Güney Azerbaycan’ın Çağdaş edebiyatında Habip Sâhir
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Habip Sâhir, Güney Azerbaycan’ın modern edebiyatında önemli edebi şahsiyetlerden biridir. O, küçük yaşlarda kendisinin öğretmeni ve dönemin önemli siyasi ve edebi kişiliklerinden biri olan Takihan Rıfat vasıtasıyla Türkiye’de yayımlanan edebi dergileri okumuş, Türkiye’deki fikir akımlarından etkilenmiştir. Üniversiteyi Türkiye’de okuyan Sâhir, İran’a döndükten sonra bir süre öğretmenlik yapmış; ancak bu sürede İran’da meydana gelen siyasi ve sosyal olaylar sebebiyle çeşitli sürgünlere gönderilmiştir. 1985 yılında Tahran’da vefat eden Habip Sâhir, şiir ve hikâye türlerinde eserler vermiştir. Şiirlerinde daha çok vatan, millet, adalet, milli kimlik ve özgürlük konularını işleyerek İran edebiyatında yeni bir üslup yaratan Sâhir, bazı araştırmacılara göre İran’da “yeni şiirin atası” kabul edilmektedir. Bu incelemede ilk olarak Habip Sâhir’in hayatını, edebi kişiliğini, onun Güney Azerbaycan’ın ve hatta İran’ın çağdaş edebiyatı üzerinde bıraktığı izleri ele aldık. Ardından İran’daki siyasi-sosyal olayların şairin hayatını nasıl etkilediğini inceledik. Son olarak Sâhir’in şiirlerinden birkaç örnek vererek onun edebi şahsiyeti ve düşünceleri tanıttık.
Habip Sahir is one of the most outstanding literary figure in South Azerbaijan modern literature. In his early ages he was influence by stream of thought in Turkey and literary magazines published in there by the means of his teacher Takihan Rafat, who was one of the important political and literary figures of that age. Sahir studied university in Turkey, came back Iran and taught in university for a while; at that time he was exiled severally for his political and social activities. He died in 1985 in Tehran, he has works in the field of poetry and story. The most content of his poetry are homeland, nation, justice, national identity and freedom which create new approach in Iran literature; according to recent researches he has been recognized as the Father of Modern poetry. n this survey, for the first time we recognized Habip Sahir biography, literary identity and his influences on south Azerbaijan and Iran contemporary literature. İn the followings we overviewed the impact of Iran political – social events on the life of poet. At the end we gave some samples of Sahir poems to make his literary character and attitude known.
Habip Sahir is one of the most outstanding literary figure in South Azerbaijan modern literature. In his early ages he was influence by stream of thought in Turkey and literary magazines published in there by the means of his teacher Takihan Rafat, who was one of the important political and literary figures of that age. Sahir studied university in Turkey, came back Iran and taught in university for a while; at that time he was exiled severally for his political and social activities. He died in 1985 in Tehran, he has works in the field of poetry and story. The most content of his poetry are homeland, nation, justice, national identity and freedom which create new approach in Iran literature; according to recent researches he has been recognized as the Father of Modern poetry. n this survey, for the first time we recognized Habip Sahir biography, literary identity and his influences on south Azerbaijan and Iran contemporary literature. İn the followings we overviewed the impact of Iran political – social events on the life of poet. At the end we gave some samples of Sahir poems to make his literary character and attitude known.
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