Domateste düşük ve yüksek sıcaklıkların meyve bağlamaya etkileri
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Domateste meyve tutumu ve verim üzerine düşük ve yüksek sıcaklıkların etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla yapılan bu ça lışma, 1990-1992 yılları arasında Akdeniz üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi uygulama bahçesi ve serası ile Bahçe Bitkileri Bö lümü laboratuvar 1 arında yürütülmüştür. Çalışma sırasında aynı üniversitenin Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji ve immünoloji bilim dal ları ile Ege üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü laboratuvar olanaklarından da yararlanılmıştır. Düşük sıcaklıkların etkileri kışın ısıtılmayan cam serada tek ürün yetiştirme periyodunda Dario Fİ ve Amfora Fİ çeşit leri üzerinde araştırılmıştır. Tohum ekimi birinci yılda 25.09.1990, ikinci yılda 30.09.1991 tarihlerinde fide dikim leri ise sırasıyla 30.10.1990 ve 1.11.1991 tarihlerinde ger- çekleştiri lmiştir. Yaz aylarındaki yüksek sıcaklıkların meyve tutumu üzeri ne etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan yaz dönemi çalışma larında H-2274 ve SC-2121 çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Tohum ekimi-fide dikimi birinci yıl 6.4.1990 - 14.5.1990 ikinci yıl sırasıyla 10.4.1991 - 8.5.1991 tarihlerinde yapılmıştır. Tozlanma yetersizliğinin etkisini elimine etmek için hem kış hem de yaz döneminde vibrator ve elle toz lama uygulanmış, serbest tozlanmaya bırakılan bitkiler ise kontrol grubu ola rak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada, bitkide meydana gelen ilk sekiz salkım için salkımda ortalama çiçek sayısı, meyve sayısı, meyve tutum o- ranı, meyve ağırlığı, meyvede ortalama tohum sayısı ve anter koni si -pi s ti 1 uzunluğu farkı tespit edilmiştir. Çiçek tozu miktar ve cani ı 1 ığındaki değişimi belirlemek amacıyla çiçeklenme periyodu süresince her hafta hem çiçek128 tozu miktarı ve abort if çiçek tozu yüzdesi saptanmış hemde çiçek tozu çimlendirme denemeleri yapılmıştır. Tozlanmadan 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 48 ve 72 saat sonra çi çek tozu çim borusunun stil içerisinde gelişmesi ile tozlan madan 10 gün sonrasına kadar tohum taslağı gelişimleri de a- raştırı İm ıştır. iki yıl tekrarlanan bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar aşağıda özetlenmiştir. 1. Kışın yetiştirme periyodunda Aralık ile Mart ayları arasında belirgin olarak azalmış olan minimum sıcaklıklar, 1990-1991 deneme yılında 3. 90°C- 1 1. 0°C, 1991-1992 yılında 2. 95°C-9. 95°C arasında değişmiştir. özellikle ikinci yıl bu dönemdeki minimum sıcaklıklar birinci yıla göre daha düşük derecelerde ve uzun süre etkili olmuştur. Bu durumun üzerinde çalışılan çeşitlerin meyve tutum oranı ile meyve ağırlığını olumsuz yönde etkilediği saptanmıştır. Düşük sıcaklıkların etkisi Dario Fİ çeşidinde Amfora Fl'den daha fazla olmuştur. 2. Yaz döneminde çiçeklenme periyodunda maksimum sıcak lıklar birinci yıl 28.3-35.5°C, ikinci yıl 23.2-35.8°C ara sında değişmiştir. Yüksek sıcaklıklardan özellikle meyve tu tum oranı etkilenmiştir. 3. Kış döneminde sıcaklık azaldıkça salkımda çiçek sayı sı artmaktadır. Bunun tam aksine yazın sıcaklık arttıkça çi çek sayısının azaldığı saptanmıştır. 4. Meyve tutum oranı kış döneminde birinci yıl Dario Fİ çeşidinde % 97.86, Amfora Fİ 'de ise % 98.08 olmak üzere yük sek bulunmuştur. İkinci yıl ise Dario Fl'de 4.-6., Amfora Fl'de 3. ve 4. salkımlarda meyve tutum oranı azalmıştır. Bu azalmanın Dario Fİ çeşidinde Amfora Fl'e göre daha belirgin olduğu görülmüştür.129 5. Yaz döneminde meyve tutum oranı sıcaklık arttıkça azalmıştır. Bu azalma SC-2121 çeşidinde her iki yılda da H-2274'e göre daha fazla olmuştur. Meyve tutum oranı H-2274 çeşidinde birinci yıl % 83.56 ile % 64.31, ikinci yıl % 84.80 ile % 67.98 arasında değişmiştir. SC-2121'de ise yıllara göre sırasıyla % 61.54 - % 40.26 ile % 75.38-% 51.13 olarak bulun muştur. 6. Kış döneminde kontrol grubunda birinci yıl 4.-6. sal kımlarda belirgin olarak azalan meyve ağırlığı ve tohum sayı sı vibrator ve elle tozlama uygulamaları ile artmıştır. Vib rator ve elle tozlama uygulamaları Amfora Fİ çeşidinde daha etkili olmuştur. Bu yıl özellikle Amfora Fİ çeşidinde meyve iriliğini etkileyen başlıca faktörün tozlanma yetersizliği olduğu saptanmıştır. 7. ikinci yıl kış döneminde kontrol grubunda meyve ağır lığı ve tohum sayısı 2.-5. salkımlarda azalmıştır. Bu salkım larda vibrator ve elle tozlama uygulamalarının meyve ağırlı ğını kontrole göre arttırmış olmasına rağmen meyvelerin çeşi de özgü iriliklerine ulaşamadıkları görülmüştür. 8. Yaz döneminde meyve ağırlığı ve tohum sayısı salkım lara göre değişmektedir. Ancak tüm salkımlarda meyve iriliği nin ve meyvede tohum sayısının genelde yüksek olduğu saptan mıştır. 9. Kış döneminde çiçeklerde pistil daima anter konisi içinde yer almakta ve anter konisi -pi st i 1 uzunluğu arasındaki fark sıcaklığın azalmasıyla artmaktadır. Kış döneminde anter konisi-pist i 1 uzunluğu arasındaki farkın tozlanmayı ve dola yısıyla meyve tutumunu sınırlayıcı bir faktör olmadığı görül müştür. 10. Yaz döneminde anter konisi-pis ti 1 uzunluğu arasındaki farkın sıcaklığın artmasına paralel olarak azaldığı 1990-1991130 deneme yılında ise SC-2121 çeşidinde stigmanın anter konisi üzerine (O.Olmrn) çıktığı saptanmıştır. Yaz döneminde meyve tutum oranının azalmasında en önemli faktör anter konisi-pis- til uzunluğu arasındaki farktır. 11. Sıcaklığın düşük olduğu Aralık ile Mart ayları ara sında çiçek tozu miktarı ve çimlenme oranının azaldığı ve a- bortif çiçek tozu oranının arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Düşük sıcaklığın çiçek tozu miktarı, abortif çiçek tozu oranı ve çimlenme yüzdesi üzerine etkisi Dario Fİ çeşidinde Amfora Fİ' den çok daha fazla olduğu saptanmıştır. Çiçek tozu canlılığı için kritik sıcaklıklar Dario Fİ çeşidinde 10°C, Amfora Fİ çeşidinde 5°C olarak bulunmuştur. 12. Kış döneminde meyve ağırlığı ve tohum sayısının azalmasında çiçek tozu canlılığı en önemli faktördür. 13. Yaz döneminde çiçek tozu miktar ve kalitesi yüksek sıcaklıklarda etkilenmekle birlikte kış döneminde olduğu gibi çok belirgin bir azalmanın olmadığı saptanmıştır. SC-2121 çe şidinde abortif çiçek tozu oranının H-2274'den daha az, çiçek tozu çimlenme yüzdesinin daha fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 15. Tozlanmadan itibaren çiçek tozu çim borularının to hum taslaklarına ulaşması için geçen süre kış döneminde ge nelde 24 saat olmakla birlikte, bunun 72 saate kadar uzaya- bildiği görülmüştür. Yaz döneminde ise çim borularının 18-24 saat sonra tohum taslaklarına ulaştıkları saptanmıştır. 16. Tohum taslağı ile ilgili incelemelerde, normal em briyo gelişimi yanında, yalancı embriyo (pseudoembriyo) olu şumlarına rastlanmıştır
SUMMARY This research was conducted in order to find out the effects of low and high temperatures on fruit set and yield of tomatoes at the research station and laboratories of Agri cultural Faculty, Akdeniz University in Antalya in between 1990-1992. Tomato seedlings were planted in both glasshouse and open field at the station. Some parts of the research was carried out in the laboratories of the Department of Patho logy and Immunology of Medical school at Akdeniz University and also in Agricultural Faculty, Ege University, in Izmir. The effect of low temperatures in the unheated glass house was searched on long-season crop production on Dario Fl and Amfora Fl cultivars. The seed was sown on 25th of Septem ber and 30th of September and seedlings were planted 30th October and 1st of December in two consecutive years of 1990- 1991. The tomato cultivars H-2274 and SC-2121 were used in order to determine the effects of high temperature on fruit set in summer seasons. In the first year, the seed was sown on April 6th and seedlings were planted on May 14th, 1990 and in the second year the same procedures were done on April 8th and May 10th,1991. Hand pollinating and vibrator were used to eliminate in sufficient pollination in winter and summer growing periods. Natural pollination plot was considered as a control. In first eight clusters, average flower number, fruit number, fruit setting percentage, fresh fruit weight, mean number of seeds per fruit and the difference between anther tube-pistil lenght were determined during the research.132 Pollen was collected weekly intervals during the flower ing period to determine the amaunt of pollen and its via bility variations as well as its germinating percentage. Besides the mentioned criterias given above the devolop- ment of pollen tubes into style were investigated 1, 3, 6, 12 18, 24, 48, and 72 hours after pollination. And also develop ment of ovules were tried to determine 10 days after pollina- t ion. After two years replication of this research the follow ing findings were briefly given below: 1. During December-March in winter growing period, the temperature considerably decreased down to 3.90-11.0°C in 1990-1991 and to 2.95-9.95°C in 1991-1992. Especially in the second winter growing season the minimum temperature was lower and its duration was longer. Under these circumstances fruit setting percentage and average fresh fruit weight were negatively affected. This effect was harder on Dario Fl than Amfora Fl. 2. During the summer tomato growing period the maksimum temperature ranged from 28.3°C to 35.5°C in the first year and 23.2°C- 35.8°C in the second year. The high temperature especially had an effect on fruit setting. 3. In winter periods, the number of flower per cluster increased with decrease in temperature, in contrast to this higher temperature in summer time decreased. 4. Fruit setting percentages were relatively higher with 97.86 in Dario Fl and 98.08 in Amfora Fl in the first growing period. In the second year fruit setting percentage in the 4.-6. clusters of Dario Fl and in the 3. and 4. cluster of133 Amfora Fİ. This decrease was found more dominant in Dario Fl than Amfora Fl. 5. Fruit setting ratio decreased as the temperature is increase in summer. This was more obvious in cv SC-2121. Fruit setting ratio varied between 64.31 % - 83.56 % in the first year and between 67.98 % - 84.80 % in the second year in cv H-2274. Similar variations were observed in cv SC-2121 with 40.26 % - 61.54 % and 51.13 % - 75.38 % in consecutive years. 6. In winter, the decreased fresh fruit weight and seed number in 4.-6. clusters in control plants were increased by vibrator usage and hand-pollination. These two methods were more effective in cv Amfora Fl. In this particular year, it was shown that insufficient pollination was significantly effective on fruit size. 7. The winter growing period of second year, fresh fruit weight and seed number in the 2.-5. clusters decreased in control plants. Although vibrator usage and hand-pollination applications gave somewhat different results, it seemed that these two methods were not not eough to reach varietal charecterist ic fresh fruit weight. 8. The fresh fruit weight and seed number varied from cluster to cluster in summer growing period. Nevertheless fresh fruit weight and seed number were generally high in all clusters in summer time. 9. In winter, pistils of flowers always took place into anther tube and the difference between anther tube and pistil lenght increased as temperature decreased. In winter time it was found that difference between anther tube and pistil lenght was not a limiting factor on fruit-set.134 10. In summer time it was proven that the difference between anther tube and pistil lenght decreased as tempera ture increased. On the other hand stigma extended 0.01 mm beyond the tip of anther tube in cv SC-2121 in 1990-1991. 11. The main reason for the poor fruit set during the high temperature in summer was the difference between anther tube and pistil length. 11. It was found that the amount of pollen and germina tion rate was reduced during the December-March period, mainly due to low temperature. However abortive pollen per centage was rather high during the these period because of same reason. These indicated defects were more clear on cv Dario Fl than Amfora Fİ. The critical temperature for pollen viability was 10°C for cv Dario Fl and 5°C for Amfora Fl. 12. Pollen viability was the most important factor on low fresh weight and seed number in winter period. 13. Although the effect of high temperature was impor tant amount of pollen and its viability in summer time but the effect was more striking in winter time. Percentage of abortive pollen was lower and germination was higher in cv SC-2121 than cv H-2274. 15. It was found that time lenght between pollination and fertilization was about 24 hours in winter, this lenght could be extended up to 72 hours. In summer time, this length was even shorter, 18 to 24 hours. 16. During the experiment related to ovule, pseoduo- embriyo formation was observed beside normal embriyo development.
SUMMARY This research was conducted in order to find out the effects of low and high temperatures on fruit set and yield of tomatoes at the research station and laboratories of Agri cultural Faculty, Akdeniz University in Antalya in between 1990-1992. Tomato seedlings were planted in both glasshouse and open field at the station. Some parts of the research was carried out in the laboratories of the Department of Patho logy and Immunology of Medical school at Akdeniz University and also in Agricultural Faculty, Ege University, in Izmir. The effect of low temperatures in the unheated glass house was searched on long-season crop production on Dario Fl and Amfora Fl cultivars. The seed was sown on 25th of Septem ber and 30th of September and seedlings were planted 30th October and 1st of December in two consecutive years of 1990- 1991. The tomato cultivars H-2274 and SC-2121 were used in order to determine the effects of high temperature on fruit set in summer seasons. In the first year, the seed was sown on April 6th and seedlings were planted on May 14th, 1990 and in the second year the same procedures were done on April 8th and May 10th,1991. Hand pollinating and vibrator were used to eliminate in sufficient pollination in winter and summer growing periods. Natural pollination plot was considered as a control. In first eight clusters, average flower number, fruit number, fruit setting percentage, fresh fruit weight, mean number of seeds per fruit and the difference between anther tube-pistil lenght were determined during the research.132 Pollen was collected weekly intervals during the flower ing period to determine the amaunt of pollen and its via bility variations as well as its germinating percentage. Besides the mentioned criterias given above the devolop- ment of pollen tubes into style were investigated 1, 3, 6, 12 18, 24, 48, and 72 hours after pollination. And also develop ment of ovules were tried to determine 10 days after pollina- t ion. After two years replication of this research the follow ing findings were briefly given below: 1. During December-March in winter growing period, the temperature considerably decreased down to 3.90-11.0°C in 1990-1991 and to 2.95-9.95°C in 1991-1992. Especially in the second winter growing season the minimum temperature was lower and its duration was longer. Under these circumstances fruit setting percentage and average fresh fruit weight were negatively affected. This effect was harder on Dario Fl than Amfora Fl. 2. During the summer tomato growing period the maksimum temperature ranged from 28.3°C to 35.5°C in the first year and 23.2°C- 35.8°C in the second year. The high temperature especially had an effect on fruit setting. 3. In winter periods, the number of flower per cluster increased with decrease in temperature, in contrast to this higher temperature in summer time decreased. 4. Fruit setting percentages were relatively higher with 97.86 in Dario Fl and 98.08 in Amfora Fl in the first growing period. In the second year fruit setting percentage in the 4.-6. clusters of Dario Fl and in the 3. and 4. cluster of133 Amfora Fİ. This decrease was found more dominant in Dario Fl than Amfora Fl. 5. Fruit setting ratio decreased as the temperature is increase in summer. This was more obvious in cv SC-2121. Fruit setting ratio varied between 64.31 % - 83.56 % in the first year and between 67.98 % - 84.80 % in the second year in cv H-2274. Similar variations were observed in cv SC-2121 with 40.26 % - 61.54 % and 51.13 % - 75.38 % in consecutive years. 6. In winter, the decreased fresh fruit weight and seed number in 4.-6. clusters in control plants were increased by vibrator usage and hand-pollination. These two methods were more effective in cv Amfora Fl. In this particular year, it was shown that insufficient pollination was significantly effective on fruit size. 7. The winter growing period of second year, fresh fruit weight and seed number in the 2.-5. clusters decreased in control plants. Although vibrator usage and hand-pollination applications gave somewhat different results, it seemed that these two methods were not not eough to reach varietal charecterist ic fresh fruit weight. 8. The fresh fruit weight and seed number varied from cluster to cluster in summer growing period. Nevertheless fresh fruit weight and seed number were generally high in all clusters in summer time. 9. In winter, pistils of flowers always took place into anther tube and the difference between anther tube and pistil lenght increased as temperature decreased. In winter time it was found that difference between anther tube and pistil lenght was not a limiting factor on fruit-set.134 10. In summer time it was proven that the difference between anther tube and pistil lenght decreased as tempera ture increased. On the other hand stigma extended 0.01 mm beyond the tip of anther tube in cv SC-2121 in 1990-1991. 11. The main reason for the poor fruit set during the high temperature in summer was the difference between anther tube and pistil length. 11. It was found that the amount of pollen and germina tion rate was reduced during the December-March period, mainly due to low temperature. However abortive pollen per centage was rather high during the these period because of same reason. These indicated defects were more clear on cv Dario Fl than Amfora Fİ. The critical temperature for pollen viability was 10°C for cv Dario Fl and 5°C for Amfora Fl. 12. Pollen viability was the most important factor on low fresh weight and seed number in winter period. 13. Although the effect of high temperature was impor tant amount of pollen and its viability in summer time but the effect was more striking in winter time. Percentage of abortive pollen was lower and germination was higher in cv SC-2121 than cv H-2274. 15. It was found that time lenght between pollination and fertilization was about 24 hours in winter, this lenght could be extended up to 72 hours. In summer time, this length was even shorter, 18 to 24 hours. 16. During the experiment related to ovule, pseoduo- embriyo formation was observed beside normal embriyo development.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Domates, Tomato, Sıcaklık, Temperature, Verim, Yield