of them were shear strengthened beams with shape CFRP strips in the different strip widths and spacings. T cantilever beam was selected as experimental specimen. The study was conducted in two parts. First one was the loading of reinforced concrete elements under reversed cyclic loading and determination of the load-displacement relationships and unit deformation values in selected points. Second one was to perform AE measurements simultaneously with experimental work and to realistically monitor damage mechanisms. The acoustic methods used were AE-SiGMA and sentry function techniques and they were firstly applied to strengthened reinforced concrete structures within the scope of this study. The results obtained from two parts were compared and rational findings were reached with an accurate validity.
The main aim of this study is to simultaneously and realistically determine the damage initiation and propagation mechanism in strengthened reinforced concrete elements under an increasing loading. In the direction of this aim, AE technique was selected among the nondestructive testing methods. Within the framework of this technique, AE parameter analysis, AE sentry function and AE-SiGMA (Acoustic Emission - Simplified Green's Function for Moment Tensor Analysis) methods were used. Within the scope of this study, 4 specimens were tested, one of them was a reference beam, one of them were shear strengthened beams with CFRP strips applied only to the side surfaces and 2 of them were shear strengthened beams with shape CFRP strips in the different strip widths and spacings. T cantilever beam was selected as experimental specimen. The study was conducted in two parts. First one was the loading of reinforced concrete elements under reversed cyclic loading and determination of the load-displacement relationships and unit deformation values in selected points. Second one was to perform AE measurements simultaneously with experimental work and to realistically monitor damage mechanisms. The acoustic methods used were AE-SiGMA and sentry function techniques and they were firstly applied to strengthened reinforced concrete structures within the scope of this study. The results obtained from two parts were compared and rational findings were reached with an accurate validity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güçlendirme, CFRP, AE-Sigma, Kırılma Mekanizması, Sentri Fonksiyonu, Strengthening, Fracture Mechanism, Sentry Function, AE-Sigma