Bazı sofralık incir çeşitlerinin uygun hasat zamanı ve depolama performanslarının belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ülkemizin mevcut incir üretim potansiyeli ile kurutmalık incir kalitesi, üretimi ve ihracatımızın Dünya üzerindeki yeri dikkate alındığında, bu potansiyelimizin taze incir üretiminde ve ticaretinde de, geliştirilmesi gerektiği beklenmektedir. Taze incir üretim ve ihracatında sürekliliğinin sağlanabilmesi, taze incir pazarının çeşitlendirilmesi ve böylece ticaretine farklılık getirilmesi, gelecekte taze incirin iç ve dış pazardaki konumunu güçlendirecektir. Ülkemiz için önemli bir tarımsal ihracat ürünü olan taze incirde de mevcut ihracat potansiyelimizi arttırmamız gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla, halen taze incir üretiminde ve ihracatında önemli bir yere sahip olan Bursa Siyahı çeşidi yanında başka çeşitlerin üretimde ve pazarda yerini alması, pazara süreklilik ve çeşitlilik kazandırabilecektir. Bazı sofralık incir çeşitlerinde uygun hasat zamanını belirlemek, depolama süresince kalite değişimlerini ve depolama sonrası raf ömürlerini ortaya koyabilmek amacıyla bu çalışma yürütülmüştür. İncir Araştırma Enstitüsü Merkez İşletme'de bulunan; Bursa Siyahı, Morgüz, Yeşilgüz, 1066 Yediveren, Beyaz Orak, Siyah Orak, Göklop, Siyah Kış, 208 Siyah ve 1100 incir çeşit ve tipleri materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Koyu renkli incir çeşitleri için kabuğunun renklenme durumuna göre, 1/3'ü renklenmiş, 2/3'ü renklenmiş ve 3/3'ü renklenmiş; yeşil incir çeşitleri için ise, sert olgun ve olgun olmak üzere farklı olgunluk aşamalarında meyveler hasat edilmiştir. Hasat sırasında meyveler doğrudan doğruya depolanacakları ambalajlar (viyol) içerisine yerleştirilerek, 20 gün süresince 3±1°C soğuk depoda tutulmuşlardır. Depodan her 5 günde bir alınan örneklerin meyve kalite analizleri yapılmış ve kalite değişimleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, soğuk depodan çıkarılan örnekler 20°C'de 2 gün bekletilerek raf ömürleri analizleri yapılmıştır. 2012, 2013, 2014 yılı çalışmalarında, denemede yer alan çeşitlerin, depolama ve raf ömrü süresince ağırlık kaybı, tekstür analiz cihazı ile sertlik, suda çözünebilir kuru madde, titre edilebilir asitlik, olgunluk oranı, pH, kabuk dış ve meyve eti iç rengi değerlerine ilişkin veriler alınmıştır. Gaz kromotografisi cihazı ile solunum hızı ölçümleri yapılmış ve çeşitlerin sert olgun ve olgun aşamadaki solunum hızı ve etilen salgı hızları belirlenmiştir. Depolama ve raf ömrü çalışmalarında Yeşilgüz çeşidinin sert olgun ve Siyah Orak çeşidinin 2/3, 1/3 renkli aşamada hasat edilen meyvelerin diğer çeşitlere göre daha dayanıklı olduğu gözlenmiştir. Partenokarp Siyah Orak incir çeşidinin, erken Haziran döneminde olgunlaşan meyveleri Ağustos döneminde olgunlaşan meyvelere göre irilik kriteri açısından daha iri olmaktadır. Ağustos döneminde olgunlaşan, özellikle meyve kabuğunun 1/3 renklendiği olgunluk aşamasında hasat edilen meyvelerinin küçük olmasından dolayı farklı ambalaj materyalleri ile pazarlanabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.
Considering the fig cultivation potential together with fig quality for drying and its production in Turkey, and its export on the world, it is regarded that this potential should be improved also in fresh fig cultivation and trade. Sustainability in fresh fig cultivation and its trade, diversification of fresh fig market and its trade will strengthen the status of fresh fig in domestic and international markets. It is necessary that the export potential of Turkey for fresh fig, an important agricultural product for export, should be increased. Therefore, including other fig varieties along with Bursa Siyahı, which still occupies an important place in fresh fig cultivation and its export, into production and market will be able to bring sustainability and diversity into the market. This project was conducted in order to determine the most appropriate harvesting time for some fresh fig varieties and to demonstrate changes in quality during storage and shelf-life periods after storage. Bursa Siyahi, Morgüz, Yeşilgüz, 1066 Yediveren, Beyaz Orak, Siyah Orak, Göklop, Siyah Kış, 208 Siyah and 1100 fig varieties at the Fig Research Institution in Aydın were used as materials. As harvest parameters, the pigmentation of dark-colored fig varieties 1/3 and 2/3 and finally 3/3 coloring, and for green varieties, fruit maturity stages such as hard-ripe and ripe were considered for harvest. During harvest fruit were directly placed into their storage packages (into nespacks) and stored at 3±1°C for 20 days in cold storage condition. The samples taken from the storage room every five days were analyzed for fruit quality and the quality changes were defined. In addition, the samples taken from cold storage were kept for two days at 20°C to determine their shelf-life periods. During the studies in 2012, 2013 and 2014 the following data on the fig varieties used for the trials were collected: weight loss during storage and shelf-life periods, firmness by texture analysis, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, maturity rate, pH, L, a, and b skin and flesh color values. Respiration rate was measured with gas chromatography device and respiration rate and ethylene-release rates were defined for hard-ripe and ripe stages for the fig varieties. During the studies on storage and shell-life period, it was shown that the fruit harvested at their coloring stages of 2/3 and 1/3 of hard-ripe Yeşilgüz fig variety and Siyah Orak variety were more durable than other varieties. Fruit of parthenocarpic Siyah Orak fig variety that ripens in early June are much bigger than the fruit that ripens in August in terms of fruit size. It was also concluded that since the fruit harvested during the ripening period when 1/3 of their skin get colored are so small, they can be commercialized with different packaging materials.
Considering the fig cultivation potential together with fig quality for drying and its production in Turkey, and its export on the world, it is regarded that this potential should be improved also in fresh fig cultivation and trade. Sustainability in fresh fig cultivation and its trade, diversification of fresh fig market and its trade will strengthen the status of fresh fig in domestic and international markets. It is necessary that the export potential of Turkey for fresh fig, an important agricultural product for export, should be increased. Therefore, including other fig varieties along with Bursa Siyahı, which still occupies an important place in fresh fig cultivation and its export, into production and market will be able to bring sustainability and diversity into the market. This project was conducted in order to determine the most appropriate harvesting time for some fresh fig varieties and to demonstrate changes in quality during storage and shelf-life periods after storage. Bursa Siyahi, Morgüz, Yeşilgüz, 1066 Yediveren, Beyaz Orak, Siyah Orak, Göklop, Siyah Kış, 208 Siyah and 1100 fig varieties at the Fig Research Institution in Aydın were used as materials. As harvest parameters, the pigmentation of dark-colored fig varieties 1/3 and 2/3 and finally 3/3 coloring, and for green varieties, fruit maturity stages such as hard-ripe and ripe were considered for harvest. During harvest fruit were directly placed into their storage packages (into nespacks) and stored at 3±1°C for 20 days in cold storage condition. The samples taken from the storage room every five days were analyzed for fruit quality and the quality changes were defined. In addition, the samples taken from cold storage were kept for two days at 20°C to determine their shelf-life periods. During the studies in 2012, 2013 and 2014 the following data on the fig varieties used for the trials were collected: weight loss during storage and shelf-life periods, firmness by texture analysis, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, maturity rate, pH, L, a, and b skin and flesh color values. Respiration rate was measured with gas chromatography device and respiration rate and ethylene-release rates were defined for hard-ripe and ripe stages for the fig varieties. During the studies on storage and shell-life period, it was shown that the fruit harvested at their coloring stages of 2/3 and 1/3 of hard-ripe Yeşilgüz fig variety and Siyah Orak variety were more durable than other varieties. Fruit of parthenocarpic Siyah Orak fig variety that ripens in early June are much bigger than the fruit that ripens in August in terms of fruit size. It was also concluded that since the fruit harvested during the ripening period when 1/3 of their skin get colored are so small, they can be commercialized with different packaging materials.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sofralık İncir, Hasat, Depolama, Raf Ömrü, Table Fig, Harvesting, Storage, Shelf Life