Olta balıkçılığında kullanılan farklı tip ve boydaki iğnelerin seçiciliği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Olta balıkçılığı dünya çapında en yaygın avcılık yöntemlerinden birisidir. Bu çalışma, olta balıkçılığında kullanılan geleneksel J tipi iğneler ile son dönemde kullanımı hızla yaygınlaşan yuvarlak tip iğnelerin av verimi ve iğneden çıkartılan bireylerin yaşama oranları kıyaslanmıştır. Çalışma İzmir Körfezi Urla bölgesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Oltalar, 4 iğneli olacak şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılacak iğneler bölgede önceki çalışmalar refereans alınarak, Owner Mutu 50660 “2/0” (K1) ve “1/0” (K2) boy iğne ile Owner Furansu 50560 “1” (J1) ve “2” (J2) olarak belirlenmiştir. Küçük ölçekli balıkçı tekneleri ile Haziran 2015 -Eylül 2016 tarihleri arasında yapılan 39 balıkçılık operasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toplamda 17 türe ait 1301 birey yakalanmıştır. Bunların 703 adeti “J” iğnelerle avlanırken, geriye kalan 598 adeti kahle iğnelerle yakalanıştır. Yaşatma çalışmalarında her iğne tipi için 1 tane olmak üzere toplamda 4 adet balık kafesi kullanılmıştır. İğnelerden canlı çıkarılan her balık bu kafesler içerisinde 5 saat süresince gözlemlenmiştir.
Çalışma sonucunda; kahle ve “J” tip iğnelerin CPUE (Birim çabaya düşen av) değerleri sırasıyla 1,53 ve 1,80 olarak hesaplanmış olup bu değerler arasında fark olmadığı belirlenmiştir (p>0,05). Küçük boydaki iğnelerin daha fazla av gücü olduğu ve daha küçük boydaki bireyleri avladığı tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Tür bazında yakalanılan bireylerde tüm iğneler için %3,5 ıskarta oranı hesaplanmıştır. “J” iğneler, kahle iğnelere göre 3 kat daha fazla hatalı kancalamaya neden olmuştur. Avcılık operasyonları esnasında gerek hatalı kancalama gerekse ağız içi kancalanma yerlerine göre incelendiğinde suya geri bırakılan bireylerin yaşama oranları, kahle iğnelerde “J” iğnelere göre daha yüksek olduğu ortaya konmuştur (p<0,05).
Angling fishery is one of the most common fishing methods of the world. In this study, traditional “J” hooks used in angling fishery and circle hooks, have an increased widespread usage, were tested together in order to compare the fishing efficiency and the survival ratio of the caught fishes after removed from the hook. Trials were realized in Urla region where is located in İzmir Bay. The angles are prepared tha composing of 4 hooks. The determination of hooks in the present work were referred from previous studies in the region and as selected Owner Mutu 50660 “2/0” (K1), “1/0” (K2) (kahle type) and Owner Furansu 50560 “1” (J1), “2” (J2) (“J” type). 39 fishing trials were realized with small scale fishing boats between June 2015 – September 2016. Totally 1301 specimens were captured according to 17 species. 703 individuals of them with “J” hooks and the rest of the 598 were hooked with kahle hooks. Totally 4 fish cages were used for each type of hook in survival observations. Each removed alive fish is observed from in those cages during 5 hours. As a result of this study; CPUE (catch per unit efort) values for kahle hooks and “J” type hooks were calculated as 1,53 and is 1,80 respectively and there was no differences between the values (P>0,05). It was determined that smaller hooks have more fishing efficiency and catch smaller sized individuals (p<0,05). According to species, discard ratio was calculated as 3,5% for caught specimens for all hooks. “J” hooks caused 3 times more foul hooking than kahle hooks. Survival ratios of released specimens to the sea were found higher for kahle hooks than “J” hooks according to both foul hooking and hooking places inside of the mouth during the fishing operations (p<0,05).
Angling fishery is one of the most common fishing methods of the world. In this study, traditional “J” hooks used in angling fishery and circle hooks, have an increased widespread usage, were tested together in order to compare the fishing efficiency and the survival ratio of the caught fishes after removed from the hook. Trials were realized in Urla region where is located in İzmir Bay. The angles are prepared tha composing of 4 hooks. The determination of hooks in the present work were referred from previous studies in the region and as selected Owner Mutu 50660 “2/0” (K1), “1/0” (K2) (kahle type) and Owner Furansu 50560 “1” (J1), “2” (J2) (“J” type). 39 fishing trials were realized with small scale fishing boats between June 2015 – September 2016. Totally 1301 specimens were captured according to 17 species. 703 individuals of them with “J” hooks and the rest of the 598 were hooked with kahle hooks. Totally 4 fish cages were used for each type of hook in survival observations. Each removed alive fish is observed from in those cages during 5 hours. As a result of this study; CPUE (catch per unit efort) values for kahle hooks and “J” type hooks were calculated as 1,53 and is 1,80 respectively and there was no differences between the values (P>0,05). It was determined that smaller hooks have more fishing efficiency and catch smaller sized individuals (p<0,05). According to species, discard ratio was calculated as 3,5% for caught specimens for all hooks. “J” hooks caused 3 times more foul hooking than kahle hooks. Survival ratios of released specimens to the sea were found higher for kahle hooks than “J” hooks according to both foul hooking and hooking places inside of the mouth during the fishing operations (p<0,05).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Rekreasyonel Balıkçılık, İğne Tipi, Yaşama Oranı, Recreational Angling, Hook Type, Survival Ratio