Bazı çökerten etmenleri ile kimyasal savaşım üzerinde çalışmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
23 ÖZET Bazı Çökerten Etmenleri ile Kimyasal Savaşım Üzerinde Çalışmalar. Son yıllardaki sebze üretim alanlarının ve miktarları nın artışına bağlı olarak, hastalıklarda da büyük artış ol maktadır. Fideliklerde büyük kayıplara neden olan çökerten hastalığı da bunların en önemlilerinden biridir. Domates ve hıyarın sebze üretiminde çok büyük bir paya sahip olması, konukçu bitki olarak bu iki sebzeyi seçmemizin başta gelen nedenlerindendir. Literatürlerde çökerten hastalığına neden olan pek çok etmen verilmektedir. Çalışmamızda patojenisite testleri sonunda Rhizoctonia spp., (tütün, çim ve çam'dan izole edilmiş), sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Pythium sp. ve Fusarium culmorum patojen olarak saptanmıştır. Hıyar tohum larını ilaçlanmamış olarak ve thiramla ilaçlayarak fungisid- lerin etkilerini saptamaya çalışılmış, domateslerde ise fun- gisidlerin etmenlere tek tek ve bir arada olduklarındaki et kileri ve fungisidlerin fide çıkışlarına etkileri konusunda çalışmalar yapılmış ve aşağıdaki sonuçlar alınmıştır. 1. Thiram'la ilaçlanmış tohumlarla yapılan çalışmada, fungisidlerin etkileri, ilaçlama yapılmamış tohumlarla ya pılan çalışmaya oranla daha yüksek bulunmuştur. 2.. Etmenlere ayrı ayrı fungisidlerin etkisini saptamak için yapılan çalışmada Pythium sp. 'ye fungisidlerin hiçbiri etkili olmamıştır. Diğer etmenlere tüm fungisidler olumlu etkide bulundukları halde en etkili fungisidler benomyl, mancozeb ve thiram bulunmuştur. 3. Tüm etmenlerin bir arada bulunduklarında fungisidlerin hepsinin etkileri birbirine yakın bulunmuştur. Rhizoctonia spp. ile yapılan çalışmada da aynı etki bulunmuştur. 4. Laboratuvar koşullarında hıyar tohumlarının çimlenmesi üzerine fungisidler çok büyük etkide bulunmazken, domates tohumları un ve saksı koşullarında hıyar tohumlarının çimlen mesini belirli oranlarda engellemiştir
24 SUMMARY Studies on chemical control against certain damping- off aqents. Few years, due to increases in vegetable gardens, disease have increased as well, "Damping-off" is one of the most import disease as for as damaging goes. We have picked tomato and cucumbers as our subject because they consist of a big share in vegetable growing. In literature there are many given reasons that cause "damping-off". As a result of our own pathogenist tests it has been determined that Rhizoctonia spp. (isolated from tobacco, grass and evergreens), Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Pythium sp. and Fusarium culmorum are pathogens. We have experimented the effects of fungicide one by one on a group of cucumber seeds, which have not been pesticide, and have been treated with thiram and have come to the below conclusions on the effects of cucumber plants. 1. Where we have applied thiram, on to the seeds, it has been noticed that the fungicides have had a higher appearance rate then when it has not been applied. 2. where we applied Pythium sp. to see its effects on the plant we have determined that none of the fungicides had an effect. Though all the other fungicides have had a positive effect benomyl, mancozeb and thiram were the most effective ones. 3. when all the factors causing damping-off were together we saw that the fungicides all had a pretty similar effect. In the study done with Rhizoctonia spp. we have seen the same results as well, 4. while the fungicides did not have a great effect on sprouting cucumber seeds under laboratory conditions it had a slight effect on tomato seeds and cucumber seedlings growing in a pot.
24 SUMMARY Studies on chemical control against certain damping- off aqents. Few years, due to increases in vegetable gardens, disease have increased as well, "Damping-off" is one of the most import disease as for as damaging goes. We have picked tomato and cucumbers as our subject because they consist of a big share in vegetable growing. In literature there are many given reasons that cause "damping-off". As a result of our own pathogenist tests it has been determined that Rhizoctonia spp. (isolated from tobacco, grass and evergreens), Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Pythium sp. and Fusarium culmorum are pathogens. We have experimented the effects of fungicide one by one on a group of cucumber seeds, which have not been pesticide, and have been treated with thiram and have come to the below conclusions on the effects of cucumber plants. 1. Where we have applied thiram, on to the seeds, it has been noticed that the fungicides have had a higher appearance rate then when it has not been applied. 2. where we applied Pythium sp. to see its effects on the plant we have determined that none of the fungicides had an effect. Though all the other fungicides have had a positive effect benomyl, mancozeb and thiram were the most effective ones. 3. when all the factors causing damping-off were together we saw that the fungicides all had a pretty similar effect. In the study done with Rhizoctonia spp. we have seen the same results as well, 4. while the fungicides did not have a great effect on sprouting cucumber seeds under laboratory conditions it had a slight effect on tomato seeds and cucumber seedlings growing in a pot.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture