Kalsiyum ile bazı fluorescent pseudomonas izolatlarının domateslerde botrytis cinerea pers. 'ya etkisi üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET KALSİYUM İLE BAZI FLUORESCENT PSEUDOMONAS İZOLATLARININ DOMATESLERDE BOTRYTİS CİNEREA Pers. 'YA ETKİSİ ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR MIZRAKÇI Abdurrahman Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Doç. Dr. Figen YILDIZ Şubat 2000, 53 Sayfa Bu çaüşmada,sera domateslerinde Botrytis cinerea'mn neden olduğu kurşuni küf hastalığına karşı farklı kalsiyum kaynaklarının ve antagonistik mikroorganizmanın etkisi araştırılmıştır. Kalsiyum kaynaklan olarak CaH202, CaS04, Ca(N03)2, CaCfc ve yaprak gübresi olarak kullanılan CaO (Manvert- Kalsiyum, Calbit, Aminoqualent- CA) ve biyolojik kontrol ajanı olarak bir Fluorescent pseudomonas (144) izolan kullanılmıştır. in vitro testlerde PDA ve PDB besi yerlerine farklı kalsiyum tuzlan eklenerek B. dnered'taa. gelişimi üzerinde etkileri araştırılmıştır. CaH202 600 mg/ml dozunda B. cinerea gelişimini PDA'da % 20.50 ve PDB'de %91.50 oramnda azaltmıştır. Sera denemeleri bakla ve domates bitkileri ile yapılmıştır. Bakla bitkisinde kalsiyum tuzlarının 3 kez uygulaması en iyi etkiyi vermiştir. Bu denemede CaH202 % 0.5 dozunda %72.50 etki sağlamıştır. Bitkide dayanıklılık altıncı olan kalsiyum ve antagonistin birlikte uygulamalarında sırasıyla % 70.93 ve % 94.50 oranında hastalık şiddeti azaltılmıştır. CaH202 uygulamalan bütün denemelerde en iyi sonucu vermiştir. Anahtar kelimeler : Botrytis cinerea, Flucrescent Pseudomonas, antagonist, kalsiyum,
vn ABSTRACT STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM AND SOME FLUORESCENT PSEUDOMONAS ISOLATES TO BORYTİS CİNEREA Pers. ON TOMATO MIZRAKÇI Abdurrahman MSc in Plant Protection Advisor : Doç. Dr. Figen YILDIZ February 2000, 53 Pages This study was carried out to investigate the effects of different calcium sources, (CaH202, C3SO4, CaQ^O^, CaCI2 and CaO used as foliar fertilizers (Manvert-Kakryum, Calbit, Aminoqualent- Ca)) and an antagonistic microorganism Fluorescent Pseudomonas (144) on gray mould caused by Botrytis cinerea on tomato grown in greenhouse. In vitro tests, the effect of some calcium salts on the growth of B. cinerea was determined by adding calcium salts to PDA and PDB media. CaH202 at the dose of 600 mg/ml inhibited growth of B.cinerea by 20.50 % on PDA and 91.50 % PDB. The greenhouse tests were carried out on bean and tomato plants. The most effective results were obtained by the application of calcium salts three times on the bean plant. The effectiveness of CaH^ was found 72.5 % when used at the rate 0.5 % dose. The combination of calcium salts, increasing the resistance of plant, and antagonist was also applied which was found to decrease the disease severity by 70.93 % and 94.50 % on tomato and bean plants, respectively. The CaH202 treatment was found highly effective in all the experiments. Keywords: Botrytis cinerea, Fluorescent Pseudomonas, antagonist, Calcium
vn ABSTRACT STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM AND SOME FLUORESCENT PSEUDOMONAS ISOLATES TO BORYTİS CİNEREA Pers. ON TOMATO MIZRAKÇI Abdurrahman MSc in Plant Protection Advisor : Doç. Dr. Figen YILDIZ February 2000, 53 Pages This study was carried out to investigate the effects of different calcium sources, (CaH202, C3SO4, CaQ^O^, CaCI2 and CaO used as foliar fertilizers (Manvert-Kakryum, Calbit, Aminoqualent- Ca)) and an antagonistic microorganism Fluorescent Pseudomonas (144) on gray mould caused by Botrytis cinerea on tomato grown in greenhouse. In vitro tests, the effect of some calcium salts on the growth of B. cinerea was determined by adding calcium salts to PDA and PDB media. CaH202 at the dose of 600 mg/ml inhibited growth of B.cinerea by 20.50 % on PDA and 91.50 % PDB. The greenhouse tests were carried out on bean and tomato plants. The most effective results were obtained by the application of calcium salts three times on the bean plant. The effectiveness of CaH^ was found 72.5 % when used at the rate 0.5 % dose. The combination of calcium salts, increasing the resistance of plant, and antagonist was also applied which was found to decrease the disease severity by 70.93 % and 94.50 % on tomato and bean plants, respectively. The CaH202 treatment was found highly effective in all the experiments. Keywords: Botrytis cinerea, Fluorescent Pseudomonas, antagonist, Calcium
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Domates, Tomato, Fluorescent pseudomonas, Fluorescent pseudomonas, Kalsiyum, Calcium