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Halit Ziya'nın eserlerinde esir ticaretinin yansımalarından ziyade zengin konaklarında dadı, lala, uşak, halayık şeklinde bu kurumun bakiyesi olarak hayatını devam ettiren kişilerin aile içindeki konumları, geçmişlerinden kopamayışları derinlemesine psikolojik tahlillerle ele alınır. Yazar özellikle Cumhuriyet'ten sonra kaleme aldığı hatıralarında, İstanbul ve daha çok da İzmir'de geçirdiği çocukluk ve gençlik dönemini çok canlı tablolarla anlatır. Diğer konularda olduğu gibi "esaret" mevzusunda da onun hayat tecrübelerinin roman ve hikâyelerine büyük ölçüde ilham verdiğini söyleyebiliriz. Tanzimat Dönemi yazarlarından farklı olarak Halit Ziya esareti, fikrî bir tez olarak değil; yargılamaktan uzak, bizzat gözlemlediği yakın çevresinden hareketle hissî bir atmosfer içerisinde ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca onun eserlerinde Çerkez kölelerden ziyade zenci, daha çok da melez köleler ve onların kendilerine has özellikleri dikkat çekmektedir.
People who live as remains of rich mansion tradition such as nanny, lala, butler, female servant and their position in the family along with their clinging to past is handled in the works of Halit Ziya with deep psychological analysis. The author narrates very vividly his period of childhood and youth spent in İstanbul and mostly in İzmir especially in his memoirs written after Republic. We can argue that as in other issues, he also inspired from his own life experiences in his novels and stories on the issue of "enslavement". Unlike the writers of the Tanzimat period, Halit Ziya did not discuss the issue of enslavement as an intellectual thesis and with a judgemental attitude but within a sentimental atmosphere based on his own observations. Moreover, in his works, black slaves but mostly hybrid slaves and their specific qualities attracts attention, rather than Circassian slaves.
People who live as remains of rich mansion tradition such as nanny, lala, butler, female servant and their position in the family along with their clinging to past is handled in the works of Halit Ziya with deep psychological analysis. The author narrates very vividly his period of childhood and youth spent in İstanbul and mostly in İzmir especially in his memoirs written after Republic. We can argue that as in other issues, he also inspired from his own life experiences in his novels and stories on the issue of "enslavement". Unlike the writers of the Tanzimat period, Halit Ziya did not discuss the issue of enslavement as an intellectual thesis and with a judgemental attitude but within a sentimental atmosphere based on his own observations. Moreover, in his works, black slaves but mostly hybrid slaves and their specific qualities attracts attention, rather than Circassian slaves.
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