Dikey torba kültürü çilek yetiştiriciliğinde uygulanan farklı demir dozlarının verim, kalite ve kimyasal bileşim üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET DİKEY TORBA KÜLTÜRÜ ÇİLEK YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE UYGULANAN FARKLI DEMİR DOZLARININ VERİM KALİTE VE KİMYASAL BİLEŞİM ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ DEMİRAL, Mehmet Ali Doktora Tezi, Bitki Besleme ve Toprak Verimliliği Bilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Nevin ERYÜCE Ocak 2000, 79 sayfa Bu çalışma; 1997-1999 yıllan arasında Narenciye ve Seracılık Araştırma Enstitüsünde dikey torba kültürü çilek yetiştiriciliğinde uygulanan farklı Fe dozlarının verim, kalite ve kimyasal bileşim üzerine olan etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla; dikey sütun torbalara dikilmiş olan yeşil çilek fidelerine (Dorit çeşidi), kontrol parsellerine ek olarak, besin çözeltisine karıştırılan dört farklı Fe dozu (1, 2, 3 ve 4 ppm) uygulanmıştır. Farklı Fe dozlarının verim, meyve kalitesi ve kimyasal bileşim üzerine olan etkileri belirlenmiştir. Bir ppm Fe uygulaması verimi büyük oranda arttırmış, fakat istatistik olarak en yüksek verim 2 ppm Fe uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. Artan Fe dozlarının meyve kalite sınıflan üzerine olan etkileriönemli bulunmuş, diğer Fe dozları ile karşılaştınldığmda kontrol parselinden elde edilen 1. sınıf, meyve miktarı en az olmuştur. Tüm üretim dönemlerinde, besin çözeltisinin artan Fe içeriği, vitamin C içeriği hariç, meyve kalite özelliklerini etkilemiştir. Yaprakların tüm makro ve mikro bitki besin maddesi içerikleri, toplam ve aktif Fe dışında, besin çözeltisinin artan Fe içeriğine bağlı olarak azalmıştır. Peroksidaz aktivitesi ve toplam klorofil içeriği ise artmıştır. Artan Fe uygulama dozları ile yaprakların aktif Fe, Fe indeks ve P/Fe içerikleri arasında açık bir etkileşim belirlenmiş, yaprakların toplam klorofil, aktif Fe, Fe indeks ve P/Fe içeriMerinin çilek bitkisinin Fe'li beslenme düzeyi hakkında önemli ipuçları verdiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Demir, çilek, topraksız kültür, dikey torba kültürü, örtü altı yetiştiricilik
vn ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT IRON RATES ON YIELD FRUIT QUALITY AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF STRAWBERRIES GROWN ON VERTICAL SACK CULTURE DEMİRAL, Mehmet Ali PhD in Agriculture Eng. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nevin ERYÜCE January 2000, 79 pages This study was carried out to determine the effects of different iron rates on yield, fruit quality and chemical composition of strawberries grown on vertical sack culture at The Citrus and Greenhouse Crops Research Institute. For this purpose, young plantlets (cv. Dorit) were placed in vertical sacks and control and four rates of iron (1, 2, 3 and 4 e ppm) were applied. Results showed that there were many important effects of different iron rates on yield, fruit quality and chemical composition of strawberry plants. One ppm iron concentration in the nutrient solution had increased the yield significantly, but statistically; significant maximum yieid wasobtained at 2 ppm iron in the nutrient solution. The effect of increasing iron concentration on fruit quality classes were found important.. When it is compared with the other iron application rates, amount of the first quality fruit of control plots were found the lowest. In all cropping seasons, increasing iron application rates in the nutrient solution affected the fruit quality properties significantly excluding the ascorbic acid contents. All of the macro and micro element contents of leaves, except the total and active iron contents, decreased with the increasing iron concentration in the nutrient solution. In addition, peroxidase activity and total chlorophyll increased. A clear interaction was determined between the increasing iron application rates and active Fe, Fe index and P/Fe contents of leaves. Total chlorophyll, active iron, Fe index and P/Fe contents of leaves were appreciated that had given many important clues about Fe nutrition level of strawberry plant. Key words: Iron, strawberry, soilless culture, vertical sack culture, protected cultivation
vn ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT IRON RATES ON YIELD FRUIT QUALITY AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF STRAWBERRIES GROWN ON VERTICAL SACK CULTURE DEMİRAL, Mehmet Ali PhD in Agriculture Eng. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nevin ERYÜCE January 2000, 79 pages This study was carried out to determine the effects of different iron rates on yield, fruit quality and chemical composition of strawberries grown on vertical sack culture at The Citrus and Greenhouse Crops Research Institute. For this purpose, young plantlets (cv. Dorit) were placed in vertical sacks and control and four rates of iron (1, 2, 3 and 4 e ppm) were applied. Results showed that there were many important effects of different iron rates on yield, fruit quality and chemical composition of strawberry plants. One ppm iron concentration in the nutrient solution had increased the yield significantly, but statistically; significant maximum yieid wasobtained at 2 ppm iron in the nutrient solution. The effect of increasing iron concentration on fruit quality classes were found important.. When it is compared with the other iron application rates, amount of the first quality fruit of control plots were found the lowest. In all cropping seasons, increasing iron application rates in the nutrient solution affected the fruit quality properties significantly excluding the ascorbic acid contents. All of the macro and micro element contents of leaves, except the total and active iron contents, decreased with the increasing iron concentration in the nutrient solution. In addition, peroxidase activity and total chlorophyll increased. A clear interaction was determined between the increasing iron application rates and active Fe, Fe index and P/Fe contents of leaves. Total chlorophyll, active iron, Fe index and P/Fe contents of leaves were appreciated that had given many important clues about Fe nutrition level of strawberry plant. Key words: Iron, strawberry, soilless culture, vertical sack culture, protected cultivation
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki besleme, Plant nutrition, Demir, Iron, Kalite, Quality, Toprak verimliliği, Soil fertility, Torba kültürü, Bag culture, Verim, Yield, Çilek, Strawberry, Örtü altı yetiştiriciliği, Protected cultivation