Karşıyaka Orman Fidanlığı topraklarında pH değerinin düşürülmesi için uygun kükürt dozunun belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET KARŞIYAKA ORMAN FİDANLIĞI TOPRAKLARINDA pH DEĞERİNİN DÜŞÜRÜLMESİ İÇİN UYGUN KÜKÜRT DOZUNUN BELİRLENMESİ SEVİNÇ, Feray Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Toprak Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Nevin ERYÜCE Ekim 1999, 63 Sayfa Yapılan bu çalışmada, 16 hafta süren tarla denemesiyle alkalin reaksiyonlu Karşıyaka Orman Fidanlığı topraklarına artan dozlarda uygulanan kükürdün (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 kg da"1) organik maddeli ve organik maddesiz koşullarda toprak tepkimesinde, diğer kimi toprak özelliklerinde ve bitki besin maddesi içeriklerinde meydana getireceği değişimler incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, değişik oranlarda kükürt uygulaması ile 4 aylık süre sonunda toprak reaksiyonunda 0,5 - 0,9 birimlik düşmeler meydana gelmiş, bitki besin maddelerinden Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn ve KDK miktarlarının arttığı gözlenmiştir. Demir, Zn ve KDK miktarlarının kontrole göre artmakla birlikte kükürt dozları arasında fark göstermediği dikkat çekmektedir. Kireç ve K miktarları ise azalmış, ancak K değerlerinde kontrole göre diğer tüm kükürt dozları tek bir ayrı grupta yer almıştır.VI Yetiştirilecek bitkilerin isteklerine göre toprak reaksiyonunun kısa bir dönem için düşük kalması gerektiğinde 75 kg da"1 kükürt dozunun, pH'nın daha uzun dönem düşük kalmasını gerektiren koşullarda ise 150 kg da"] kükürt dozu uygulamasının önerilebileceği görüşüne varılmıştır. Daha düşük pH gerektiren koşullarda artan miktarda kükürt uygulamalarının incelenen parametrelerin arasındaki oranı bozmamasına dikkat edilmesi gerekmektedir. Anahtar sözcükler: Kükürt uygulaması, toprak pH'sı, bitki besin maddelerinin miktarları
vn ABSTRACT TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED SULPHUR DOSE IN ORDER TO DECREASE pH VALUE IN KARŞIYAKA NURSERY SOIL SEVİNÇ, Feray MSc thesis in, Soil Department Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Nevin ERYÜCE October 1999, 63 Pages In this study, which is a sixteen week long field experiment, sulphur is applied in increasing doses to the alkaline soils of Karşıyaka Nursery. The resulting changes in soil reaction (with and without organic matter conditions) and in other soil characteritics and in plant nutrient contents were examined. According to the result, the application of different rates of sulphur caused a decrease of 0,5 - 0,9 units in soil reaction at the end of a period of 4 months. The amounts of plant nutrients of Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn and CEC showed increase. The amounts of Fe, Zn and CEC have increased compare to the amounts of control plots. However it was noted that there were not any remarkable difference in the Fe, Zn and CEC amounts among the Sulphur dosage. The amount of lime and K has decreased but K has not showed any remarkable difference in related to increase Sulphur dosage. In order to decrease the soil reaction in short term, sulphur application of 75 kg da"1 and in the long term sulphur application of 150 kg da"1 give the best result according to the plant requirementsvın In the condition which require lower pH, when increasing Sulphur applications it should be taken into consideration to keep the balance among the plant nutritions. Key words: Sulphur application, soil pH, amount of plant nutrient.
vn ABSTRACT TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED SULPHUR DOSE IN ORDER TO DECREASE pH VALUE IN KARŞIYAKA NURSERY SOIL SEVİNÇ, Feray MSc thesis in, Soil Department Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Nevin ERYÜCE October 1999, 63 Pages In this study, which is a sixteen week long field experiment, sulphur is applied in increasing doses to the alkaline soils of Karşıyaka Nursery. The resulting changes in soil reaction (with and without organic matter conditions) and in other soil characteritics and in plant nutrient contents were examined. According to the result, the application of different rates of sulphur caused a decrease of 0,5 - 0,9 units in soil reaction at the end of a period of 4 months. The amounts of plant nutrients of Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn and CEC showed increase. The amounts of Fe, Zn and CEC have increased compare to the amounts of control plots. However it was noted that there were not any remarkable difference in the Fe, Zn and CEC amounts among the Sulphur dosage. The amount of lime and K has decreased but K has not showed any remarkable difference in related to increase Sulphur dosage. In order to decrease the soil reaction in short term, sulphur application of 75 kg da"1 and in the long term sulphur application of 150 kg da"1 give the best result according to the plant requirementsvın In the condition which require lower pH, when increasing Sulphur applications it should be taken into consideration to keep the balance among the plant nutritions. Key words: Sulphur application, soil pH, amount of plant nutrient.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Hidrojen iyon konsantrasyonu, Hydrogen-ion concentration, Karşıyaka Orman Fidanlığı, Karşıyaka Forest Nursery, Kükürt, Sulfur, Orman fidanları, Forest sapling, Toprak, Soil