Mesane tümörlerinde AgNOR dağılımının prognostik değeri

Küçük Resim Yok



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Mesane degisici epitel karsinomlannin biyolojfk davramsi degiskendir ve tiirnor derecesi ile paralellik gostermektedir. Hucresel proliferasyon tumorun biyolojik davramsini belirleyebilecek bir baska yontemdir. Bu gahsmada 45 mesane degi§ici epitel karsinomunda proliferasyonu degerlendirmek icin mitotik aktivite ve nukleoler organize edici bolgelerin gumu§le boyanmasi (AgNOR) yontemleri uygulandi. Bulgular Carbin ve arkada§lan ve Dunya Saglik Orgutu (WHO) sistemlerine gore yapilan tumor derecelendirilmesi ile karsilastirmah olarak degerlendirildi. Ayrica nuks eden (n="|0) ve niiks etmeyen (n= 13) olgulann proliferasyon indeksleri karsilastinldi. Carbin ve arkadaslantia gore yapilan derecelendirmede yuksek ve dusuk dereceli tumorler arasinda mitotik aktivite ve AgNOR degerleri agisindan anlamli fark saptandi. Bu durum derece II ile III arasindaki mitotik aktivite degerleri disinda WHO derecelendirmesi icin de gegerli idi. Nuks eden olgular ile nuks etmeyen olgulann farki mitotik aktivite agisindan anlamli (p= 0.002), ancak AgNOR degerleri agisindan anlamli degildi. Bu galismada, proliferatif indeks parametreleri (mitotik aktivite ve AgNOR) Carbin ve arkadaslarimn derecelendirme sistemi ile WHO derecelendirme sistemine gore daha uyumlu idi. AgNOR degerleri, histolojik dereceler ile iliskili fakat nuks olasiligini belirlemede yetersizdi.
The Prognostic Value Of AgNOR Distribution In Bladder Tumours- Transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder displays variable biological behaviour that correlates with the grade of the tumor. Cellular proliferation is a different measure of biological behaviour of a tumor. In this study, we compared mitotic activity and silver stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR) methods to assess proliferation in 45 transitional cell carcinoma cases of the urinary bladder. The results were compared to those predicted with tumor grades as determined by systems proposed by Carbin et al. and World Health Organisation (WHO). We also compared the proliferation indeces of the cases that showed relapses (n= 30) and that did not (n= 13). According to Carbin et al. grading system the difference between low grade tumors and high grade tumors in terms of mitotic activity and AgNQR values were significant. This finding was also valid for WHO grading system except mitotic activities between grades II and III. The difference between cases with or without relapses in terms of mitotic activity was significant (p- 0.002) whereas the difference in terms of AgNOR values in these groups remained insignificant. In this study, the correlation of the proliferative index parameters (mitotic activity and AgNOR) was higher with the grading system of Carbin et al. than that of the WHO grading system. The AgNOR values were related with histologic grades but were insufficient in predicting the probability of relapses.


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