İzmir'de konut inşaatlarında kullanılan çimento, tuğla ve kiremitlerde radyonüklid içeriğinin saptanması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET İzmir'de konut inşaatlarında kullanılan 15 ayrı tür çimento, 27 tuğla ve 7 kiremit örneğindeki % K, eU(Ra)(ppm) ve eTh (ppm )konsantrasyonlar ı, yüksek enerji gama spektrumlarının analizi ile hesaplandı. Sonuçlarda, katkılı portland çimentolarında katkı mad delerinin yüksek radyoaktivite içermesi nedeniyle eU(Ra) (ppm) konsantrasyonları ve traslı çimentolarda ise trasın volkanik kökenli oluşu sonucu eU(Ra) (ppm) ve eTh(ppm) konsantrasyonları ile birlikte Ra aktivite eq konsantrasyonları yüksek gözlendi. Tuğla ve kiremit örneklerinde ise konsantrasyonların hammaddelerin orjinlerine bağlı olarak değiştiği bulundu. Materyallerde çeşitli ülkelerde verilen aktivite sınırlamalarının aşılmadığı gözlendi. Ayrıca bu materyallerden kaynaklanabilecek yıllık doz oranları (mrem.y" ) tahminleri yapıldı. Sonuçlar lite ratürdeki değerlerle karşılaştırıldı
S UMMARY The natural activity concentrations of a variety of common materials used in building constructions in Izmir were determined by gamma spectrometry. eU(Ra), eTh and %K concentrations were measured in different brands of 27 brick, 15 cement and 7 tile samples. High values of eU(Ra) was observed in port land cements due to the high concentrations of additive agents in these type of cements. In cement samples with tras, eU(Ra), eTh and also Ra were found to be high since they are volcanic eq ° origin. Activities in brick and tile samples were observed in varying concentrations according to their origins. The activity concentrations in all of the samples were calculated to be under the activity limits given for bui lding materials in several countries. The dose rates in mrem.y from these materials were also estimated and compared with literature values.
S UMMARY The natural activity concentrations of a variety of common materials used in building constructions in Izmir were determined by gamma spectrometry. eU(Ra), eTh and %K concentrations were measured in different brands of 27 brick, 15 cement and 7 tile samples. High values of eU(Ra) was observed in port land cements due to the high concentrations of additive agents in these type of cements. In cement samples with tras, eU(Ra), eTh and also Ra were found to be high since they are volcanic eq ° origin. Activities in brick and tile samples were observed in varying concentrations according to their origins. The activity concentrations in all of the samples were calculated to be under the activity limits given for bui lding materials in several countries. The dose rates in mrem.y from these materials were also estimated and compared with literature values.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Kiremit, Tile, Radyoaktivite, Radioactivity, Tuğla, Brick, Çimento, Cement, İzmir, Izmir